The Science Behind Gifting Flashcards
make for
Unfortunately, psychological studies reveal that givers and receivers have a hard time understanding each other’s mind-sets, which can make for a tricky holiday experience.
[NOUN] If you refer to someone’s mind-set, you mean their general attitudes and the way they typically think about things.
[VERB] to help to bring about=lead to=contribute to
wrap up for
hat Crock-Pot your well-meaning aunt gave you last year that you are shamefully contemplating wrapping up for your dear neighbor this year?
[ADJ] If you say that a person or their actions are well-meaning, you mean that they intend to be helpful or kind but they are unsuccessful or cause problems.
당신이 거리낌 없이 선물 재활용을 할 수 있습니다. 수치심 없이 말입니다.
You can go right ahead and regift it, shame intact.
*go right ahead and ~: 거리낌 없이 ~하다.
*shame intact 수치심이 손상되지 않은채
[ɪntækt]2 : [ADJ] Something that is intact is complete and has not been damaged or changed.
shy away (from something/from doing something)
out of
Many people shy away from regifting, or hide the fact they are doing it, out of fear the original giver of the item could be offended.
*to avoid doing something because you are nervous or frightened
[PREP] You use out of to say what feeling or reason causes someone to do something. For example, if you do something out of pity, you do it because you pity someone.
accrue [əkru:] 2
derive [dɪraɪv] 2
The benefit of a thoughtful gift actually accrues mainly to the giver, who derives a feeling of closeness to the other person, the study found.
[VERB] [FORMAL] If things such as profits or benefits accrue to someone, they are added to over a period of time.
[VERB] If you say that something such as a word or feeling derives or is derived from something else, you mean that it comes from that thing.
사람들은 그들이 분명하게 요구해왔던 선물을 받을 때 더 감사해합니다.
People are more appreciative when they receive a gift they have explicitly requested
*appreciative [əpri:ʃətɪv] 2 [ADJ] [oft ADJ of n] If you are appreciative of something, you are grateful for it.
더 많은 돈을 선물에 들이는 것이 반드시 더 큰 감사로 이어지진 않습니다.
spending more money on a gift doesn’t necessarily translate into greater appreciation.
- translate into
- not necessarily: [ADV] [with neg, ADV group, ADV before v] [vagueness] If you say that something is not necessarily the case, you mean that it may not be the case or is not always the case.
draw on
Despite knowing what these roles feel like, people often fail, for instance, to draw on the experience of being a recipient when they are shopping for a gift to give.
*to use something that you have or that is available to help you do something(~에 의존해서 생각하다)
한 떄는 사회적 금기로 여겨졌던 선물 재활용이 점차 받아들여지고 있습니다.
Regifting, once a social taboo, is gradually gaining in acceptance.
Ms. Sayeed fibbed.
[VERB] [INFORMAL] If someone is fibbing, they are telling lies.
[NOUN] [INFORMAL] A fib is a small, unimportant lie.
come clean
sneaky [sni:ki] 1
I had a moment to probably come clean about it and I just decided it would be better not to, which I guess is why people feel sneaky about regifting.
*tell the truth about something, especially after lying or keeping it secret
[ADJ] [disapproval, INFORMAL] If you describe someone as sneaky, you disapprove of them because they do things secretly rather than openly.
나는 아마도 솔직하게 털어놓을 기회가 있었지만, 난 그냥 그러지 않겠다고 마음 먹었죠.
I had a moment to probably come clean about it and I just decided it would be better not to.
*I just decided it would be better not to.
그들은 원래 준 사람이 그 선물들이 어떻게 사용되었는지에 대해서 의견을 낼(질문을 할) 숸리가 있다고 믿었습니다.
they believed the original giver should retain some say in how the gifts were used.
*have some/more say(more의 경우 더 영향력 있다는 것)
[NOUN] If you have a say in something, you have the right to give your opinion and influence decisions relating to it.
hold true/good
The different points of view held true regardless of whether the gift givers and receivers were friends.
*be or remain true, valid, correct, etc
그의 생일 파티는 우리의 여행과 겹치게 정해졌다
His birthday party was arranged to coincide with our trip.
*to coincide with
[VERB] If one event coincides with another, they happen at the same time.
sanction [sæŋkʃən] 1
At least one state has officially sanctioned an annual regifting day.
[VERB] If someone in authority sanctions an action or practice, they officially approve of it and allow it to be done.
이건 사람들이 생각하는 것만큼 꽤 기분 나쁜 일은 아닙니다.
it’s not quite as offensive as people might think it is
upfront [|ʌp|frʌnt]2
But she says she tries to be upfront about it.
[ADJ] [informal] open, frank, honest
debunk [di:bʌŋk] 1 2
The adage “It’s the thought that counts” was largely debunked by the recent study.
[VERB] If you debunk a widely held belief, you show that it is false. If you debunk something that is widely admired, you show that it is not as good as people think it is.뻥임을 입증하다.
be better off (doing something)
the recent study concluded that gift givers are better off choosing gifts that receivers actually desire rather than spending a lot of time and energy shopping for what they perceive to be a thoughtful gift.
*used to say that somebody is/would be happier or more satisfied if they were in a particular position or did a particular thing
그냥 헤어져( 헤어지는게 더 행복하고 만족스러울 거야)
You will be better off having nothing to do with him.
*be better off
*be/have nothing to do with somebody/something
:have no connection with somebody/something