WWYD Flashcards
Generic - WWYD - Operational
- Safety is our number 1 priority and we are going to find a way to work together to achieve the safest possible solution. CRM: This is not a normal situation I need to find out if everything is ok with ____(Capt, FO(hat)FA) and find out what I can do to help.
- Fact FORDEC – QUESTIONS, gather data
a. Policy? - Look at it from the other person point of View
a. i.e. if it was your family on the flight what would you want done?
b. Give the benefit of the doubt
4.Solve IT OR OFFER SOLUTIONS (Operational or Conflict)
a. Can I solve it
b. Operational
Announce/Aviate/Nav/Comm – Transfer
ii.Involve Crew/take care of crew –
iii. Company Resource (Atl Radio)
F/O, Capt. Jumpseater, non rev, Lead/CC, Pro Stand, On duty Pilot MX, Dispatchers, Crew Control, Meteorologist, Gate Agent, Red Coat, Ramp Sup., Security, LEO’s, Deltas employee assistance
iv. Empathy
1. Talk to CC
2. PA – return to gate due to Amdin. duties
Generic - WWYD - Conflict
- Safety is our number 1 priority and we are going to find a way to work together to achieve the safest possible solution. CRM: This is not a normal situation I need to find out if everything is ok with ____(Capt, FO(hat)FA) and find out what I can do to help.
- Fact FORDEC – QUESTIONS, gather data
a. Policy? - Look at it from the other person point of View
a. i.e. if it was your family on the flight what would you want done?
b. Give the benefit of the doubt
i. Calm
ii. When to debrief
1. Safety related: NOW
2. Non Safety: Later
a. _____ Is everything Ok? Something wrong? (Capt) why
b. If you saw another ______(Pilot) doing the same what would you think
c. Do you think its worth it to ruin our reputation or to lower passenger experience and safety
d. _____(Capt) lets try to avoid going to the office on our day off
e. I’m feeling Concerned
f. I’m uncomfortable
g. This is not safe
iii. Keep problem at our Level
5. Actions I will Take/ Discuss Consequences
Taking controls
Verbal Commands Resources Non-Verbal Touching controls
- Follow up: talk to them again
a. With Crew
b. With Pax – Ladies and Gentleman from the FD this is your FO speaking due to ______(AD duties) we need to ______(back to stand) we apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience. Delta is aware of the situation and a team will meet us to assist you and take care of any of your concerns.
c. Individual I had conflict
-Capt wants to take off into TS(WSHR), Land in TS(WSHR), Fly thru TS(WSHR) low on fuel
o Safety and we need find a way to work together –
o Do Not Takeoff
• This is not normal behavior 2 options either he/she has made does not understand or safety
• Solve on my level – cont
• Unable to solve – escalate to next level
• Able to taxi back to the gate w/ ATC + Company
• Remove yourself from the FD
• Able to solve/avoid storm
• Take Controls
- Capt Pulls CB during engine start/taxi out
o Safety –
o Do Not Takeoff
• his is not normal behavior 2 options either he/she has made does not understand or safety
• Solve on my level – cont
• Unable to solve – escalate to next level
• Able to taxi back to the gate w/ ATC + Company
• Remove yourself from the FD
- Braking action reported as poor by previous to aircraft landing you have 4 min of Holdover time left
o Safety –
o Do Not Takeoff
• his is not normal behavior 2 options either he/she has made does not understand or safety
• Solve on my level – cont
• Unable to solve – escalate to next level
• Able to taxi back to the gate w/ ATC + Company
• Remove yourself from the FD
- Your capt has lined up on the wrong runway
o Safety –
o Do Not Takeoff
• his is not normal behavior 2 options either he/she has made does not understand or safety
• Solve on my level – cont
• Unable to solve – escalate to next level
• Able to taxi back to the gate w/ ATC + Company
• Remove yourself from the FD
- Capt is flying fast/unstable/pulling power at 50’ to land in TDZE
o Safety - GA, or landing
• his is not normal behavior 2 options either he/she has made does not understand or safety
• Solve on my level on Ground – cont
• Unable to solve on ground – escalate to next level
• Able to solve - GA
