Predpritomny cas Flashcards
Stratil som svoj telefon
I have lost my phone
On poslal dva dopisy
He has send two letters
Ja si myslim ze ste mi poslali zlu objednavku
I think you have sent me the wrong order
Neopytal som sa na tvoje meno
I have not asked your name
Oni vyvinuli tuto studiu
They have developed that study
Moja babka mi poslala dve kosele
My grandmother has sent me two shirts
On nas vzal do zoo
He has taken us to the zoo
Zmenil som sa
I have changed
On sa zmenil
He has changed
Nikdy som sa s nou nestretol
I have never met her
Stretol som sa s nou vo francuzku
I have met her in france
Zatvoril dvere
He has closed the door
Ta restauracia teraz zavrela
That restaurant has now closed
Ja som to skusil
I have tried it
Nemyslim si ze si sa stretol s mojim otcom
I do not think that you have met my father
Toho toku vyrobili viac piva
They have produced more beer this year
Dokonca i on to skusil
Even he has tried
Ta oblast vyprodukovala vyborne vino
That region has produced excellent wine
Oni vystupovali v europe
They have performed in europe
Ona sa citila velmi dobre
She has felt very well
Ona ho nasledovala z namestia
She has followed him from the square
Ona pripravila obed
She has prepared lunch
On predstavil noveho sefa
He has introduced the new boss
Nikdy som jej nepredstavil svoje deti
I have never introduced her to my children
To je dobre ze sme sli do tej restavracie spolu
It is good that we have gone together to the restaurant
Ona pripravila obed
She has prepared lunch
Tvoj pes vyhral cenu
Your dog has won an award
Tie hodiny sa zastavili
The clock has stopped
Otvoril som tie dvere
I have oppened the door
Moja mama otvorila tvoj list
My mother has oppened your letter
My sme zili v kanade
We have lived in canada
Ona tam zila sedem rokov
She has lived there for seven years
Neobjednal som si vino
I have not ordered wine
Objednal som polievku pre vsetkych
I have ordered soup for everybody
Tie dopisy dorazili
The letters have arrived
Nikto neveri ze ona pricestovala vlakom
Nobody believes that she has arrived by train
Ja som neobjednal vino
I have not ordered wine
Chybal si mi
I have missed you
Zmeskal som svoj vlak
I have missed my train
Zmeskal som svoju veceru
I have missed my dinner
Vypil som trochu mlieka
I have drunk some milk
Nikdy som nepil pivo
I have never drunk beer
Povedal som par slov
I have seid a few words
Docitala som tuto knihu
I have finished this book
To najhorsie uz pominulo
The worst has passed already
Desat rokov uplynulo od tej doby co umrel
Ten years have passed since he died
Ja som dnes nepil vodu
I have not drunk water today
Urobil si nieco tento tyzden?
Have you dobe anything this week?
Ja som to uz urobil
I have already done it
Ja som dnes nejedol
I have not eaten today
My sme pili predne to iste
We have drunk exactly the same thing
Ten muz nikdy nezaplatil za obed
The man has never paid for lunch
Nikdy si nehovorila s mojou sestrou
You have never spoken with my sister
On nam nenapisal od februara
He has not written us since february
Kto mu to dal?
Who has given it to him?
Poznam tuto zenu dva roky
I have known this woman for two years
Toto leto neprsalo
It has not rained this summer
Nikdy som nepocul o tom hercovi
I have never heard about that actor
Kto mu to dal?
Who has given it to him?
Ja som zjedol jeden senvic
I have eaten one santwich
Ja som bol v kniznici
I have been in the library
Nikto som sa s nou nestretol
I have never met her
Ona stratila svoj telefon
She has lost her phone
Zacali to pred troma tyzdnami
It started three weeks ago
Stratil som svoj pas
I have lost my passport
Moja babicka mi poslala dve kosele
My grandmother has sent me two shirts
Vzal nas do zoo
He has taken us to the zoo
Ja myslim ze ste mi poslal zlu objednavku
I think you have sent me the wrong order
Ja si nemyslim ze to vzal
I do not think that he has taken it
On sa zmenil
He has changed
Dokonca aj on to skusil
Even he has tried