Datumy a cas Flashcards
The meal
My jeme to jedlo
We eat the meal
Jeme maso
We eat meat
Mam tanier
I have a plate
Muzi jedia ryby
The men eat fish
On je to jedlo
He eats the food
On ma vajce
He has an egg
Nieje tu tanier
There is no plate here
Muz je pomaranc a sentvic
The man eats an orange and a sandwich
Mas minutu?
Do you have a minute?
Datum narodenia
Date of birth
Sme na javisku
We are on stage
Je piatok vecer
It is friday evening
Za chvilku
In a moment
Oni robia vecer jedlo
They make food in the evening
Nie, nemam to so sebou
No, i do not have it with me
Pocas jedla
During the meal
Do zajtra
Until tomorrow
Od marca do maja
From march until may
Dobru noc a do zajtra
Goog night and until tomorrow
Potrebujem trocha cukru
I need a bit of sugar
Mam rad jesen v brazilii
I like the fall in Brazil
Utorok je den v tyzdni
Tuesday is a day of the week
Ja chcem mat odpoved dnes
I want to have answear today
V mesiaci august
In the month of august
Co je dnes za den?
What day is today?
Kde si dnes v noci?
Where are you tonight?
Ja mam cas zajtra rano
I have time tomorrow morning
Kolko je hodin?
What time is it?
To som ja!
It is me!
Ja jem ich
I eat them
My im citame knihu
We read them a book
Citam ti tu knihu
I read you a book
Ona mu cita knihu
She reads him a book
V pondelok rano
On monday morning
Napis svoj vek
Write your age
Pocujem tu zenu
I hear the woman
We make him dinner
Robime mu veceru
On pocuva
He listens
Ukazujem ti
I show you
Hovorim ano
I say yes
Oni vyrabaju pivo
They make bear
Navrhni to
Design it
On miluje zvierata
He loves animals
Ktoreho je dnes?
What date is today?
Pracujem od maja do oktobra
I make from may to october
August je mesiac v roku
August is a month of the year
Teba vidim ale jeho nie
I see you but not him
Casovy usek
A period of time
Ta kosela je na leto
The shirt is for summer
Leto skoncilo
Summer is over
Jar je rocne obdobie
The spring is a season
Okamihy roku
The moments of the year
Dievca je na javisku
The girl is on stage
Datum narodenia
Date of birth
Sme na tej puti
We are at the fair
Je piatok vecer
It is friday evening
Jar je rocne obdobie
The spring is a season
Desatrociia a roky
Decades and yaers
To desatrocie je za nami
To desatrocie skoncilo
The decade is over
Januar az jun
January until june
On to robi druhykrat
He does it a second time
Kde je ten druhy muz?
Where is the second man?