• Unable to Solve Take Controls - What I want is the safest course of action if we GA it has to be safe, If we land it has to be safe, will the capt(he/she) fight me on the control
- Capt is high and fast, crossing restriction will not be made, not following ATC(vague)
o ATC relief
o his is not normal behavior 2 options either he/she has made does not understand or safety
• Solve on my level – cont
• Unable to solve – take controls
- at min.s not contact capt continues
o not normal behavior 2 options either he/she has made does not understand or safety
• Solve on my level – cont
• Unable to solve – escalate to next level
• Able to solve/GA
• Take Controls What I want is the safest course of action if we GA it has to be safe, If we land it has to be safe, will the capt(he/she) fight me on the control
- Capt wants to take off before 2 min warm up
o Safety - Do Not Takeoff
o not normal behavior 2 options either he/she has made does not understand or safety
• Solve on my level – cont
• Unable to solve – escalate to next level
• Able to taxi back to the gate w/ ATC + Company
• Remove yourself from the FD
- Capt is going thru divorce and is making mistakes/angry with everyone on ground and in flight
o Safety Do Not Takeoff
o not normal behavior 2 options either he/she has made does not understand or safety
• Solve on my level – cont
• Unable to solve – escalate to next level
• Remove yourself from the FD
- FA are ignoring you during briefing
o Handled privately
o not normal behavior 2 options either he/she has made does not understand or safety
• Solve on my level – cont
• Unable to solve – escalate to next level
- Capt wants you to do the checklist from memory
o Do the checklist,
o Do Not Takeoff
o not normal behavior 2 options either he/she has made does not understand or safety
• Solve on my level – cont
• Unable to solve – escalate to next level
• Able to taxi back to the gate w/ ATC + Company
• Remove yourself from the FD
- Fo keeps doing your task
- 2 options either he/she is trying help or doesn’t know his job
- Solve on my level – cont
- Unable to solve – escalate to next level (Area of Resp during Emer)
- Able to taxi back to the gate w/ ATC + Company
- Remove yourself from the FD
- Capt doesn’t want to follow COMPANY RULES (noise abetment, taking extra fuel, flying slow, nap, Ipad/book in cruise, making you late
o Safety
o not normal behavior 2 options either he/she has made does not understand or safety
• Solve on my level – cont
• Unable to solve – escalate to next level
• Take Controls What I want is the safest course of action if we GA it has to be safe, If we land it has to be safe, will the capt(he/she) fight me on the control
- FO is looking sloppy, wont wear his hat
o Handled privately
o not normal behavior 2 options either he/she has made does not understand or safety
• Solve on my level – cont
• Unable to solve – escalate to next level
- Capt doesn’t like you because ____________(civilian only), you can NOT get along with the capt, Capt is making rude comments towards you infront of other crew
o not normal behavior 2 options either he/she has made does not understand or safety
• Solve on my level – cont
• Unable to solve – escalate to next level
- Capt/FO keeps asking about your personal life
o 2 options either he/she is trying to be engaging or is crossing a level
• Solve on my level – cont
• Unable to solve – escalate to next level
- You ask FO to help clean and he refuses
o Handled privately
o not normal behavior 2 options either he/she has made does not understand or safety
• Solve on my level – cont
• Unable to solve – escalate to next level
- Lead FA says other FA are not working at the back, now aft FA say Lead is being bossy
o Safely operate and a Find a way to get along
o Handled privately
o not normal behavior 2 options either he/she has made does not understand or safety
• Solve on my level – cont
• Unable to solve – escalate to next level
- FA is stealing booze
o Safety - To follow the company rules
o Handled privately
o not normal behavior 2 options either he/she has made does not understand or safety
• Solve on my level – cont
• Unable to solve – escalate to next level
- FA are late to the plane. They are hungry and tired don’t want to board. Gate agent wants to board now.
