Z332 midterm 2 Flashcards
membrane permeability due to
number and type of channels that are open
gated channels
let specific ions through in respone to stimulus; change permeability to that ion, chages membrane potential
changing signal from one form to another ; converstion of a signal into a change of potential in a sensory neuron
at/near body surface, signals outside body
signals inside body
skeletal muscles, tendons, joints, ligaments, connective tissues
electromagnetic energy receptors
photoreceptors, electroreceptors, magnetoreceptors
rods and cons
rods: gray scale
cones: red, gree, blue
transduction of specific color info…
activation of different receptor combinations which are then interpreted as the color in the visual association cortex of the cerebrum
photoreception elctromagnetic to chemical messenger
photon collides with cis retinal –> trans retinal
photoreception chemical signal –> change in membrane potential
trans retinal activates enzyme that effects membrane potential
opsin + retinal
olfaction, gustatory, vomerolfaction
odorant molecule binds to receptor portein that causes chemical cascade. causes change in membrane potential.
several chemical signlas transduced into change in potential
hair cells (vestibular - acceleration, cochlear organs - sound waves)
mechanial energy transduction
acceleration imposed on hair cell, kinocilium shif causes mechanically gated ion channels to open and change in potential
relative positon of body parts (mechanoreception)
muscle stretch transduced into
change in membrane potential
touch, vibration, pressure sensations of skin
meissner, merkel, hair root plexus, pacinian, ruffini
sensory receptor adaptation
reduction in amplitude of graded potentail of sensory receptor during maintained, constant stimulus
rapid adaptation
registers chaange in stimulus
meissner, hair root plexus, pacinian
slow adaptation
monitor stimulus, sustained response (pain, tension, chemical comp of blood)
merkel disc, ruffini
respond to noxious or painful stimuli, free nerve ending
chemical: cytokines released from damaged tissue
thermal: increaes frequency of nerve impulses in resposne to cold,
chemoreceptors that respond to osmotic pressure of body fluids (in hypothalamus)
mechanical receptors that sense blood pressure
graded potential
localized, dendrites an cell bodies, decremental ,short lived, no refractory period
excitatory postsynaptic potential
results in depolarization
inhibitory postsynaptic potential
results in hyperpolarization
graded potentiall vary in amplitude
polarity (depolarization/hyperpolarization) depends on
which ions move (depends on receptor/channel)
Cl in and/or K out = hyperpolarization/inhibitory
Na and/or Ca in = depolarization/excitatory
intensity depends on
strenth of stimulus (# of open channels, time channels are open)
summation (spatail or temporal)
spatial summation
summing of postsynaptic potential that occur at different locations at same time
make bigger or cancle eachother out
temporal summation
summing of postsynaptic potential that occur at different times in same location
more time channels are open = greater stimulus strength
more ions come in, increase amp of signal synaptic transmission, increase probabilty another stimulus will occur
action potentail threshold
graded potentail last
~10-20 sec
3 states of voltage gated Na channels
closed, open, inactivated
states of K channels
closed or open
for replarization, voltage gated Na channels are
most important info (vision, balance, motor) carries by
lare diameter myelinated axons
chronic inflammatory demyelianting polyneuropathy
tingling and numbness, weakness of arms and legs, loss of deep tendon reflexes, abnormal sensations
chemical synapse steps
action potential arrives at terminal
voltage gated Ca channels open and Ca enters axon terminal
Ca entry causes synaptic vesicles to release NT
NT diffuses across synaptic cleft and binds to specific receptors on postsynaptic membrane
binding of NT opens ion channels resulting in membrane potential
NT effects termianted by reuptake, enzymatic degradation, or diffuse away
synaptic delay time
increase likelihood of action potential
decrease likelihood of action potential
types of neurotransmitter receptors
channel linked (ionotropic)
G-protein linked (metabotropic)
channel linked receptors (ionotropic)
ligand binds to channel subunit, changes its shape
excitatory receptors : cation channels (Na most for depolarization)
inhibitory receptors: anion channels or K channels; hyperpolarization
G-protein linked receptors (metabotopic)
2nd messenger system
tend to bring about widespread metabolic changes
slower, prolonges
indirect action
substances that inhibit a process
substances that enhance a process
NT classified as
excitatory (depolarize) or inhibitory (hyperpolarize)
some can be both, effect of NT is determined by receptor
released by somatic motor neurons and some ANS neurons
cholinergic synapses
excitatory amino acid NT, mot important in brain
excitatory NT
mostly PNS- spinal cord, ganglia, motor neurons
antagonist of glycine (1904 olympics)
Gamma AminoButyric Acid (GABA)
inhibitory NT
muscle tone, reduces anxiety
monoamine, catecholamines, biogenic amine
awaking from sleep, dreaming, reg. moods
memories of single events, adrenergic synapses
dopamine (DA)
emotional responses, reward, addictive behavior and pleasurable experiences
inhibitory effects aid precise motor control
Parkinson’s disease - damaged neurons that produce DA
cocaine inhibits reuptake –> high
hypothesized to be due to dopamine overactivity
cocaine and methamphetamines…
can cause psychosis and antipsychotic drugs act to block DA activity
Positrom emission tomography (PET)
radio labeled tracer with metabolic property injected into blood stream. radiation detector can see where labeled molecules accumulate.
