World Civ. Chapter 2 Flashcards
Copernicus, Brahe, Kepler, Galileo Galilei
Copernicus(1473-1543)- Polish astronomer. Noticed discreoancies on the horizion creating the HELIOCENTRIC THEORY(Sun Centered)
Brahe- Advanced astronomy studies and predicted event of solar eclipse
Kepler- Played a role in finding the Heliocentric Theory
Galileo Galeli- Helped with heliocentric theory, Created the telescope lense. Completely discreditied ptolemaic theory.
Louis XIV
Absolute Monarch in Fran 1643-1715
Come to power when he was 4 years old
When his father died and he came to power there was conflict over parliment and who would ahve control till he came of age
Peace of Rueil. Stopped this fighting for power but he did not trust his parliment
Saw himself as divinely appointed king of france(Chosen by God to rule)
Jean-Baptiste Colbert
Appointed by King Louis to handle finances in the kingdom.
Comptroller of general finance
Greatly improved kings income and frances economy during his tenture
Helped revamp the tax system and weaken the hold of aristocracy gov.
Thomas Hobbes LEVITHAN
Believed that soverignty belongs to the people but rejected democracy.
Published Levithan in 1651
Levithan- without someone ruling and protecting natural rights life would be solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short
Ghulams and Janissaries
Ghulams- Slave ranks in the Army
Janissaries- Standing army of elite turkish infantry soldiers
- Boys between 8-18 werer taken and given intense religous in docutination and millitary traing, then enlisted into sultans crack regiments(New Troops)
Hapsburg Dynasty
Came from a series of judicous marriages that brought land, titles, and influence
Hapsburg came from humble orgins to dominate affairs of the 16th century Europe
Shah of Iran and religous leader who founded the savfavid dynasty
Timar Nobility
Orginally a grant service with the estate passing to a new tenant. One existing tenant excited service due to age or injury
Timar families came to polical power
Expanded the realm to its greatest extent and the emporer who sowed the seeds of its collapse
Became religous zealot appointing muhtasib to enforce islamic law
Began adopting discriminatory policies toward non-muslims
Charged hindu 5% Tax and Muslims 2.5%
ventually eliminated muslims custom duties
Nadir Shah
Abbs III Decleared himself Nadir shah and ruled perisa in 1736.
Nadir shah was a warlord
Shah Abbas
Took throne in 1588
Young, charasmatic, talented and ruthless leader
Put down rebel cheiftans and restored order to central Iran
Fought 1 enemy at a time and found peace with ottomans
Provided politicla stability and economic growth
Safi Al-Din
Sufi holy order. Safawiyah, was estabished by Safi Al-Din.
Spiritual followers transferred to Safi Al-Din when zahid died
Suleiman the Magnificent
Ottoman peak under sultan Sulieman
His empire had all the natural resources he need to build up land and naval forces
Processed. raw materials into ships, weapons, and gun powder.
Greatest Munghal leader
14 when he came to power
Siezed control of several important rebelling districts
Got access to man power for both adminstrative positions and rank
There was a growing conflict between Sikhs and Mughal religions
Faced the policy placed by bahadur Shah that destroyed Hindu and Sikh temples.
Policy was eventually abandoned but that did not stop the discrimination