o Handled privately
o not normal behavior 2 options either he/she has made does not understand or safety
• Solve on my level – cont
• Unable to solve – escalate to next level
- Crew throwing fit in public, at the hotel departure
o Handle ourselves professionally – our job is safely transports
o Handled privately
o not normal behavior 2 options either he/she has made does not understand or safety
• Solve on my level – cont
• Unable to solve – escalate to next level
- Muslim pax are in the back making others feel uncomfortable, In cruise a bunch of pax are acting suspicious (operational)
o Safely operate and a Find a way to get along
o 2 options Threat or not a Threat– What’s the policy
• involve/support crew
• resources
- CC (why, keep an eye and update, ABP), FO(dispatch, Sec, POD), Gate Agent Red coat,
- Upgrade PAX, move the PAx that complained to, Talk to complainer in jet bridge with team
- CC says there is a bunch of drunk pax/drunk pax in first class red coat says they are fine (operational)
o Safely operate and a Find a way to get along
o 2 options – Threat or not a threat drunk or not
• involve/support crew
• resources
- CC (why, keep an eye and update, ABP), FO(dispatch, Sec, POD), Gate Agent Red coat,
o Upgrade PAX, move the CC that complained to, Talk to Pax in jet bridge with team , Offload CC
- In line to de-ice and it is going to take another hour, pax want off the plane (operational)
o Safely operate and a Find a way to get along
o 2 options – What’s the policy, unruly or not
• involve/support crew
• resources
o PA, FO(Ramp, Dispatch, POD, SEC) CC – ask them to try to mitigate
• Have the Lead talk to them, have another crew
• Comp the pax – drink, upgrade
• Make another PA apologizing and that it will be quicker to deice and cont vs going back to the stand
- Capt is reported to be drinking before the flight and you are at hotel/van/airport/airplane
o Safety – Do Not Takeoff
- Pax says he/she saw you serve alcohol to FD, saw crew drinking (operational)
o Safety – Do Not Takeoff
- During walk around you see Nav light is out, Capt says we can fix it back at base
o Safety – Do Not Takeoff
o not normal behavior 2 options required or not either he/she has made does not understand or safety
• Solve on my level – cont
• Unable to solve – escalate to next level
- Overhead light is out and Mx says you can go
o Safety – Do Not Takeoff
o not normal behavior 2 options fix or not fix either he/she has made does not understand or safety
• Solve on my level – cont
• Unable to solve – escalate to next level
- Mx delay of 45 min, pax are angry(operational issue)
o Safely operate and a Find a way to get along
o 2 options – What’s the policy unruly or not
• involve/support crew
• resources
o PA, FO(Dispatch, POD, Sec), CC (mitigate), Gate agent/red coat to come down
• Have the Lead talk to them, have another crew
• Comp the pax – drink, upgrade
• Make another PA apologizing and that it is for safety
• Talk to pax in jetbridge
FA calls you regarding suspicious
activity in the back of the plane
DON’T FORGET AANC – hand over the controls and than deal with everything
Safely operate and a Find a way to get along
o 2 options – Threat or not
• involve/support crew
• resources
- CC (why, keep an eye and update, ABP), FO(dispatch, Sec, POD), Gate Agent Red coat,
o Upgrade PAX, move the CC that complained to, Talk to Pax in jet bridge with team , Offload CC
- 10,000 FA heard a loud noise but everything in FD is normal
DON’T FORGET AANC – hand over the controls and than deal with everything
o Take safest course of action
o Closest suitable airport with Delta Reps.
- You have engine limit/surge/ Stall
DON’T FORGET AANC – hand over the controls and than deal with everything
o Take safest course of action
- Dispatch says you have a bomb threat
DON’T FORGET AANC – hand over the controls and than deal with everything
o Take safest course of action
- Dispatch tells you security threat on board
DON’T FORGET AANC – hand over the controls and than deal with everything
o Take safest course of action
- Explain your approach briefing considerations. You are at altitude landing at an airfield in mountainous terrain. There are multiple terrain hazards and the airport is accepting simultaneous approaches to multiple parallel and intercepting runways. Weather as near cat I ILS mins and extends to FL240.
