NAT Flashcards
– Aircraft communication, addressing and reporting system
– Automatic dependent surveillance Broadcast
– Automatic dependent surveillance Contract: Sends location via satellite
– Controller Pilot data link
DLM requires
– Data link mandate
- FANS1/a or equivalent, CPDLC and ADS-C
– Flight Information Region
- Upper Flight Information Region
- Upper control area
– Future aviation navigation system
– High-level airspace
– Long Range navigation systems
- Minimum Navigation specification airspace
– North Atlantic Tracks
– organized track system
– Pacific Organized Track System
– performance based communication and surveillance
Required equipment
– Reduced lateral separation minimum
– Reduced longitudinal separation minimum
Pacific Organized Track System Requires RNP _____
spaced _____ laterally and below FL 180 ____ laterally
Peak Hours
Min speed
- RNP 10
- 25 nm laterally
_ below FL180 - 50nm - 10 min in trail, 15 min in Anchorage
E: 0700-2100
W: 1200 - 1900 + 2200-0800
Weather Deviation in PACOTS
- Standard
o at 10nm
• North Descent 300’
• South Climb 300’
Rapid Descent, Turn Back, Diversion in PACOTS
Offset in Indian Ocean
Offset in ME
- Turn 45 deg lt/rt to offset 15nm
- Minimize descent until 10nm if possible
- Climb above FL410 or Descent Below FL290
o Above FL410 offset by 1,000’
o Below FL410 offset by 500’
What are the North Atlantic Tracks
– is multi level super highway over the Atlantic Ocean with no radar
Airspace Above and below FL 550 in the NAT
Airspace Above FL 550: Class A
Airspace Below FL550: Class G
NAT HLA airspace extends
- FL285 to FL420
Traffic in the NAT HLA is spaced
May be reduced to _____ when:
Reduced to ______ lateral spacing in NAT HLA between FL____ and FL ____
Reduced separation requirements _____
- 60NM or 1 deg of latitude horizontally,
vertically by 1,000 ft below FL 410, and 10 min in trail - May be reduced to 5 min when:
o Aircraft ahead is faster
o Climbing or descending near waypoints
o Reduced to (23NM)30nm(New York East) or ½ deg of latitude and 50nm/30nm or 5 min with operator approval between FL350 – FL390
• Requires: PBN 4, FANS, CPDLC, ADS-C, RCP 240 or 180
NAT HLA requires
- Op specs for RVSM and MNPS
RSVM minimum equipment
- 2 altimeters within 200' - A/P with hold mode - Altitude Alerter - Mode S transponder
RNP 10 required equipment
- 2 LRNs
o INS or IRS or GPS
RNP 4 is required when
RNP 4 equipment requirement:
- Required in airspace with 30nm or less longitudinal separation
- At least 2 LRNs and:
eg - GPS + IRS
o ND
Types of North Atlantic Routes
Routes depends on ____________
o Special routes: Blue spruce routes
o OTS: Organized Track System
o Random Routes
- Depend on operator approval, crew training and aircraft capabilities
what does the Special Route /Blue Spruce Route require
Requires the ______________
Route keeps aircraft __________
o 1 LRNs + VOR or DME or ADF
- Requires the least equipment
o Route keeps aircraft in range of land based navigation
What is the OTS – Organized Track System
OTS is the _________
Established on ________
Based on _______
Number of tracks and _______________
Must pass _____________________
Times of Tracks can be found ___________
Plan for extra _________________
- Minimum Time Route
- Established on a daily basis
o Based on wind, wx patterns and preferred routes from operators
o Number of tracks and levels are based on expected traffic - Must pass 30 deg West by the end of the allowed timing
o Times can be found on TMI - Plan for extra fuel due to re-routes or non optimal levels
Explain the West OTS
Tracks avoid _________
- cross 30W: from Morning 1130 - 1900
- Tracks labeled A, B, C,…..
o A is the most northern route - Tracks will avoid H.W. as much as possible
Explain the East OTS
Tracks Take advantage of _______
- cross 30 W: Evening time 0100-0800
- Tracks Z, Y, X,……
o Z is the most southern Route - Tracks take advantage of TW
Plan Random Routes using __________ every ____
Sometimes a more ________ or _____ is available
- Plan using whole Latitudes and Longitudes
o Every 10 deg of Longitude - Sometimes a more direct or higher level is available
Prior to a NAT Flight what do you need to check
- Crew qualified
- Company qualified
- Aircraft qualified
o MEL - Clock/time check
o Altimeter check
o HF check
• Not while refueling - North Atlantic Track Message(TMI)
o Where and what tracks are being used
o Times
o Additional requirements
When do you request Oceanic clearance
On the ground
Verify ________ against__________
Do not enter _____________________
Other NAT OCA ___________________
- Airborne
o Apporx. 40 min before entry - Coastal Airport
o Request on the ground
• Approx. 40 min before departure - Verify clearance against flight plan and plotting chart
- Do Not enter Shanwick without clearance
o Other NAT OCA allow a delayed clearance
Information needed to request Oceanic clearance
- Entry point + ETA, Track, TMI, FL, Mach
- __________Oceanic, Giant 1 request Oceanic clearance, ________Entry point ________Eta, request M_______, FL________
When the Oceanic clearance differs from Flight plan
- Enter and verify into the FMS
- Advise Dispatch
- Check new flight plan
o Waypoints
o Fuel
o Alternate airports - Plot new route on chart
30 min After Entering Oceanic Airspace
- squawk 2000
What information is need for a position report
What are the Primary Messages to ATC in Oceanic Airspace
o “Position”, Call Sign, Transmitting on 8849, Current waypoint(Present Position) at time, FL, next waypoint + ETA, following waypoint, Next higher FL or MET or Company message
