Pleurisy - 105 Flashcards
What is the difference between a transudate and exudate?
Transudate - clear, low protein content. Causes include left sided heart failure & hypothyroidism
Exudate - cloudy, high protein content. Suggestive of inflammation. Causes include pneumonia, Tb, cancer (infection or malignancy)
A young, tall, thin, male smoker has sudden onset of chest pain. What is a likely cause?
Pleural bleb
What is the size difference between a small and large pneumothorax?
How would you treat a small pneumothorax? (<2cm)
You wouldn’t normally.
Where would you insert a chest drain?
4th/5th intercostal space, mid-axillary line. Above rib to miss intercostal vessels and nerves
Where would you insert the needle to relieve a tension pneumothorax?
2nd intercostal space, mid-clavicular line. - Needle Thoracentesis
Where would the perfect VQ ratio be?
At the base of the lungs.
What is the definition of Simple Pneumothorax & what are the causes?
Intrapleural pressure = atmospheric pressure causes: # spontaneous - pleural bleb (usually apical in young tall & thin) and lung disease (eg COPD) # Trauma - open (chest wall puncture) and closed (rib puncture) # Iatrogenic
What is the definition of Tension Pneumothorax & what is the cause?
Intrapleural pressure > Atmospheric pressure
cause: progressive build-up of air within the pleural space (one way valve)
what are the signs of simple pneumothorax?
increase heart rate and respiratory rate. Hypoxia/cyanosis. No tracheal deviaiton
what are the signs of tension pneumothorax?
collapsed lung, mediastinum shifts from affected side, tracheal deviation, crushes other lung and heart, occludes vena cavaand increased JVP
What are the signs/symptoms of a pleural effusion?
#physical signs - reduced chest wall movement on affected side, mediastinal displacement away from the PE, stony dull on percussion and reduced sounds/vibrations on auscultation/fremitus #radiological signs - reduced costophrenal angle and shadows
what is the Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV)?
volume of air breathed in by max inspiration after normal inspiration
what is tidal volume?
volume of normal breathing
what is inspiratory capacity?
tidal volume + inspiratory reserve volume
what is the Expiratory reserve volume
volume breathed out in max expiration after normal expiration
what is vital capacity?
tidal volume + inspiratory reserve volume + expiratory reserve volume
what is the residual volume?
the volume left in the lungs after max expiration
what is the functional residual capacity?
the volume left in the lungs after normal respiration
what is dead space, anatomical dead space and pathological dead space?
#area with no perfusion #respiratory airways - trachea, bronchi to the terminal bronchioles #eg. bullae
what is the alveolar gas equation?
PAO2=PIO2-(PaCO2/RER) PAO2=Alveolar pp of O2 PIO2=pp of O2 in inspired air PaCO2=Arterial pp of CO2 RER=Resp echange rate ~8