The Narcissist In All Of Us Flashcards
blowhard [|bləʊ|hɑ:d]12
braggart [|bræɡət]1
glaze [gleɪz]
They’re the preeners, the mirror-gazers, the blowhards, the braggarts, the colleagues or family members who go on and on about themselves but whose eyes take on a sleepy glaze the moment you find a crack of conversational daylight and try to talk about yourself.
*(부리로) 다듬는 새 ; (혀로) 다듬는 동물 ; 멋부리는 사람.
[NOUN] a boastful person
[NOUN] a person who boasts loudly or exaggeratedly; bragger
charm the pants off
They’re the bosses who bully you, the friends who exhaust you, the lovers who charm the pants off you—sometimes literally—then never call again.
*…을 매료하다/남에게 아첨하다, 남의 비위를 맞추다
affliction [əflɪkʃən]2
There’s personal narcissism and tribal narcissism—and that second kind can be a global affliction.
[NOUN] [FORMAL] An affliction is something which causes physical or mental suffering.
jingoistic [dʒɪŋgoʊɪstɪk] 1 3
It’s in the faintly darker, more jingoistic chants of “U.S.A! U.S.A.!” that may accompany an Olympic hockey win or an ill-planned invasion of Iraq.
[ADJ] [disapproval] Jingoistic behaviour shows a strong and unreasonable belief in the superiority of your own country.
techie [teki]1
It’s part of every company softball game ever played—techies versus sales, design versus manufacture—and every blue state versus red state argument ever had.
[NOUN] [INFORMAL] Some people refer to someone who works in a technological industry, especially computing, as a techie.
crossfire [krɔ:sfaɪər]1
comrade [kɒmræd] 1
It’s soldiers who race into the field risking death and ducking crossfire to save a wounded comrade and then, that job done, turn their fire outward and take other lives with the same resolve and pride with which they just saved one.
[VERB] If you duck, you move your head or the top half of your body quickly downwards to avoid something that might hit you, or to avoid being seen.
[NOUN] Crossfire is gunfire, for example in a battle, that comes from two or more different directions and passes through the same area.
[NOUN] [LITERARY] Your comrades are your friends, especially friends that you share a difficult or dangerous situation with.
Human beings are social creatures—a very important adaptation allowing soft, slow, fangless, clawless ground-dwellers like us to survive.
[NOUN] Fangs are the two long, sharp, upper teeth that some animals have.
breed [bri:d]
And because we’re rational creatures, too—creatures who like to feel good about ourselves and don’t like to think we seize land and resources and mates simply because we’re greedy—we tell ourselves that we favor our own kind because we’re smarter, prettier, better, more virtuous, more caring—a superior breed of people in a world filled with lesser ones.
tug [tʌg]
The narcissism of the tribe is a gravitational thing—the kind that gathers more and more individuals, its tug increasing along with its size and mass.
[NOUN] A tug or a tug boat is a small powerful boat which pulls large ships, usually when they come into a port.
despot [despət] 1
bring down
Dictators and despots may ignite wars and bring down nations, but they are still merely borrowing their power.
[NOUN] A despot is a ruler or other person who has a lot of power and who uses it unfairly or cruelly.
[VERB] [tr, adverb] to cause to fall
cab [kæb]
locomotive[loʊkəmoʊtɪv] 1
They are the engineers in the cab of a hundred-ton locomotive.
[NOUN] The cab of a truck or train is the front part in which the driver sits.
[NOUN] [FORMAL] A locomotive is a large vehicle that pulls a railway train.기관차
go off the rails
they generate a collective power that can all too easily go off the rails.
*start behaving in a way which shocks or upsets other people
disperse [dɪspɜ:rs]2
We have races simply because we dispersed.
[VERB] When a group of people disperses or when someone disperses them, the group splits up and the people leave in different directions.
take on
outsize [aʊtsaɪz] 1 2
But early in human history, those differences began to take on an outsize meaning for us.
[VERB] to assume or acquire
[ADJ] [BRIT] Outsize or outsized things are much larger than usual or much larger than you would expect.
Like it or not
Like it or not, the tribe you know is much more inclined to protect you than is the tribe you don’t, whose members see you as alien at best and a competitor for resources at worst.
*싫으나 좋으나
disdain [dɪsdeɪn] 2
They notice it, and if it gives them pause, it’s a result less of disdain or dislike than uncertainty.
[NOUN] If you feel disdain for someone or something, you dislike them because you think that they are inferior or unimportant.
eyeball [aɪbɔ:l] 1
But had begun to eyeball people in ways she hadn’t before.
[VERB] [INFORMAL] If you eyeball someone or something, you stare at them.
plead [pli:d]
I watched her watching, guessed what was going on in her head, and silently pleaded with her not to give voice to it.
