Buduci čas Flashcards
On pride za chvilu
He will come in a moment
My budeme jest neskor
We will eat later
Zavolas mi dnes vecer?
Will you call me tonight?
Dnes vecer uvarim ryzu
I will cook rice tonight
My budeme varit tu ryzu na zajtra
We will cook the fish tomorrow
Ona mi zavola za pat minut
She will call me in five minutes
My budeme pokracovat spolu
We will continue together
Ja nebudem pit pivo do soboty
I will not drink beer until saturday
Dnes vecer budeme pit menej piva
Tonight we will drink less beer
Pojdem za tebou
I will follow you
We will finish eating
Ja budem cvicit kazdy den
I will exercise every day
Moja teta nedostane auto
My aunt will not get the car
My tam dojdeme za dve hodiny
We will get there in two hours
Pojdem autom
I will com by car
Ja to budem mat dnes
I will have it today
Zajtra budeme musiet pit viac vody
Tomorrow we will have to drink more water
To sa nestane
That will not happen
Ja neviem co sa stane
I do not know what will happen
Das mi dzus?
Will you give me juice?
Ja ti predstavim moju rodinu
I will introduce my family to you
Nikdy nevies co sa stane
You never know what will happen
O kolkej rano on zajtra pride?
At what time will he arrive tomorrow morning?
Moja mama bude musiet jest menej hovadzieho
My mother will have to eat less beef
Ja sa pozriem znovu
I will look again
On sa nauci francuzsky
He will learn french
I will leave tomorrow
Ja odidem zajtra
Dam ti vediet
I will let you know
Ja ta nikdy neopustim
I will never leave you
Tymto sposobom nestratis svoje kluce
This way you will not lose your keys
My budeme musiet odist
We will have to leave
Ja necham toho psa jest
I will let the dog eat
Budes mi chybat
I will miss you
Ja budem citat tamtu knihu
I will read that book
Kto bude platit teraz?
Who will pay now?
On zaplatil
He will pay
Precitame si to zajtra
We will read it tomorrow
Zmeskas ten vlak
You will miss the train
Ja to predam
I will sell it
Ja sa uzdravim
I will recover
My sa vratime
We will return
On sa vrati z prace o siedmej
He will return from work at seven
My predame tie topanky
We will sell the shoes
Oni si ma budu pamatat
They will remember me
Predas mu svoj dom?
Will you sell your house to him?
Ja nebudem plavat
I will not swim
Ja ti ukazem co robit
I will show you what to do
Zajtra budeme plavat
We will swim tomorrow
Ja pojdem spat
I will go zo sleep
Oni ostanu tu
They will stay here
Ja ta vezmem na letisko
I will take you to the airport
Tak my budeme sledovat Tv
So we will watch TV
Ja skusim cokolvek
I will try enything
Ja to skusim buduci tyzden
I will try it next week
Ja to premyslim
I will think it over
Ja pojdem s tebou
I will walk wit you
Pojdeme tymzo smerom
We will walk in that direction
Ja budem chciet viac mlieka
I will want more mikl
Oni sa ta nedotknu
They will not touch you
Ja ich pouzijem
I will use them
On napise knihu
He will write a book
Kedy sa zaregistrujes?
When will you register?
On sa prihlasil na hodiny varenia
He will register for the cooking class
Ako sa dostanem k tej informacii?
How will i access the ingormation?
On ti napise
He will write to you
Budem sa citit unavena
I will feel tired
Laska si najde cestu
Love will find a way
Moja mama nebude moct prist
My mother will not be able to come
On ti napise
He will vrite to you
Zavolas mi dnes vecer?
Will you call me tonight?
My sa vratime
We will return
Ja odidem zajtra
I will leave tomorrow
Ja pojdem spat
I will go to sleep
Moja matka nebude moct prist
My mother will not be able to come
On to sklo rozbije
He will break the glass
Vyberies vino?
Will you choice the wine?
On pride za chvilu
He will come in a moment
Nas zivot sa zmeni
Our life will change
Internet zmeni svet
The internet will change the world
Ona bude zajtra rano hovorit so svojim otcom
Tomorrow morning she will be speaking with her father
Ja budem tu
I will be here
Zavolas mi dnes vecer?
Will you call me tonight?
Moja teta nedostane auto
My aunt will not get a car
Ak si vezmes tento liek budes sa citit lepsie
If you take this medicine you will feel better
Pojdem ta tebou
I will follow you
My budeme nasledovat tvoj priklad
We will follow you example
Ja budem cvicit kazdy den
I will exercise each day
Tu knihu najdeme v kniznici
We will find the book in the library
Docitam ten list
I will finish reading this letter
Ja si zajtra najdem pracu
I will find a job tomorrow
We will finish eating
My tam dojdeme za dve hodiny
We will get there in two hours
Pojdem autom
I will go by car
Das mi dzus?
Will you give me juice?
Ja neviem co sa stane
I do not know what will happen
Zajtra budeme musiet pit viac vody
Tomorrow we will have to drink more water
Ja si steliem svoju postel
I will make my bed
My budeme musiet odist
We will have to leave
Ja necham jest toho psa
I will let the dog eat
Ony sa zapisu do skoly buduci mesiac
They will register for school next month
Pozriem sa do tej tasky
I will look into the bag
Ja uvidim svojho brata za dva dni
I will see my brother in two days
To je dobre, to si budem pamatat
That is good, i will remember it
Toto znizi svoju cenu
This will reduce its value
Ja sa uzdravim
I will recover
Ja to predam
I will sell it
My sa vratime
We will return
Ja ta vezmem do mesta
I will take you to the town
Zajtra budeme plavat
We will swim tomorrow
Ja budem podavat ryzu
I will serve the rice
Ja zostanem dnes vecer doma
I will stay at home tonight
Ja ich pouzijem
I will use them
On pride za chvilu
Ge will come in a moment
Ona mi zavola za 5 minut
She will call me in five minutes
On sa vrati z prace o siedmej
He will return from work at seven
Budeme musiet odist
We will have to leave
Kto bude platit tentokrat?
Who will pay this time?
Ja budem podavat ru ryzu
I will serve the rice
Tu knihu najdeme v tej kniznici
We will find the book in the library
Ako sa dodtanem k tej informacii?
How will i access in the information?
To ti nepomoze
That will not help you
Ja odidem zajtra
I will leave tomorrow
Vyberies vino?
Will you choice the wine?
Moja mama nebude moct prist
My mother will not be able to come
Das mi dzus?
Will you give me juice?
Ja neviem co sa stane
I do not know what will happen
Nikdy nevues co sa stane
We never know what will happen
On urobi polievku
He will make a soup
Kedy sa zaregistrujes?
When will you register?
Ja pojdem spat
I will go to sleep
Vezmem ta do mesta
I will take you to the town
Neviem ako dlho tu ostaneme
I dont know how long we will stay here
Ja skusim cokolvek
I will try anything
Kto im pomoze?
Who will help them?
Ja sa pozriem znovu
I will look again
Docitam ten dopis
I will finish reading this letter
Pozriem sa na neho
I will have a look at him