Fuel Planning Domestic, Flag, Supplemental Flashcards
Factors for computing fuel required
- Wind and other weather forecast: e.g. temperature, pressure
- Anticipated traffic delays
- 1 approach and possible missed approach at destination
- Any other conditions that may delay the landing
What fuel is required for domestic operations
- FAR 121.639
- Fly to destination
- Than to the furthest Alternate, if required
- Than for 45min(Final Reserve) at normal cruise fuel consumption
- Flag/Supplemental Operations within the 48 contiguous states
- Flag/Supplemental Operations outside of the 48 contiguous states
When can required fuel be increased?
o Same as Domestic
• FAR 121.639
o Fly to destination
o Than Fly to the furthest Alternate, if required
o Than Fly for 45min(Final Reserve) at normal cruise fuel consumption
- Flag/Supplemental Operations outside of the 48 contiguous states
o FAR 121.645
• B043
o Fly to the destination + 10%(contingency fuel) of the total time to destination
o Than fly to the furthest Alternate, if required
• NO alternate available or listed, FAR 121.621(a)2 or 121.623(b)
• Fuel to fly for 2 hours at normal cruise consumption considering wind and weather conditions
o Fly for 30 min at 1,500’(Final Reserve) in standard conditions at holding speed at alternate or at destination if no alternate is required
• Fuel required can be increased when destination is in Class 2 navigation (LRNS/GPS/IRS)
What’s the difference for fuel required between Domestic, Flag and Supplemental
10%(contingency fuel) of the total time to destination
o Than fly to the furthest Alternate, if required
• Flag and Supplemental Operation: NO alternate available or listed FAR 121.621(a)2 or 121.623(b)
• Fuel to fly for 2 hours at normal cruise consumption considering wind and weather conditions
o Fly for 30 min at 1,500’ in standard conditions at holding speed at alternate or at destination if no alternate is required
Fuel required with no destination alternates for Flag and Supplemental operations
- FAR 121.645
- Fuel to fly for 2 hours at normal cruise consumption considering wind and weather conditions
What does the Opspec for performance based contingency fuel for Flag operations give you
- B343
o Allows carries to set contingency fuel based on demonstrated fuel performance
What is the En-route fuel supply for FLAG and SUPPLEMENTAL operations with MORE THAN 2 engines for more than 90 min from an adequate airport
- FAR 121.646
- Fly to the destination + 10%(contingency fuel) of the total time to destination
- Than fly to the furthest Alternate, if no ALT than fly for 2 hours
- Fly for 30 min at 1,500’(Final Reserve) in standard conditions at holding speed at alternate or at destination if no alternate is required
- Enough fuel to fly to an adequate airport
o Assuming a rapid decompression at the CP
o Descent to a safe altitude in compliance with oxygen supply requirements FAR 121.333
o Considering expected wind and other weather conditions - Hold for 15 min.s at 1,500’ AFE + approach and landing fuel
ETOPS Fuel Planning FAR 121.646
- FAR 121.646
- Fly to the destination + 10%(contingency fuel) of the total time to destination
- Than fly to the furthest Alternate, if required
- Fly for 30 min at 1,500’(Final Reserve) at holding speed at alternate or at destination if no alternate is required
- Enough fuel to fly to an adequate airport
o Assuming a rapid decompression at the CP
o Descent to a safe altitude in compliance with oxygen supply requirements FAR 121.333
o Considering expected wind and other weather conditions - Hold for 15 mins at 1,500’ AFE + approach and landing fuel
AND enough fuel to satisfy each of the following requirements:
- Fuel to fly to each ETOPS Alternate Airport.
- Fuel to account for rapid decompression and/or engine failure. The airplane must carry the greater of the following amounts of fuel. “The CRITICAL FUEL SCENARIO”
o Fuel to fly to an ETOPS Alternate Airport assuming a RAPID DECOMPRESSION at the most critical point
o Fuel to fly to an ETOPS Alternate Airport assuming a RAPID DECOMPRESS and a simultaneous ENGINE FAILURE at the most critical point, at the one-engine-inoperative cruise speed.
o Fuel sufficient to fly to an ETOPS Alternate Airport assuming an ENGINE FAILURE at the most critical point, at the one engine inoperative cruise speed. - Fuel for errors in forecasted wind
o Increase HW by 5% or decrease TW by 5% applied to the critical fuel scenario
o If not using forecasted wind, than +5% to the critical fuel scenario
- Fuel for errors in forecasted wind
- Fuel for Icing, The greater of the following:
o Fuel burn as a result of airframe icing, 10 percent of the time icing is forecast (including the fuel used by engine and wing anti-ice during this period).
o Fuel that would be used for engine anti-ice, and if appropriate wing anti-ice, for the entire time during which icing is forecast.