- “Position” Report
o 10 deg. of longitude
o 20 deg. above 70N - “Revised ETA”
o Immediately report Mach changes
o When ETA changes by 2 min or more - “Revised Clearance”
o Route or Speed - “When able higher”
- Report when reaching new level
o Weather conditions
• Icing
• Turbulence
Jeppessen Plotting Chart is a ___________
Where is the Prime Meriden
Lines of Longitude run
1 deg of Long = _________
Lines of Latitude run __________
1 deg of Lat =
38.5 = __________
Plotted lines are _________________
o Lambert conformal chart
• Prime Meriden in Greenwich, England
- Lines of Longitude
- E/W
• 1 deg of longitude = 60nm at equator
- Latitude
- N/S
- 1 deg of latitude = 60nm
- 38.5 = 38 minutes and 30 seconds
- plotted lines are great circle routes which requires constant heading change
Plot ___________ during Oceanic Crossings
Verify plotted waypoint ______________
Use mid-meridian ___________
Use a meridian to _____________
1 deg of lat = __________
Monitor progress by plotting__________
________ waypoints afer __________________
_________ waypoints when __________
___________ when ________ waypoints
When passing waypoints record _______
Gross Error is define as _____________
- Plot All Organized Tracks
o Verify plotted waypoint initial course vs FMS
o Use mid-meridian of plotted track to determine rhumb line course
o Use a meridian to set divider distance
• 1 deg. of latitude = 60nm
- Monitor progress by plotting every 10 min or 2 deg. of longitude
- Waypoints
o O, Circle waypoints after receiving Oceanic Clearance and waypoints have been verified by both pilots
o /, slash next waypoint when verified
o X, slash passing waypoint
• Record FOB and Time
What is SLOP
_____ to ____ nm ___________
________ require ATC_______________
When Parallel routes are more than _________ up to ______
When Parallel routes are more than ______ but less than _________
SLOP is NA when tracks are less than _____ expect in NAT
SLOP helps prevent: _________
- Strategic Lateral Offset
o Either 1nm or 2nm right of course
• Does not require ATC if SLOP is authorized
- When parallel routes are MORE than 23nm apart
- Up to 2nm RIGHT
- When parallel routes are MORE than 6nm and LESS than 23nm apart
- In tenths of a nm up to 0.5nm
o Mitigate mid air collisions
• Altitude bust due to turbulence
• Wake turbulence avoidance
What is the procedure if HF fails
- Check MEL
- Check requirements for entry into NAT HLA
o If unable to enter due to equipment failure than coordinate with ATC, if fuel is sufficient:
• Fly below NAT HLA
• Blue Spruce route
Lost Comms before receiving oceanic receiving Clearance
- Squawk 7600
o Land without entering Oceanic Airspace - IMC
o Continue on flight plane route, FL, and Mach
Lost Comms After receiving oceanic clearance
DO NOT _______
- Squawk 7600
- Fly cleared route, FL, Mach
Loss of Comms after revised routing received
- Follow route to oceanic exit point
- Direct to the next most significant point on planned route
- Continue with lost comm for specific region
Lost Comm in Irish Airspace
- Divert to Shannon airport
What is the Procedure if the Nav Fails
on the Ground
Prior to Entry
After Entry
1 nav Fail with a triple system
Single Nav Available
Total Nav Failure
- Check MEL/QRH
- Check requirements for NAT HLA
o Prior to Entry
• Change Alt below FL285 or above FL410
• Change to Blue Spruce route
o After entry • Lights on • Coordinate with ATC • Notify other traffic on 121.5/123.45 • Monitor TCAS
1 nav fail with triple system
- Cont with 2 systems
• Single Nav available o Continue as cleared o Change Alt below FL285 or above FL410 o Turn Back o Blue Spruce Route
• Total Nav Failure o Continue as cleared o Dead reckoning - Obtain Lat/Long from IRS o Verify position on plotting chart o Fly heading and time to next waypoint o Ask other aircraft • GS, Wind details, Drift • Follow another aircraft on the same route • Consider to offset by 500 feet
Contingency Procedure: Medical, Engine Failure, Rapid De-Pressurization in NAT
180 deg turn back are _________
- Contact ATC
- If unable
o Turn on all Lights
o Squawk 7700
o 121.5/123.45
• Call sign, FL, Route, Direction, Intention
o Turn 30 deg. left or right
• 180 deg turn back are not advised with RLongSM
o Offset 5nm
• Minimize rate of descent
• If able to maintain and capt does not want to carry out large descent, once offset
• Above FL410 offset by 1,000’
• Below FL410 offset by 500’
• If Unable to maintain alt. once offset
• Descend below FL290
• Offset by 500’
• Divert according to the situation
• Contact ATC
Weather Deviation in NAT
- Contact ATC
- If unable to coordinate with ATC
o Lights on
o 121.5/123.45
• Call sign, FL, Route, Direction, Intention
o LESS than 5 miles
• Keep the same level
o MORE than 5 miles
• When at 5nm
• North Descent 300’
• South Climb 300’
On initial HF call state _____________
Maintain listening watch on HF unless _______
If HF fails
use SATCOM or VHF and request a relay
Altimeter must be within _______ ft and checked ______
TMI number relates to
Track Message Identification number
the day of the year
In RVSM limit climb and descent FPM to _______-
1,000 FPM
what is RCP
Radio Comm performance
Data link Clearance
what is OWAFS
If advised by ATC to resume normal speed
Operation without an assigned fixed speed
Advise ATC if speed changes by M0.02 or more from last assigned
What is ASEPS
During trial separation is ______
Angel between tracks is less than 90deg
Angel between tracks is less than 45deg
Advanced surveillance enhanced procedure separation
During trial 19nm lateral separation