Role in moods and attention; SSRIs = slective sertotonin reuptake inhibitors; activity blockedby LSD, enhancedby ecstacy
nitric oxide
neurotransmitter; viagra, too unstable to be stored, produced on demand by enzymatic reaction, vasodilation, lipid soluble –> diffusion, second messegner with cells
endorphins: natural opiates, reduce perception of pain under stressful siuations
drug affects on synaptic transmission
stimulates release of AGO; inhibits release of ANT; stimulates AGO receptors, blocks ANT receptors; blocks AGO reuptake, inactivates AGO
integration center
collection of neurons tht coordinates particular function
neuronal pool
function group of neurons
patterns of synaptic connections
serial processing
ex: spinal relexes: chain of neurons
parallel processing
input segregated into many pathways; one stimulus can promote many responses
diverging circuit
one input, many outputs; signal amplification
converging circuit
many inputs one output; effective inhibition or stimulus; concentrating circuit
reverberating circuit
signal travels through a chain of neurons, each feeding back to previous neurons, oscillating circuit; breathing , muscular coordination, waking up, short term memory; rhythmic activity, prolonged output
parallel after discharge curcuit
production of multiple IPSPs and EPSPs; signal stimulates neurons arranged in parallel arrays that eventually converge on a single output cell, impulses reach output cell at different times causing burst of impulses after discharge, prolonged output
recurrent seizures; durgs include antagonists of voltage gated sodum channels and agonists of GABA receptors, allow Cl into cell
4 classifications of reflexes
early development: innate, acquired ; type of motor response: somatic, visceral ; site of info integration: spinal or cranial ; complexity of neural circuit
innate reflexes
born, basic neural reflexes, formed before birth
acquired reflexes
learned, rapid automatic, learned motor patterns
somatic reflexes
involuntary control of nervous system; superficial relfexes of skin, mucous membranes, stretch reflexes
visceral reflexes
autonomic reflexes, control systems other than muscular system; effectors: glands, smooth muscle, cardiac muscle
monosynaptic stretch reflex
1 afferent, 1 synapse, 1 efferent, simplest and fastest
gamma efferents
control sensitivity of muscle spindle by keeping tension on intrafusal fibers
crossed extensor reflexes
contralateral reflex arc, coordinated with flexor reflex
first order neuron
conduct impulses from somatic receptors to spinal cord or brain stem
second order receptors
conduct imulses from spinal cord and brain stem to thalamus (decussate - crossover oppositeside of body, usualy at medulla)
third order neuron
conduct impulses from thalamus to primary somatosensory area of cortex
4 major somatosensory pathways
posterior column-lateral lemniscus pathway; spinothalamic tracts (anteror lateral); spinocerebellar (unconcious), trigeminothalamic
motor and descending efferent pathways
pyramidal tracts - lateral and anterior corticospinal tract
sensory and ascending afferent pathways
dorsal colmn medial lemniscus system - gracile fasciculus and cuneate fasciculus
posterior colmn-medial lemniscus pathway
somatic sensory, nerve impulses from: touch, pressure, proprioception, vibration; in limbs and trunk; lowe limbs and trunk : gracile fasciculus, upper: cuneate fasciculus; 1st 2nd and3rd order neurons
anterolateral (spinothalamic) pathway
nerve impulses from: pain, cold, warmth, itch; in libs, trunk, neck, and back of head; pathway: 1st order to posterior horn of spinal cord, 2nd order crossover in spinal cord; ascends via spinothalamic tract of thalamus, 3rd order to cortex
local circuit neurons
interneurons receive input from proprioceptors, maintain rhythmic activity andrefelxes without input form cerebrum; ex: cat still walks without brain
direct somatic motor pathways
lateral corticospinal pathway: digital, precise, skilled movements; anterior : trunk and proximal parts of limbs
direct somatic motor pathways
descend from brain to spinal cord w/o snyapsing; lateral and anterior corticospinal
delta waves in awake adult =
brain damage
clinically defined on continuum: altertness, drowsiness/lethargy/ stupor, coma; involes large areas of cerebral cortex acting simultaneously
loss of consciousness
fainting : brief, restricted blood flow to brain; coma: prolonges, oxygen use below normal, drain damage, tumors, infections , drugs ,etc
state of partial unconciousness from which a person can be aroused, brain function continue
carcadian rhythm
sleep/awake cycles, controlledby hypothalamus
stages of sleep
awake: alpha and beta; REM: theta and beta, body paralysis, dreaming, 20-30 mins; stage 1: theta, transition phase, 15 mins. stage 2: theta and k complexes ( short bursts of neural activity), 15 mins; stage 3: 20-50% delta, stage 4: >50% delta
most slow wave deep sleep occurs
in first half of night
during REM
brain activity increases, slowed heart rate and ventilation rate, vaginal secretion and penile erection, dreaming occurs
sudden lapse into REM sleep, triggered by pleasurable event; also have cataplexy (loss of voluntary muscle control), orexins (wake up chemicals) destroyed
inability to get sufficient sleep, deficiency of orexins
memory consolidation =
reinforcement due to frquent retreval of info
influences transfer from STM to LTM
emotional state: alert and motivated, traumatic events; rehearsal, association, automatic memory: not all long term memories consciously formed
declarative memory
facts, assiciated with contex in LTM
nondeclarative memory
less consious/unconsious learning, acquired through experience, procedural, motor, emotional
declarative memory circuits
temporal lobe areas important, ACh primes brain for memory formation, alzheimers = reduced ACh
anterograde amnesia
consolidated memories retained, new inputs lost, can still learn new skills (procedural)
retrograde amnesia
loss of memories from past
procedural memory circuits
basal nuclei are important, dopamine is necessary (parkinson’s interferes with procedural memory)
long term potentiation
persistent strengthening of synaptic connections, essential for memory formation, binding of glutamate, results in Ca influx into postsynaptic cell