Predbuduci cas Flashcards
Ona vezme nase jedlo
She will have taken our food
My najdeme viac v sobotu
We will have found more on saturday
My zavolame toho doktora
We will have called the doctor
On vezme nasu tasku
He will have taken our bag
Ja najdem svoje hodinky
I will have found my watch
On posle krabicu
He will have sent a box
Ona posle kvetiny
She will have sent flowers
My vam posleme vsetko v utorok
We will have sent you everithing by tuesday
My vytvorime obraz
We will have created a picture
Ty vytvoris jedalny listok
You will have created the menu
Ona sa rozhodne spat
She will have decided to sleep
My si vyberieme tento dom
We will have chosen this house
My zomrieme bez vasej pomoci
We will have died without your help
Ti chlapci sa vratia do zajtra
The boys will have returned by tomorrow
On posle krabicu
He will have sent a box