o Take safest course of action
o EGPWS, TCAS, CAT1,2 if possible, GA, Alt(review briefing)
- You are commencing your enroute descent to the destination and the weather is reported to be worse than forecast. It is now 200 & 1/2 and best approach is a CAT 1 ILS. Clouds are TCU in the vicinity and reports of an 8kt tailwind at the single runway. Reports of standing water on the 7000′ runway. You realize your fuel will be less than required and you will be burning into your reserve fuel if you commenced the approach at the destination and diverted to your alternate
o Take safest course of action
- FA is not rested before the flight, during the flight –
o Take safest course of action
o 2 options – she is fit or not fit
• solve on my level
• escalate
- Pax reports her dog/bag has not been loaded(operational)
o 2 options – Policy, dog and pax goes or doesn’t go
• involve/support crew
• resources
o FO(dispatch, POD), gate agent/red coat, mx, Ramp, sec
o Talk to Pax in JetBridge
- 20 meals short and you have to wait 45 min(operational)
o 2 options – Policy, go with or without the meals
• involve/support crew
• resources
- PA, FO(Catering, dispatch, POD) CC(double check the meals and catering receipt and how many pax on board), gate agent, red coat , ramp sup, sec o Take from another plane o Passenger compensation o Order food on board • Safety – no food - div
- Pax has to many bags/overhead is full(operational)
o 2 options – Policy, bag stays on or gate check
• involve/support crew
• resources
- Fo, (Dispatch, POD) CC(Privately, combine bags), gate agent, red coat, ramp sup, secu.
- Upon reaching the plane its dirty(operationa)
• involve/support crew
• resources
o Pilots, CC, POD, Dispatch, gate Agent, Red Coat
- Pax suspects human trafficking on ground, in the air(operational)
o 2 options – Policy, trafficking or not
• involve/support crew
• resources
o I’m going to get on the phone with Human Trafficking hotline
o FO – call dispatch, chief and security and advise of possible situation
o CC – gather all information they can possible so I can pass the information on
o Gate Agent/ Red coat involved and see what they can determine
o Security – give them a brief of the info we have and suggest not to alert the suspect by taking groups of people
o If we continue the flight than inform dispatch, Chief pilot, security, and Hotline where we are going and our ETA. Keep gathering info during flight, and find out the plan of action once landing. I suggest having authorities standing by to talk to the suspect after landing
- Divert to an airport without customs/some reason not to get off plane, no food, water, toilets are full
o Assuming I ended up here because I did not have a choice
• Also that the company of the situation
o 1 options – Policy get them off the plane, food, water, toilet
• involve/support crew
• resources
- Options
o PA – Apologize to the pax (same time w/ FO)
o Ask Everyone there suggestions and than tell …….
o I’m going to call Tower CBP and call them for ETA and ask them what are options are
o F/O – Dispatch/ Crew Control/POD/Chief – API + inform CBP, new paper work, fuel, Duty Times, keep us posted on the latest information. If we will continue the flight, stay here, or a new crew will come
o CC – Lead tot make PA, Crew to Reassure the pax and check on the pax well being check the supplies of food and water, check lavs again to see if we use, if anyone has an emergency let them use the toilet knowing in wont flush
o Mx – how to tech log signed / exemption
o Gate Agent/Airport staff from another company, get us a jetbridge, lav service, food and water, stairs and busses
o Airport Security/ CBP
• Everyone Enter Secure Area and wait
• Enter in groups
o Other Options
• Order Food
• Order port a potties
• Get back on the phone with CBP/Airport/Company until we find a solution
- Diverting and dest. Has natural disaster
- Options
o A/A/N/C
o Ask Everyone there suggestions and than tell …….
o F/O – flying
o Lead – give info ask her to make a PA after I make mine
o Dispatch/ Crew control/POD/Chief – ask them for any all information, Duty times, new paperwork, fuel if they would possible to cont after diversion, make sure the passenger will be accepting by Delta or another company, also if they will able to clear customs and have accommodations and the Crew if we overnight to make arrangements and let us know what is the min rest so we can get the pax home
o Mx – advise we are on the way
o Gate Agent, Red Coat – to make a PA and verify what will happen with the Pax after landing
o Ramp Sup – make sure they will get there bags
o Security – ask for any advise on our dest for our pax, us, at the airport of intended landing