World Civ. Chapter 6 Flashcards
Eduard Bernstein
German Political Theorist
Noted Dire predictions marx made that failed to materialize
Predicted Capitalism to work
Rapid Population Growth
Because of the industrial revolution food production was faster and people were not starving.
As a result women became more fertile and had healither Births which rapidly grew the population
More calories per acre and better medical knowledge
Doubled from 5 milliion to 10 million (1800-1850)
Putting-Out System
Decentralized form of production in which an entrepreneur bought raw material and contracted individual families to process it to a finished state.
Put-Out material by family and the entrepreneur provided the capital
James Watt
Glasgow Universities “Mathmatical Instrument Maker”
An engineer who manufactured prescision devices like sextants and scales
1765 he developed a way to eliminate the newcomen design flaw.
Waste of steam reheating cylinder after condensation phase
Watt engine could produce continuous motion
George Stephenson
British Mechanic and inventor
Had no formal education until night school
Head mechanic at Killingworth coillery
Built 1st locomotive the Blucher, capable of hauling 30 tons of coal at 4mph
Sep. 27, 1825 latest locomotive the ACTIVE
Opened the railway by oulling carriages with 450 passengers at an average of 8mph
Invented the railroad
Richard Trevithick
Welsh mining engineer
Designed a flywheel and gearing system to transmit its power to the wheels.
His steam machine NEW CASTLE was capable of transporting 10 tons of Iron and 70 men over 9 miles of private tramway 1804
Robert Fulton
Orginally a painter in philedelphia
Turned his attention to building submarine that was rejected.
Built in Aug. 1807 150ft long steamboat with 15 diameter and sidewheels that rode up the Hudson
Covereed 150 miles in 32 hrs
Began a commercial service
Renamed the Northrive steambot of Clermont
Isambard K. Brunel
Civil engineer helped design and build new colossi of iron and stone. That rivaled the 7 wonders
Full rigged ship with steam engine and side-wheels, masts, and sails set to sail across the atlantic ocean.
Named for its home port in Savannah
Set sail for liverpool in May 24, 1819
Took 659 hrs, 24 dayss, and 85 under steam power
Urban Growth
In Britian Steam powered mill towns grew until they were bursting
Populations shot up
Industrial cities grew rapidly
Factories produced goods
Cities became overcrowded and dirty
Disease ran rampant in cities
Luddities and Saboteurs
Luddities- Machine breakers that had counterparts in other European countries as the Industrial development moved across western Europe
Saboteur- Disgruntled French workers that shoved wooden shoes in machines to break them
Industrial Working-Class
1st generation factory workers did not have satisfaction in their work or living conditions
Sometimes turned into mobs and gangs of displaced workers who swarmed factories to destroy machines in hopes to bring back old economy
Things gradually improved and working class became content
Classical Liberalism
Selective Application of enlightenment ideals to political ideology
Believed concepts of Liberty and Equality, but was primarily concered with political empowerment of middle class
Opposed religous conformitty and aristocratic privlege
Artistic reaction to the stresses imposed by a rapidly changing society.
Manifested in visual art, literature, and music
Rejected enlightments faith in rationaloty and classical notation
Idea or movement that holds that the nation should be congruent with the state.
Love for ones nation
Developed fater failure of congress system in Europe
Abandoned ethics and ideals in favor of a cold and pragmatic course of action based on what was in best interst of nation
Only thing that could be trusted with nations security is the nation itself
Need to be the strongest Nation
Utopian Socialism
Utopians believed economic competition was bad an that gov. should organize economy to eliminate it
Central plannng of economy by scientists, scholars, and egineers
Socialists Epiphany
Socialism- Resources should belong to society not individuals (Everyone is Equal)
Scientific Socialism
Karl Marx (Communism)
Called for abolition of private property and creation of centrally planned economy
Those who make the money and laws should never give up authority
Rich get Richer and poor get poorer
Karl Marx
Created communism or marxism or scientific socialism
Every person is equal except those in power
Revisionist Socialism
Social Democracy
Gradually reforming capitalism through democratic means rather than overthrowing a revolution
Peaceful incremental change
Bebel and Liebknect
Revisionist Socialism
Founded workers party in 1869
rejected marxism and wanting to achieve socialist goals with out revolution