Predlozky Flashcards
O com je ta kniha?
What is the book about?
V marci prsi
It rains in march
Enough! ( enaf)
Ta stanica je zapadne od toho hotela
The station is to the west of the hotel
On je pre nou
He is in front of her
V kute
In a corner
Ta kniha je na vrchu
The book is on top
To je macka z tej farmy
It is a cat from the farm
On prichadza z toho hradu
He comes from the castle
To kino je napravo od tej restauracii
The cinema is to the right of the restaurant
Mam tvoje vydlicky na tanieri
I have your forks on the plate
Mam misku polievky
I have a bowl of soup
Na stole je chleb
There is bread on the table
List papiera
A sheet of paper
Co je to za prasok na tom ovoci?
What is the pawder on the fruit?
Pisem na biele listy papiera
I write on white sheets of paper
Tvoje vzdelanie je pre mna velmi dolezite
Your education is very important to me
Tie zeny su pred kniznicou
The women are in front of the library
Ja dnes pracujem do piatej
I work until five today
Prid ku mne domov o osmej
Come to my place at night
Ja rada spim vo svojej posteli
I like to sleep in my bed