The urge to Smurf Flashcards
The urge to smurf
- (자금 출처를 감추려고) 돈세탁하는 사람.
- (불법 자금 등)을 돈세탁하다.
turn to
When government gets greedy, some people turn to crime.
*to turn your attention, your thoughts, etc. to a new subject
interstate [ɪntərsteɪt] 1
zip through
conduit [kɒnduɪt] 1
wholesale [hoʊlseɪl] 1
THE busy interstate highway that zips through Richmond, Virginia, and up to the crowded cities of the north-east has long been a conduit for handguns bought wholesale in Virginia and sold to drug-dealers in New York.
[ADJ] Interstate means between states, especially the states of the United States.
*to do, read, etc. something very quickly
[NOUN] A conduit is a small tunnel, pipe, or channel through which water or electrical wires go.
[ADV] [BUSINESS] If something is sold wholesale, it is sold in large quantities and at cheaper prices, usually to shopkeepers.
siphon [saɪfən] 1
contraband [kɒntrəbænd] 1
Now I-95 is siphoning northwards another form of contraband: black-market cigarettes.
[VERB] If you siphon liquid from a container, you make it come out through a tube and down into a lower container by enabling the pressure of the air on it to push it out.
*Siphon off means the same as siphon. [PHRASAL VERB]
[NOUN] Contraband refers to goods that are taken into or out of a country illegally.
조폭들은 그곳에서 담배를 대량으로 사고 그것들을 뉴욕이나 다른 세금 높은 주에서 엄청난 수익을 내고 판다.
Gangsters buy cigarettes there in bulk and sell them at enormous profit in New York and other high-tax states.
- in bulk [NOUN] [in N, N n] If you buy or sell something in bulk, you buy or sell it in large quantities.
- sell something at ~price~의 수익을 내고 sth을 팔다.
pocket [pɒkɪt] 1
At a minimum, they pocket a big chunk of the difference between what Virginia adds in tax—30 cents a packet—and the higher rates imposed elsewhere.
[VERB] [JOURNALISM] If you say that someone pockets something such as a prize or sum of money, you mean that they win or obtain it, often without needing to make much effort or in a way that seems unfair.
그들은 적어 버지니아가 세금에 부과한 것과 다른 곳에서 더 높은 세금율을 부과한 것과의 차액의 상당부분을 쉽사리 얻을 수 있다.
At a minimum, they pocket a big chunk of the difference between what Virginia adds in tax—30 cents a packet—and the higher rates imposed elsewhere.
정부는 불법 담배 판매로 인해 연간 약 100억달러의 손해를 본다.
Sales of illegal cigarettes cost government—local, state and federal—nearly $10 billion a year.
* A cost B ~: [kɔ:st]1 [VERB] If an event or mistake costs you something, you lose that thing as the result of it.
그것을 하는 것에 대한 벌칙은 마약을 파는 것에 대한 것보다 상당히 (형량이) 가볍다.
The penalty for doing it—a maximum of five years in jail, under federal law—is considerably lighter than for selling drugs.
*light(형량에 대한 표현을 쓸때)
traffic(k) [træfɪk] 1
If the smugglers were trafficking in heroin, they would face life in prison.
[VERB] Someone who traffics in something such as drugs or stolen goods buys and sells them even though it is illegal to do so.
racket [rækɪt]1
appetite [æpɪtaɪt] 1
The growth of the cigarette-resale racket, known to police as “smurfing”, appears tied to a growing government appetite for cash.
[NOUN] [oft n N] [INFORMAL] You can refer to an illegal activity used to make money as a racket.
[NOUN] Your appetite is your desire to eat.
불법 담배 재판매의 성장은 정무의 현금에 대한 입맛다시기와 연결되어 있는 것으로 보인다.
The growth of the cigarette-resale racket, known to police as “smurfing”, appears tied to a growing government appetite for cash.
*tie to: [VERB] [usu passive] If one thing is tied to another or two things are tied, the two things have a close connection or link.
spur [spɜ:r] on
This spurs the smugglers on.
[VERB] If one thing spurs you to do another, it encourages you to do it.
*Spur on means the same as spur. [PHRASAL VERB]
fourfold [fɔ:fəʊld]1 2
seizure [si:ʒər] 1
haul [hɔ:l]
Maryland, Virginia’s neighbour to the north, reported a fourfold increase in seizures of illegal cigarettes between 2010 and 2012, though one official described the haul as the tip of the iceberg.
[ADJ] equal to or having four times as many or as much
[NOUN] [oft N of n] When an organization such as the police or customs service makes a seizure of illegal goods, they find them and take them away.
[NOUN] A haul is a quantity of things that are stolen, or a quantity of stolen or illegal goods found by police or customs.
버지니아의 동쪽에 있는 이웃인 메리랜드는 2010년과 2012년 사이에 불법 담배 압수량이 4배 증가 했다고 보고 했다. 비록 한 고위공무원은 그 불법물의 양을 빙산의 일각이라고 묘사하긴 했지만.
Maryland, Virginia’s neighbour to the north, reported a fourfold increase in seizures of illegal cigarettes between 2010 and 2012, though one official described the haul as the tip of the iceberg.
- ~ to the north: ~의 북쪽에 있는
- a fourfold increase in seizures
- the tip of the iceberg 빙산의 일각