Why Are Men So Violent? Flashcards
남자가 여자보다 더 폭력적이라는 것은 눈치채지 않고서는 지나쳐지지 않을 것입니다.
It will not have gone unnoticed that men are more violent than women.
*go unnoticed
perpetrate [pɜ:rpɪtreɪt] 1
homicide [hɒmɪsaɪd] 1
Men perpetrate about 90 percent of the world’s homicides and start all of the wars.
[VERB] [FORMAL] If someone perpetrates a crime or any other immoral or harmful act, they do it.
[NOUN] [mainly AM] Homicide is the illegal killing of a person.
contend [kəntend]2
A recent article in a prominent science journal contends that evolution has shaped men to be warriors.
[VERB] [FORMAL] If you contend that something is true, you state or argue that it is true.
program [proʊgræm]1
coalition [koʊəlɪʃən] 1 3
procure [prəkjʊər] 2
More specifically, the authors claim that men are biologically programmed to form coalitions that aggress against neighbors either through force or by procuring resources that would make them more desirable.
[VERB] [COMPUTING] When you program a computer, you give it a set of instructions to make it able to perform a particular task.
[NOUN] [oft N of n] A coalition is a group consisting of people from different political or social groups who are co-operating to achieve a particular aim.
[VERB] [FORMAL] If you procure something, especially something that is difficult to get, you obtain it.
alluring [əlʊrɪŋ]2
dubious [du:biəs] 1
The male warrior hypothesis is alluring because it makes sense of male violence, but it is based on a dubious interpretation of the science.
[ADJ] Someone or something that is alluring is very attractive.
[ADJ] If you describe something as dubious, you mean that you do not consider it to be completely honest, safe, or reliable.
competing [kəmpi:tɪŋ]2
I point out that such evolutionary explanations of behavior are often worse than competing historical explanations.
[ADJ] Competing ideas, requirements, or interests cannot all be right or satisfied at the same time.
eschew [ɪstʃu:]2
A historical explanation of male violence does not eschew biological factors, but it minimizes them and assumes that men and woman are psychologically similar.
[VERB] [FORMAL] If you eschew something, you deliberately avoid doing it or becoming involved in it.
differential [dɪfərenʃəl] 1 3
n hunter-gatherer societies, this strength differential doesn’t allow men to fully dominate women, because they depend on the food that women gather.
[NOUN] [mainly BRIT] A differential is a difference between things, especially rates of pay.격차
advent [ædvent] 1
But things change with the advent of intensive agriculture and herding.
[NOUN] [FORMAL] The advent of an important event, invention, or situation is the fact of it starting or coming into existence.도래
*집단 목축
야~ 우리 한 가족(공동체)이잖아
Hey, we are a herd!
무거운 쟁기들과 큰 동물들이 식량 생산에서 주요하게 되자, 힘은 남성에게 이점이 되었습니다. 여성과 대비하여 볼 때 말입니다.
Strength gives men an advantage over women once heavy ploughs and large animals become central aspects of food production.
philander [fɪ|lændə]1
The economic dependency allows men to mistreat women, to philander, and to take over labor markets and political institutions.
[VERB] [(intr, often foll by with)] (of a man) to flirt with women =womanizer
dispense with somebody/something
advance [ædvɑ:ns, -væns]2
With these assumptions, we can dispense with the male warrior hypothesis, which is advanced by Melissa McDonald.
*to get rid of something; to stop using somebody/something because they are/it is no longer necessary
[VERB] If you advance a cause, interest, or claim, you support it and help to make it successful.
farming technologies allowed men co-opt power over the course of human history.
[VERB] If a group or political party co-opts a slogan or policy, they take it, often from another group or political party, and use it themselves.
xenophobic [zenəfoʊbɪk] 1 3
be wired to
The authors claim that men are more xenophobic than women, because they are wired to wage war.
[ADJ] [disapproval, FORMAL] If you describe someone as xenophobic, you disapprove of them because they show strong dislike or fear of people from other countries.
[VERB] If you wire something such as a building or piece of equipment, you put wires inside it so that electricity or signals can pass into or through it.
=be programmed to