- Fuel for Icing, The greater of the following:
- Fuel for Performance deterioration of engines (if the company as a program to monitor fuel burn) or + 5%.
o Highest of Engine Fail, Rapid Decompression or Both
- Fuel for Performance deterioration of engines (if the company as a program to monitor fuel burn) or + 5%.
- Holding, approach, and landing.
o Hold for 15 min at 1,500’ above the ETOPS Alternate Airport and then conduct an instrument approach and land. - APU, if required as a power source when it would be in use
unless a ______________ Icing conditions for ETOPs fuel planning are considered when_______
- Unless a reliable icing forecast is available, icing may be presumed:
o +10c TAT to -20c SAT and RH is 55% or greater
what is Planned Re-dispatch or Re-Release En Route
Fuel Requirements from Planned Re-dispatch or Re-Release En Route point
At the point of Re-dispatch or Re-Release the following must be considered:_____
Re - Dispatch is for _______
Re - Release is for ________
- B044
o Allows a flight to depart with a reduction in fuel required by 121.645(b) by allowing fuel to be planned to an intermediate destination
o If fuel reserves have not been used by the re-dispatch/release point the flight can continue as long as:
• 121.645:
• Fly to the destination + 10%(contingency fuel) of the total time to destination
• Can be lowered by Opspec
• Than fly to the furthest Alternate, if required
• NO alternate available or listed, FAR 121.621(a)2 or 121.623(b)
o Fuel to fly for 2 hours at normal cruise consumption considering wind and weather conditions
• Fly for 30 min at 1,500’(Final Reserve) at standard condtions at holding speed at alternate or at destination if no alternate is required
- 121.647:
- At the point of re-dispatch/re-release:
- Wind and other weather forecast: e.g. temperature, pressure
- Anticipated traffic delays
- 1 approach and possible missed approach at destination
- Any other conditions that may delay the landing
- Flag Operations - Re-Dispatch
- Supplemental Operation – Re-Release
Planned Re-dispatch or Re-Release En Route Flight Plan must Include:
Flight plan must be updated with _______ and the PIC ____________
Lost Comm Proceudre
Notify Dispatch when
- B044
o Initial Destination
o Alternates for Initial destination and intended destination
o Re-Dispatch point
o Fuel Required to Fly to initial destination
o Fuel Required to fly from Re-Dispatch point to intended destination
o Fuel Required to fly Intended destination
• Flight plan needs to be updated with fuel required based current weather 2 hours before Re-dispatch point
o Weather and Notams for all of the airports
- PIC must accept to Re-dispatch/Release
- Loss Comms: Standard procedures
- Notify Dispatcher if:
o ETA is more than 15min late
o FL is 4,000’ or more
o Deviates more than 100nm
What is the MINIMUM DIVERSION FUEL on international flights
- Alternate fuel + reserve fuel (30 min) at 1500’ in standard conditions
What is the MINIMUM DIVERSION FUEL on domestic flights
- Alternate fuel + reserve fuel (45 min)
What is included in ALTERNATE FUEL?
When 2 dest Alt are required _______
o A missed approach at the destination airport
- Fuel to reach the alternate aerodrome, taking into account:
o Climb, cruise at Long Range Cruise speed, descent to the alternate airport
o Approach and landing at the alternate airport
• When two destination alternates are required, alternate fuel should be sufficient to proceed to the alternate which requires the greater amount of alternate fuel.
Fuel burn is based on______
- Fuel to fly for 30 minutes at holding speed at 1,500 ft above destination alternate airport in standard conditions,
calculated with estimated weight on arrival at the alternate. or the destination airport if an alternate is not required.
Fuel burn is based on______
- Fuel to fly for 45 minutes at normal cruising fuel consumption over the alternate airport, or the destination airport if an alternate is not required.
calculated with estimated weight on arrival at the alternate. or the destination airport if an alternate is not required.
What is CONTINGENCY FUEL used for on INTERNATIONAL flights
Contingency fuel is _____% unless ________ and the fuel is calculated based on _________
- Fuel to cover deviations from the planned operating conditions:
altitude, route, wind or any other unforeseen condtions. - It is based on the 10% of the fuel of the enroute flight time to destination
- Fuel Required is calculated with the fuel burn at TOD.
How do you declare MIN FUEL to ATC
- the flight is committed to land at a specific airport
- Aircraft has sufficient fuel to follow the cleared routing, arrival, and approach
- Landing at or above FR fuel
- Any change to the existing clearance or delay could result in landing less than FR fuel
- Informs ATC(PAN x3)
How do you declare EMERG FUEL to ATC
What do you expect from ATC
- When landing at the nearest airport where a safe landing can be made will be with less than the planned final reserve fuel
- “Mayday Fuel”
o Priority handling by ATC is both required and expected