Hot Gift Is a Tablet, but Which to Buy? Flashcards
The other day, I joined NPR for a segment about high-tech holiday gifts.
[NOUN] [N of n] A segment of something is one part of it, considered separately from the rest. 라디오 프로
brush up on
I’d brushed up on cameras, phones, laptops, music players and game consoles. I’d brushed up on cameras, phones, laptops, music players and game consoles.
*to study or practise something in order to get back the skill or knowledge that you had in the past but have not used for some time
저는 티비(나 컴퓨터) 보는 시간을 정하는 것이나, 디지털 중독, 사이버왕따에 대해 이야기할 준비가 되어있었습니다.
I was prepared to talk about limiting screen time, digital addiction, cyberbullying.
*screen time: 스크린에 노출되는 시간(TV보는 시간, 컴퓨터 사용시간)
이 시장바닥은 태블릿이 완전 유행입니다.
The marketplace has gone tablet-crazy.
venerable [venərəbəl] 1
There’s the venerable iPad, of course.
[ADJ] [usu ADJ n] Something that is venerable is impressive because it is old or important historically.
practically [præktɪkəli] 1
There’s practically a different model for every man, woman and child.
[ADV] [ADV adj/-ed] You use practically to describe something which involves real actions or events rather than ideas or theories.
crop [krɒp]
There’s a new crop of black-and-white e-book readers.
[NOUN] [N of n] [INFORMAL] You can refer to a group of people or things that have appeared together as a crop of people or things.
keep tabs on
So how are you, the confused consumer, supposed to keep tabs on all these tablets?
*watch somebody/something very carefully; keep informed about somebody/something
knockoff [nɒkɒf] 1
no-name (brand)
DIRT-CHEAP KNOCKOFFS You can find no-name tablets for $100 or even less.
[ADJ] [emphasis, INFORMAL] If you say that something is dirt-cheap, you are emphasizing that it is very cheap indeed.
[NOUN] [INFORMAL] A knockoff is a cheap copy of a well-known product.
*A cheap, low quality, bad brand of foods and other items.
polish [pɒlɪʃ]1
They don’t have the apps, the features, the polish or the pleasure of the nicer ones.
[NOUN] [approval] If you say that a performance or piece of work has polish, you mean that it is of a very high standard.
bother with [bɒðər] 1
Don’t bother with the lesser brands.
[VERB] [with brd-neg] If you do not bother to do something or if you do not bother with it, you do not do it,
[ADJ] [ADJ n, the ADJ of n] You can use lesser to refer to something or someone that is less important than other things or people of the same type. 격떨어지는
lock into [lɒk] 1
proprietary [prəpraɪəteri]2
if you’re going to get locked into one company’s proprietary, copy-protected book format, you’ll reduce your chances of library obsolescence if you stick with Amazon or Barnes & Noble.
[VERB] If you lock something in a particular position or if it lock there, it is held or fitted firmly in that position.
[ADJ] [ADJ n] [FORMAL] Proprietary substances or products are sold under a trade name.
[NOUN] Obsolescence is the state of being no longer needed because something newer or more efficient has been invented.
아마존과 반디엔노블주 각각은 기능적으로 이북리더와 아이패드 중간쯤에 해당하는 7인치 테블릿을 팔고 있습니다.
Amazon and B.& N. each sell a seven-inch tablet that, functionally, lands somewhere between an e-book reader and an iPad.
*land somewhere between
ilk [ɪlk] 1
They’re nowhere near as capable as full-blown, computerlike tablets of the iPad/Nexus ilk, mainly because there are so few apps, accessories and add-ons.
[ADJ] Full-blown means having all the characteristics of a particular type of thing or person.
[NOUN] If you talk about people or things of the same ilk, you mean people or things of the same type as a person or thing that has been mentioned.
[NOUN] An add-on is an extra piece of equipment, especially computer equipment, that can be added to a larger one which you already own in order to improve its performance or its usefulness.
눅HD가 적절합니다/ 눅HD를 고르세요(가지세요)
The Nook HD is the one to get.
*the one to get