Charts Flashcards
Brief departure, Arrivals, and approaches, ask for charts
- On Ipad
Brief plotting charts
- Review Enroute symbols
Review Jepp symbols
- Intro to Jepp charts on GoodReader
What does ARP mean
- Airport reference point
What is the Malteses Cross
- FAF for non precision apporach
What is the FAP
- Final approach point is the beginning of the final approach for precision approaches
- ie intercept GS at alt listed on chart or lower if given by ATC
What is MSA
- Minimum Safe/Sector Altitude
- 1,000’ of obstacle clearance within 25nm
o sometimes 30nm, RNAV apporaches
What is transition Alt/level
where do you find it on the chart
- Transition Alt: Change from local altimeter setting to standard 29.92in/1013mb. The altitude at or below which the vertical position of an aircraft is controlled by reference to altitudes
- Transition Level: Change from standard to the local altimeter setting. The altitude at or below which the vertical position of an aircraft is controlled by reference to Flight Level
o TA/TL can be found in the Departure and arrival charts
What does the pink circle mean
Before Taxing you should
- Hot spot: potential risk of runway incursion
o Before you begin taxiing, you should brief any hot spots along your taxi route.
How many degrees of runway difference constitutes a circling procedure?
- 30 degrees
What is the asterisk next to the tower frequency on the approach plate or on navaid?
- Tower is part time operation
What does a displaced threshold look like on Jepp chart?
- Find on Chart
Find Lat/Long of airport on approach chart
- Find on chart
How to ID Reporting points
- Fix is shaded in
- Find on chart
How to ID Fly over vs Fly by
- Fly over waypoints are in-closed in a circle
- Find on chart
How to ID a FIR
- Green highlighted black line
How to identify DME fixes on the Plan view and profile view
- Radial and distance
- On vertical profile: vertical dashed line
- Find on chart
Where is the Prime meridian
- 0 deg Longitude
- Greenwich, England
What are the minimums when the GS goes out
- Loc(GS Out) min
You are at 30,000 when do you start your descent
- Alt x 3 = 90nm + 10nm to slow down
o Level flight 1nm per 10kt to slow
o Descent 2nm per 10kt to slow
How do you calculate your top of descent to meet a crossing restriction on a star?
- Alt x 3
- Level flight 1nm per 10kt to slow
- Descent 2nm per 10kt to slow
When can you turn on a missed approach procedure while executing a missed:
Straight in?
- Straight-in
o Fly the IAP to the MAP before turning unless instructed by ATC - Circling
o Make a climbing turn toward the landing runway and continue to turn until established on the missed approach course
Walk me thru how to conduct a circling approach
- 1.5 nm downwind, gear down, flaps 3
- 30 sec after threshold turn final, set landing flaps
- adjust descent based on distance vs alt
Adjust time after passing abeam the threshold
- 1 sec less per 10kt tailwind
- 1 sec more per 10kt headwind
What is EMAS
Engineered Material Arresting System
Displaced threshold can be used for
Taxi, Takeoff, and rollout when landing in the opposite direction
What is TAA
Terminal Area Alt
1,000 obstacle clearance within 30nm
TERPS on a approach plate means next to minimums
indicates Landing min.s published are based on the latest TERPS (US standard for terminal instrument Procedure)
Standard on approach plate means
Complies with EU Ops
What does a C in a triangle mean on an approach plates next to the min.s
Circle to land min.s are based on the latest TERPS(US standard for terminal instrument Procedure)
Approach lights with sequenced flashing lights
Medium approach lights with runway alignment indicator lights
Medium approach lights
Medium approach lights with sequenced flashing
Simplified Short Approach Lighting System with Runway Alignment Indicator Lights
Simplified approach light system
Simplified Short approach light system with flashing lights
Simplified short approach light system
High Intensity approach light system
Omni Directional Approach light ssyte
lead in lighting
Runway lead in lights
runway alignment indicator lights
Airport surface detection equipment - Model X