World Civ. Chapter 3 Flashcards
Glorious Revolution
Peacefuk Transition of power and prvided the avenue by which william, mary , and parliment legalized the overthrow of legitamate sovergin.
Left the question of who is sovergin Parliment or the Crown
Geocentric and Heliocentric
Geocentric- Ptolemy believed universe is EARTH centered. Modified by the church to fit its theology
Heliocentric- Kepler and Gallelio created SUN centered model based on obersavtion and analysis instead of philosphy and theology
Published spirit of the laws in 1748
Categorized government by method of operation
Theorized ideal gov in which power iis separated into 3 sections
Checks and Balances and EXecutive, Judical, Legislative Branches
Published in 1689
advanced notion of social contract
Gov. is an agreement between the governing power and the governed people. Created to secure NATURAL RIGHTS of an individual
Issac Newton
3 laws of motion
Discovered what gravity was
Created Calculus
Determined that planets move in an orbit
Published in 1776
Rejects the merchantilist theory that the wealth of a nation is determined by amount of specie it possesed
Defined it as productive capacity of the nation in goods and services
4 economic ages
Jean-Jaques Rousseau THE SOCIAL CONTRACT
Published in 1762
Proposed a system to admit what he saw as bad aspect of modern society
Governed that you have to give up natural rights to have civil rights
Constituation that limits power of general will
Punishment for crimes Jail Time or lost property
Edict of Nantes
Protection of French Protestants in 1698
Allowed hugenots full civil rights, put thier pastors on state payroll, allowed them to establish arsenals for their own protection in the palaces in October of 1685.
This law was revoked and they began persecuting them to compel conversion and about 400,000 huguenots fled France
Friedrich Wilhelm the Great Elector
Ruler of Prussia, came to absolute pwer during the 30 years war.
Inherited an impovershed nation occupied in part by foreign troops
Was able to talk junkers into demanding a standing army rather than a mercanary force
King Friedrich I
Prussian Ruler
The Great Electors Successor
Developed relationship that friedrich wilhelm was working on
Had exceptionally loyal and efficent officer corps and virtually incorruptable upper echlon in civillian beuracracy
Initally forcibly allied to swedes but swapped sides when the tide turmned against invaders
Charles I
English Ruler
Took over in 1625-1649
Got his head cut off
Didn’t pay ordinary and domestic expenses
He imposed new taxes on kingdom to cover the expenses
Believed parliments job is to find the funds to finance their policy
The Long Parliment
Covened in Nov. 1640 Immeadetly ordered arrest of Laud and Wentworth
Wanted to reduce kings authority in order to safegaurd english liberties and parliment
Shifted power away from the crown
Passed the Triennial Act, Mandating that the king summons parliment once every 3 years
Oliver Cromwell
2nd in command to Sir Thomas Fairfax and became the chairman of the council of state and had to lead new model army against the scots and defeated them
Lead the assembly of the saints. Appointed parliment of puritans who reformed government after the revolt against Charles I and almost had an absolute Monarch in England
The Restoration
Regin of King Charles II in England
Brought house of lords back to parliment and confiscated under common wealth was restored to its orginal owner and fixed income based omn an excersize tax was voted for king
Published in 1763
Called for complete religous freedom and elimination of established religion
Freedom of religion and Speech