Wrist Injury - 112 Flashcards
Describe (really simply) the structure of collagens
They are composed of 3 polypeptide chains wound into a triple helix
What is the most abundant class of proteins in the body?
Collagen molecules are staggered to form fibrils. What cross links strengthen this assembly?
Lysine and hydroxylysine cross links
What is the role of tendons?
Link muscle to bone - have a high tensile strength to transmit muscle forces with minimal elongation
Describe the composition of tendons
Water = 55% wet weight.
Tendons consist of: collagen (mostly type I, which provides the tensile properties), elastin (provides the elastic properties), and proteoglycans (these bind water and help resist compression and regulate collagen fibril size).
Name some of the functions of tendons
- Allow muscle belly to be away from site of action
- Enable muscle pull to be focused
- Eliminate the need for muscle to be an unnecessary length
- Act as springs
What is present where the tendon inserts on the bone?
fibrocartilage - enthesis
What is the major proteoglycan of cartilage?
What happens at myotendinous junctions?
Force is transferred from muscle to tendon
There is increased S/A for anchorage
What do ligaments connect?
Bone to bone
What is more vascular, ligaments or tendons?
Name some roles of ligaments
- stabilise joints and guide joint motion
- supply proprioceptive information
What kind of cells do ligaments contain?
fibroblastic. They are mostly broad and flat and are more cartilage-like at bone insertion
What collagens do ligaments contain?
Type I (90%) and type III (10%)
Which glycosaminoglycan gives synovial fluid its lubricating properties?