Rodina Flashcards
Som jej manzel
I am her husband
Mas surodenca?
Do you have siblings?
V praci
At work
Su tvoji rodicia doktori?
Are your parents doctors?
Moj stryko je.v praci,
My uncle is at work
Ja som ten druhy doktor
I am the second doctor
Ake je tvoje manzelstvo?
How is your marriage?
Manzel ti pise
The husband writes you
Prosim povedz nam o svojej rodine
Please tell us about your family
Zena mojho stryka je moja teta
The wife of my uncle is my aunt
Dakujem za vas
Thank you for evenyou
Ja ho poznam podla mena
A know him by name
Moji bratia maju radi pivo
My brothers like beer
Tie deti citaju s rodicmi
The children read with the parents
Tie saty ktore ona chce su cervene
The dress that she wants is red
Vy ste jej dcery
You are her daughters
Ma bratov?
Does he has brothers?
Matky maju radi svoje deti
Mothers love their children
Moja sestra ma mna rada
My sister loves me
My mame macku koli nasim rodicom
We have a cat because of our parents
On ide s mojou sestrou
He walks with my sister
Nase manzelky siju saty
Our wives make dresses
Zena mojho stryka je moja teta
The wife of my uncle is my aunt
Chod von a hraj sa so svojim bratom
Go out and play with your brother
Ona je umelkyna ako jej matka
She is an artist like her mother
Kto su vasi rodicia?
Who are your parents?
Ich dcery
Their daughters
On je s jeho otcom
He is with his father
On a moj otec su bratia
He and my father are brothers
Ony su manzelky
Their are wives
Ona nema sestru
She does not have a sister
Kto je v nasej rodine?
Who is in our family?
Poznam tvojho otca
I know your dad
To dieta ma rado svoju matku
The child likes his mother
Jeho zena pije mleko
His wife drinks milk
Ma tvoj kon meno?
Does your horse have a neme?
Chod von a hraj sa so svojim bratom
Ho out and play with your brother
Vy ste nase manzelky
You are our wives
On je jeho syn?
Is he his son?
Ma bratov?
Does he have brothers?
On nema matku
He does not have a mother
Bez k svojim rodicom!
Run to your parents!
Sestry nemaju bratov
The sisters do not have brothers
Ten pes je tvoj
The dog is yours