Adaptive Immunity - 124 Flashcards
Name the type of T lymphocytes.
CD4+ T-helper cells (Th1 and Th2)
CD4+ T-Regulatory cells
CD8+ T-Cytotoxic cells
Name the three types of Antigen presenting cells.
Dendritic cells
B lymphocytes
What activates T-Helper cells?
MHC II presentation
What activates T-Cytotoxic cells?
MHC I presentation
What type of immune response do Th2 cells stimulate?
Humoral immune response - B cells and antibodies
What type of immune response do Th1 cells stimulate?
Cellular immune response - macrophages
What happens to dendritic cells and macrophages if they encounter antigens in the peripheries?
They migrate to the paracortex of nodes if activated and present to T cells.
What activates CD4+ T-helper cells?
MHC II and exogenous antigen which activates the B cells and macrophages to attack extra-cellular pathogens
What activates CD8+ T-cytotoxic cells?
MHC I and endogenous (intracellular) antigens which activates Tc cell to apoptose infected cells
What activates B cells?
Either: #T-helper 2 cells presenting antigen causing the B cell to secrete IL-4 which stimulates proliferation/differentiation #Macrophages presenting antigen #Antigen alone (rare)
What are T-Helper 0 cells?
Undifferentiated Th cells straight after activation
How do T-helper 1 cells proliferate and act?
Cellular immune response #They secrete IL-2 which acts upon the secreting cell to stimilate proliferation & differentiation. #They stimulate macrophages by secreting IFN-gamma #Encourage granuloma formation by secreting TNF-alpha
How do T-helper 2 cells proliferate and act?
Humoural Response #Secrete IL-4 to stimulate proliferation & differentiation on themselves #Secrete IL-4 to stimulate B cell proliferation
How do CD8+ T-cytotoxic cells act?
#Produce cytolytic granules in development #Survey MHC I on cells for specific antigen #selectively induce apoptosis by injecting cytotoxic granules
How do B cells act?
Differentiate into: #Effector cells (95%) - Plasma cells (antibodies) & stimulatory cells (migrate to follicles to stimulate other B-cells) #Memory Cells (5%) - anti-apoptopic properties
What is virulence/Pathogenicity?
The ability of a micro-organism to cause disease