[VERB] If you plead with someone to do something, you ask them in an intense, emotional way to do it.
wince [wɪns]
hiss [hɪs]
I winced and then hissed her name reproachfully but managed nothing more.
[VERB] If you wince, the muscles of your face tighten suddenly because you have felt a pain or because you have just seen, heard, or remembered something unpleasant.
[VERB] If you hiss something, you say it forcefully in a whisper.
[ADJ] Reproachful expressions or remarks show that you are disappointed, upset, or angry because someone has done something wrong.
by my count
he cashier could have responded in a thousand different ways—more bad than good, by my count—but she chose something that was equal parts insightful and gentle.
*내 계산에 의하면.
get baked into
once even mild cases of racial bias get baked into an individual’s or community’s worldview, it’s hard to get them out.
[VERB] If places or people become extremely hot because the sun is shining very strongly, you can say that they bake.
distressing[dɪstresɪŋ] 2
It is a distressingly easy and speedy exercise.
[ADJ] If something is distressing, it upsets you or worries you.
egalitarian [ɪgælɪteəriən]2 4
No matter what subjects think about their egalitarian nature, they slow down markedly.
[ADJ] Egalitarian means supporting or following the idea that all people are equal and should have the same rights and opportunities.
malleable [mæliəbəl]1
Encouragingly, such biases, while terrible, are also malleable, or at least more malleable than they seem.
[ADJ] A substance that is malleable is soft and can easily be made into different shapes.
stark [stɑ:rk]
murderous [mɜ:rdərəs] 1
Plenty of people, however, are perfectly happy if their higher regions stay quiet, drawing stark—even murderous—differences between insiders and outsiders that do not even require a racial difference.
[ADJ] If two things are in stark contrast to one another, they are very different from each other in a way that is very obvious.
[ADJ] [usu ADJ n] Someone who is murderous is likely to murder someone and may already have murdered someone.
mobster [mɒbstər]1
promiscuous [prəmɪskjuəs]2
rhapsodic [ræpsɒdɪk] 2
That kind of behavior is present in mobsters who kill promiscuously yet go on rhapsodically about family.
[NOUN] A mobster is someone who is a member of an organized group of violent criminals.
[ADJ] [disapproval] Someone who is promiscuous has sex with many different people.
[ADJ] [FORMAL] Language and feelings that are rhapsodic are very powerful and full of delight in something.
turf [tɜ:rf]
spray [spreɪ]
in street gangs that fiercely protect their members and turf, then spray rivals with automatic-weapons fire from speeding cars.
[NOUN] [usu poss N] Someone’s turf is the area which is most familiar to them or where they feel most confident.
[VERB] If a lot of small things spray somewhere or if something sprays them, they are scattered somewhere with a lot of force.
dehumanize [di:hju:mənaɪz]12
wholesale[hoʊlseɪl] 1
But it displays its most terrible expression in wars—the dehumanization of the outsider is essential for wholesale slaughter.
[VERB] If you say that something dehumanizes people, you mean it takes away from them good human qualities such as kindness, generosity, and independence.
[ADJ] [emphasis] You use wholesale to describe the destruction, removal, or changing of something when it affects a very large number of things or people.
swarm [swɔ:rm]
There’s a reason that in Nazi propaganda films Jews were depicted as rats swarming up from sewer grates.
[VERB] When people swarm somewhere, they move there quickly in a large group.
[NOUN] A grate is a framework of metal bars in a fireplace, which holds the coal or wood.쇠살대
vile [vaɪl]
These are beasts, the semiography says—and they’re vile beasts at that.
[ADJ] If you say that someone or something is vile, you mean that they are very unpleasant.
stoke [stoʊk]
frame [freɪm]
The anger part is often stoked by framing the out-group as an existential threat—and it must be a knowing, calculated threat.
[VERB] If you stoke something such as a feeling, you cause it to be felt more strongly.
[VERB] [INFORMAL] If someone frames an innocent person, they make other people think that that person is guilty of a crime, by lying or inventing evidence.
unwitting [ʌnwɪtɪŋ]2
lethal [li:θəl] 1
despise [dɪspaɪz]2
An out-group that unwittingly carried a virus that was lethal to the in-group would surely be rejected, and maybe even killed, but its members wouldn’t be despised.
[ADJ] If you describe a person or their actions as unwitting, you mean that the person does something or is involved in something without realizing it.
[ADJ] If you describe something as lethal, you mean that it is capable of causing a lot of damage.
[VERB] If you despise something or someone, you dislike them and have a very low opinion of them.
manifesto [mænɪfestoʊ]1 3
purport [pərpɔ:rt]2
traffick [træfɪk] 1
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the fraudulent manifesto published in 1903 that purported to be the Jews’ secret guidebook for world domination, trafficked in such an idea.
