Today's Assignment Flashcards
프랑스는 the Economist Intelligence Unit에 의한 교육시스템의 새로운 평가에서 25위에 올랐습니다.
France ranked twenty-fifth in a new evaluation of educational systems by the Economist Intelligence Unit.
*rank (정관사 없음) 순위
한국은 일등했다
한국에 ~의 부문에서 중국에 이어 2위이다.
Korea topped the list/was second to none.
Korea was second only to China in~.
그것이 얼마나 나쁜가에 대한 이해를 돕기위해서 (예를 들자면), 시민들이 그들이 얼마나 좋지 못한 교육을 받고 있는지에 대해서 말하는 것이 익숙한 미국의이 17위다.
To give you an idea how bad that is, the United States, whose citizens are accustomed to being told how poorly educated they are, ranked seventeenth.
*to give you an idea ~, ~에 대한 이해를 돕기 위해서 예를 들자면
emancipate [ɪmænsɪpeɪt] 2
proclamation [prɒkləmeɪʃən] 1 3
give heart
The French President’s emancipation proclamation regarding homework may give heart not only to les enfants de la patrie but to the many opponents of homework in this country as well.
[VERB] [FORMAL] If people are emancipated, they are freed from unpleasant or unfair social, political, or legal restrictions. 거창한 단어
[NOUN] A proclamation is a public announcement about something important, often about something of national importance.
[PHRASE] [V inflects] If something gives you heart, it makes you feel more confident or happy about something.
conjugate [kɒndʒʊgeɪt] 1
mindless [maɪndləs] 1
the parents who have long insisted that compelling children to conjugate irregular verbs, and outline chapters from their textbooks after school hours is (the reasons vary) mindless, unrelated to academic achievement, negatively related to academic achievement, and a major contributor to the great modern evil, stress.
[VERB] When pupils or teachers conjugate a verb, they give its different forms in a particular order.(동사의 변화를)활용시키다.
[ADJ] [usu ADJ n] [disapproval, mainly BRIT] If you describe a violent action as mindless, you mean that it is done without thought and will achieve nothing.
inequity[ɪnekwɪti] 2
His reason for exercising his powers in this area is to address an inequity.
[NOUN] [disapproval, FORMAL] If you refer to the inequity of something, you are criticizing it because it is unfair or unjust.
affluent [æfluənt]1
presumably [prɪzu:məbli] 2
He thinks that homework gives children whose parents are able to help them with it—more educated and affluent parents, presumably—an advantage over children whose parents are not.
[ADJ] If you are affluent, you have a lot of money.
[ADV] [vagueness] If you say that something is presumably the case, you mean that you think it is very likely to be the case, although you are not certain.
숙제는 부모들이 그들이 숙제하는 것을 도와줄 수 없는 아이들보다 그들이 숙제하는 것을 도와줄 수 있는 아이들에게 더 이점을 줍니다.
Homework gives children whose parents are able to help them with it an advantage over children whose parents are not.
roundly [raʊndli] 1
Homework is an institution roundly disliked by all who participate in it.
[ADV] If you are roundly condemned or criticized, you are condemned or criticized forcefully or by many people. If you are roundly defeated, you are defeated completely.
God/Heaven forbid that~
cf) God willing
God forbid they should get a check-minus or other less-than-perfect grade on it.
- used to say that you hope that something will not happen
cf) used for expressing your hope that something will happen
God/Heaven forbid that~
cf) God willing
check minus
God forbid they should get a check-minus or other less-than-perfect grade on it.
- used to say that you hope that something will not happen
cf) used for expressing your hope that something will happen - When you turn in a paper, but it’s not quite good enough.
그에 비하면 시시프스는 운이 좋은 것입니다.
Compared to that, Sisyphus lucked out.
*luck out:[VERB] [intr, adverb] to have good fortune; be lucky
그 말은 숙제를 제거하면 우리의 사정이 더 나아진다는 것일까요?
Does this mean that we would be better off getting rid of it?
*better off ~ing/better off without
stand up
Two counts in the standard argument against homework don’t appear to stand up.
[VERB] to support, side with, or defend
unsubstantiated[ʌnsəbstænʃieɪtɪd]1 3
The other unsubstantiated complaint about homework is that it is increasing.
[ADJ] A claim, accusation, or story that is unsubstantiated has not been proved to be valid or true.