ETOPS Flashcards
applicable to operations over the water and ________
- Extended Route Twin Engine Operations
- Extended diversion time operations
- Extended range operations regardless of number of engines
o Applicable to operations over water and land
Explain Part 121, 2 Engines ETOPS Domestic, Flag, and Supplemental
_____ min from an _______
ENT/EXT distance based on ___________
limited to _____
Can be extended up to _______
- 2 Engines: 60 min from an adequate airport
o ENT/EXT distance based on EO cruise speed in standard conditions in still air
o Limited to 180 min
• Can be extended up 207 min(15% of 180) in North pacific area of operations
Explain Part 121, 3 or more Engines ETOPS Domestic, Flag, and Supplemental
_____ min from an _______
ENT/EXT distance based on ___________
limited to _____
Beyond _______ Distance to Alt is __________
Time can not exceed
3 or more engine cargo aircraft _______
- 3 or more Engines with Passengers: 180 min from an adequate airport
o ENT/EXT distance based on EO cruise speed in standard conditions in still air
o Limited to 240 min from an adequate airport
- Beyond 180 min
- Distance to ETOPS Alt is based on OEI GS speed (Speed corrected wind and temperature)
• Time to Alt can NOT exceed the most time limited ETOPS significant system minus 15 min
- 3 or more engines with ALL CARGO: exempt
Part 121 ETOPS beyond 180 min requires
ETOPS 207 min _________
- SATCOM; another form of communication when SATCOM is unavailable
- Passenger recovery plan/Passenger protection plan
- FFS 4 and one adequate airport with FFS 7 within authorized diversion time
o ETOPS 207 min does not count as beyond 180 min
what is ER in the MEL
- Abbreviation used in the MEL to indicate ETOPS
what is the ETOPS CMP
What does the CMP contain
- Document stating the configuration, maintenance and procedures to meet ETOPS approval
o Contains minimum configuration, operating procedures, and Mx requirements, hardware life-limits and MMEL
what is ETOPS significant systems
- A failure or malfunction of which could affect the safety of an ETOPS flight or ETOPS diversion. Made up of 2 Groups.
what is an ETOPS Adequate Airport
- Airport available at time of use
- Airplane Performance requirements are met
o Runway length, PCN/ACN, Missed approach - Communication aids
- Weather Reporting
- Lighting
- Naviaids
- Emergency services(FFS)
An aircraft having an ACN ___________________
B737900 ACN ______
o An aircraft having an ACN equal to or less than the PCN can operate without weight restrictions on a pavement
o B737-900: ACN 63 worst case
Required FFS ETOPS up to 180 Min
o FFS 4 within 30 min
Required FFS ETOPS beyond 180 min
o FFS 4 within 30 min
o one adequate airport with FFS 7(within 30 min), within authorized diversion time
ETOPS planning
All __________ airports within __________
ETOPS time for weather planning __________ a _____________ landing can be made based on ______________
Once Enroute the wx at the alt must be ____
If approved for more than 180 ETOPS airport must_________
- All adequate airports within authorized ETOPS diversion time are considered
- From the earliest to the latest possible landing time the weather will above the planning minimum.
- A safe landing can me made based on field condition reports
- Once En-Route the weather at the ETOPS Alternates must be at or above operating minimum.
- If approved for more than 180 min ETOPS
o Airport must meet the public protection requirements
ETOPS Enroute
All ETOPS alternate airports must be _________
Wx must be ___________ before _________
if below _________
After enterin ETOPS if wx drops __________
o All ETOPS alternate airports must be reviewed before entering ETOPS
o Wx must be at or above the operating minimum, from the earliest time of arrival to the latest possible landing time,
o Before entering ETOPS
• If below
• Select new ETOPS Alt(s) within max diversion time and amend the flight plan with dispatch
o After entering ETOPS if weather drops below min or for any reason the airport is unusable
• Continue and select new ETOPS Alt airport(s)
an ETOPS En-Route Alternate Airport must be _______________ to be listed as an ALT
What is suitable _____
- Is an airport that is Adequate, Suitable
o The field conditions indicate a safe landing can be made
ETOPS Entry/Exit points for 2 and 3 engine aircraft
at WY what speed was used to calculate the OEI still air distance?
At WY what was the distance for OEI?
- 60/180 min. Distance is based on OEI cruising speed in still air and ISA from the last adequate airport.
- 60 min(2 engines w/ IAS 310kt(WY)
o 395nm(WY) - 180 min (3 Engines or more with Pax)
ETOPS ETP is when _______ based on ______
No wind ETP can be found by _____________
ETP = (_________)/(________)
ETP when ALT is off track is found by ________
- Flying time between 2 suitable airport is the same
o Based on current conditions: wind, temperature - NO wind ETP
o Chord line of overlapping equal distance circles - ETP on straight line
o ETP = (Dist x GS IN)/ (GS out + GS in)
- ETP when Alt is off track
o Construct Isosceles triangle
• Pythagorean Theorem: A^2 + B^2 = C^2
Look at notes for diagram
Step 1: Construct the perpendicular bisector MX of line AC. This cuts the track AB at the still air ETP (as AX=CX).
Step 2: Measure the distance AX and divide by the One-Engine Inoperative (OEI) TAS to give the still air time from X to A.
Step 3: Construct a wind vector YX of length in nm equal to Wind speed (kts) x the flight time from X to A (hrs)
Step 4: From Y draw a line parallel to XM. The point at which this crosses track AB is the wind corrected ETP between A and C.
