Predpritomny cas Flashcards
Zmeskal som svoj vlak
I have missed my train
Chybal si mi
I have missed you
Dopili sme kavu
We have finished the coffee
Ona to predpokladala
She has assumed it
Oni to nedovolili
They have not allowed it
Kto to dovolil?
Who allowed it?
Nikdy som nepil pivo
I have never drunk the beer
Poznam tuto zenu dva roky
I have known this woman for two years
Ja som to predpokladala
I assumed it
My sme pili presne to iste
We have drunk exactly the same thing
Oni hovorili ze on je velmi bohaty
They have said that he is very rich
My sme mali priblemy v tychto oblastiach
We have had priblems in these areas
Moja zena mi povedala vsetko
My wife has told me everything
Ja som precitala vsetky jej knihy
I have read all of her books
On nikdy nevaril hovadzie
He has never cooked beef