[NOUN] A manifesto is a statement published by a person or group of people, especially a political party, or a government, in which they say what their aims and policies are.
[VERB] [FORMAL] If you say that someone or something purports to do or be a particular thing, you mean that they claim to do or be that thing, although you may not always believe that claim.
[VERB] Someone who traffics in something such as drugs or stolen goods buys and sells them even though it is illegal to do so.
animus [ænɪməs]1
Psychologist Robert Sternberg sees a different three-step process at work to turn mere animus into homicidal loathing.
[NOUN] [FORMAL] If a person has an animus against someone, they have a strong feeling of dislike for them, even when there is no good reason for it.
diminution [dɪmɪnu:ʃən] 1 3
remorse [rɪmɔ:rs] 2
in play
And while it’s impossible to lay all that ugliness at the feet of ordinary or even clinical narcissism, it’s hard to deny that the arrogance, the self-regard, the diminution of others, the lack of empathy and remorse, and the willingness to commit any act to achieve personal ends, all of which are essential parts of narcissism, are in play here as well.
[NOUN] [FORMAL] A diminution of something is its reduction in size, importance, or intensity.
[NOUN] Remorse is a strong feeling of sadness and regret about something wrong that you have done.
wondrous [wʌndrəs]1
hideous [hɪdiəs] 1
preposterous [prɪpɒstərəs] 2
If tribalism can be wondrous or hideous, it can also be splendidly preposterous.
[ADJ] [LITERARY] If you describe something as wondrous, you mean it is strange and beautiful or impressive.
[ADJ] If you say that someone or something is hideous, you mean that they are very ugly or unattractive.
[ADJ] [disapproval] If you describe something as preposterous, you mean that it is extremely unreasonable and foolish.
bloodshed [blʌdʃed]1
affiliation [əfɪlieɪʃən]2 4
There are the flags, the costumes, the marching bands, the songs, the bloodshed (often), the passions (always), and the emotional affiliation with a home city, a team name, and a set of iconic colors.
[NOUN] Bloodshed is violence in which people are killed or wounded.
[NOUN] [oft N with/to n] [FORMAL] If you have an affiliation with a group or another person, you have a close or official connection with them.
brawl [brɔ:l]
he bad blood between cities and teams can sometimes turn to real blood in the stands, in the form of brawls and even riots—depending on how the game is going, and often how much drinking is involved.
[NOUN] A brawl is a rough or violent fight.
pageantry [pædʒəntri] 1
The question in all this isn’t why we care—sports are fun, the pageantry is beautiful, and watching gifted athletes perform can be as exciting as watching gifted dancers dance.
[NOUN] People use pageantry to refer to the colourful and formal things that are done for special official or royal occasions, for example the wearing of special clothes and the playing of special music.
bask in [bɑ:sk, bæsk] 1
It was in 1976 that psychologist Robert Cialdini, a professor at Arizona State University, published his often-cited study of the phenomenon he called BIRG—or “basking in reflected glory”—as it applies to sports fans.
[VERB] If you bask in someone’s approval, favour, or admiration, you greatly enjoy their positive reaction towards you.
emblazon [ɪm|bleɪz ən2
On the whole, he found that students were more likely to wear an article of clothing emblazoned with their school’s name, logo, or colors following a win than following a loss.
[VERB] to make bright or splendid, as with colours, flowers, etc
don [dɒn]
Louisiana State University students were 2.4 times likelier to don the purple and gold after a team win.
[VERB] [WRITTEN] If you don clothing, you put it on.
disown [dɪsoʊn] 2
Following a loss, they were much likelier to disown the team and refer to it either in the third person.
[VERB] If you disown someone or something, you say or show that you no longer want to have any connection with them or any responsibility for them.
clade [kleɪd]
The dinosaurs once thundered, but the dinosaurs were an entire clade—just like the clade of mammals—and now they’re all gone.
[NOUN] [Sci:Biology] a group of organisms considered as having evolved from a common ancestor
chip away at something
One of the best studies, published in 2011 and conducted by a team led by marine biologist Camilo Mora of the University of Hawaii, puts the figure at 8.7 million—and humans are chipping away at that number fast.
(used especially in the progressive tenses) to make something smaller or weaker by continuously breaking small pieces off it
But typically in nature there are automatic control mechanisms that stop the overexploitation.
*과잉 개발/착취
utter [ʌtər] 1
We may indeed achieve the utter dominance at the expense of all else that every narcissist craves.
[ADJ] [emphasis] You use utter to emphasize that something is great in extent, degree, or amount.