Predpritomny cas Flashcards
Zmeskal som svoj vlak
I have missed my train
Chybal si mi
I have missed you
Dopili sme kavu
We have finished the coffee
Ona to predpokladala
She has assumed it
Oni to nedovolili
They have not allowed it
Kto to dovolil?
Who allowed it?
Nikdy som nepil pivo
I have never drunk the beer
Poznam tuto zenu dva roky
I have known this woman for two years
Ja som to predpokladala
I assumed it
My sme pili presne to iste
We have drunk exactly the same thing
Oni hovorili ze on je velmi bohaty
They have said that he is very rich
My sme mali priblemy v tychto oblastiach
We have had priblems in these areas
Moja zena mi povedala vsetko
My wife has told me everything
Ja som precitala vsetky jej knihy
I have read all of her books
On nikdy nevaril hovadzie
He has never cooked beef
My sme nezaplatili za to kura
We have not paid for the chicken
Prisiel som sa s tebou porozpravat
I have come to speak with you
Zmeskal som svoju veceru
I have missed my dinner
Pripravila tu postel
She has prepared the bed
Docitala som tu knihu
I have finished this book
Jeho predosly dom bol velky
His previous house was big
Ona mi nepovedala svoje meno
She has not told me her name
Moja matka otvorila tvoj list
My mother has opened your letter
Nikdy som sa necitil taky stastny
I have never felt this happy
Tie hodiny sa zastavili
The clock has stopped
Moja matka hovorila s tym ucitelom
My mother has spoken to the teacher
Urobil si nieco tento tyzden?
Have you done anything this week
Ver mi ja som to skusil
Believe me i have tried it
Moja babicka mi poslala dve kosele
My grandmother has sent me two shirts
Ona opustila jej dom
She has left her house
Ja som ich nechcel
I have not wanted them
Toho roku prsalo menej
It has rained less this year
Vyvinuli ten typ papiera
They have developed thet type of paper
Zredukovali sme ten zoznam na sest
We have reduced the list to six
Oni to nedovolili
They have not allowed it