Repeat the process for ETP for C to B
Critical ETP is based on ________
ETOPS critical fuel Scenario is the ________
ETOPS CP is usually ________
ETOPS fuel scenario is applied _________
______ burns the most fuel
- Critical ETP is based on ETOPS fuel requirements if a diversion as to be initiated from that point
- ETOPS critical fuel scenario is the higher of the 3
- Engine Fail
- Decompression
- Engine Fail + Decompression
o Usually last ETP, but NOT always
o ETOPS fuel scenario is applied to each ETP
o Decompression burns the most fuel
ETOPS max diversion time
What are the possible ETOPS times
What time at WY
What Speed
- Max diversion time at the approved OEI cruise speed used to determine area of operation
o 120, 180, 240 and beyond 240 min
o 120 min(WY)
o 0.79M/310kt(WY)
ETOPS max diversion distance is the _________
Beyond 180 min ETOPS distance to __________
Time to ______ can NOT __________
- Max distance covered in still air and standard conditions within max diversion time at the OEI speed and cruise altitude
• Beyond 180 min
• Distance to ETOPS Alt is based on OEI GS speed (Speed corrected wind and temperature
• Time to Alt can NOT exceed the most time limited ETOPS significant system minus 15 min
ETOPS area of operation/ ETOPS Segment
- From the ENT extending out to the max distance covered in still air and standard conditions within max diversion time at the OEI speed and cruise altitude
OEI diversion speed determines ____________
OEI speed is ___________ and __________
- Max ETOPS diversion distance/area of operation
- Level off Alt to clear obstacles
- fuel burn
- OEI speed is selected by the operator and approved by the authority
What is Aircraft Reference weight
- Used to determine OEI level off altitude and fuel burn
Define Dispatch
- Aircraft first moves under its own power for the purpose of taking off
What are the Diversion Strategies and what is the purpose of each
- Standard – max time, min fuel burn
o Descent: Drift Down Speed at MCT
o Cruise: LRC
o Descent to Destination: Thrust idle, Normal Speed - Obstacle – clear obstacles
o Descent: Drift Down Speed at MCT
o Cruise: Maintain Drift Down Speed until Obstacle is cleared than;
• LRC after Obstacle is cleared
o Descent To Destination: Thrust idle, Normal Speed - Fixed Speed (ETOPS) – Max distance
o Descent : OEI ETOPS SPEED: 0.79M/310Kts(WY) at MCT
o Cruise: OEI ETOPS SPEED: 0.79M/310Kts(WY) at MCT
• Check Max Alt
o Descent to Destination: Thrust idle, Normal Speed
What is the Performance Factor based on
Actual fuel consumption due to Airframe and engine deterioration
what is an example of Time Limited Equipment
o Cargo Compartment Fire extinguishing system B737NG: 195 min
does the APU need to be running during ETOPS
ETOPS a/c have a min of ________
- Depends on airplane type certificate
o Min. of 3 independent non-time limited sources of power
what is an APU in Flight Start Program
Can be started _________
- Verify start and run capability
o Successful start >96% - Can be started on return legs
- Before top of descent
When is the Fuel Crossfeed valve checked
- If applicable, during the last hour
What are the Flight crew procedures for Dispatch
- ETOPS flight plan
- Destination Alternate airport if required
- ETOPS alternate
- Critical Fuel vs Fuel on board
- Ramp Fuel
What is Flight crew procedures for Cockpit Prep
- Tech Log o MEL - A/C is certified for ETOPS - APU Gen - Cross check FMS o Set and Confirm ENT,ETP, EXT points
Throughout ETOPS monitor ______ and Keep ________ in mind
Before ENT_________
APU start attempts _________
After Passing ENT______
approaching ETP _______
After EXT _____
A/C Status, APU, Xfeed, Dispatch
Wx- Dispatch, Route
Alt - Brief
Fuel/Times - Dispatch
- Monitor Fuel
o Keep critical fuel scenario in mind - Before ENT
o Review A/C systems
• Advise Company of system malfunctions
o Obtain Weather(FAR 121.631)
• If below, advise Dispatch select a new ETOPS Alt
o Check bearing and distance to Alternates
o Brief Contingency Procedure
o If required start APU
• 2 start attempts are allowed in cruise with QRH(WY)
• 3rd(last Attempt) on descent crossing FL250(WY)
o Record Fuel and time, check fuel and time at next position
o Pass ETOPS times to Dispatch
After passing ENT if wx is below min.s or for any reason the airport is unusable
• Continue and select new ETOPS Alt airport(s)
• Or take an Alternate Route, Turn Back, or Divert
- Approaching ETP
o Update the weather at Alternates
o Check the bearing and distance to Alternates
o Brief the Contingency Procedures
o Record the Fuel and Time, check Fuel and Time at next - After EXT
o Shutdown the APU
o Pass the ETOPS Ext time to company
o Report the Fuel on board passing the CP
o Report A/C ETOPS status to dispatch
o Crossfeed valve check during last hour of cruise(wy)
what are the Flight crew procedures for inflight Contingency
Divert when?
Exit ETOPS and _________
Fly the Airplane
- Divert:
o QRH states “land at the nearest suitable airport” - Exit ETOPS and take NON-ETOPS route when:
• Excess fuel consumption
• APU fails to start(WY), If APU is required
• Weather is below landing min before ENT