The origin of My pyromania Flashcards
babysit [beɪbisɪt] 1
My grandfather babysat for me once when I was 4.
[VERB] If you babysit for someone or babysit their children, you look after their children while they are out.
advent [|ӕdvent]1
I had once seen my mother light the candles ringing the wooden advent wheel.
[NOUN] [FORMAL] The advent of an important event, invention, or situation is the fact of it starting or coming into existence.
재림절(기독교에서 크리스마스 전의 4주간을 가리킴)
impeller [ɪm|pɛlə] 2
I knew that rising heat from the flames would cause the impeller to spin and the wise men to circle the Holy Family.
추진하는 사람[것]; [기계] 날개바퀴; 압축기
그러나 나는 동방박사 또는 예수 보다는 불에 대해서 더 관심있었다.
But I cared less about the wise men or the baby Jesus than about the fire’s dancing flames, the energy of their heat.
knock something over
Reaching to light a third, I knocked over the first two.
*to push or hit something, making it fall or turn on its side
advent wheel에 불이 붙었습니다.
The advent wheel caught fire.
scorch [skɔ:rtʃ] 1
Flames climbed up the sides, scorching Mary, Joseph, a couple of the wise men and several trumpeting angels before leaping to the impeller blades.
[VERB] To scorch something means to burn it slightly.
[VERB] If something scorches or is scorched, it becomes marked or changes colour because it is affected by too much heat or by a chemical.그슬리다
ablaze [əbleɪz] 2
By the time my grandfather came back into the room, the whole advent wheel was ablaze.
[ADJ] [v n ADJ, v-link ADJ] Something that is ablaze is burning very fiercely.
cower [kaʊər] 1
I fled to my bedroom and hid, cowering under my bed until my mother’s return.
[VERB] If you cower, you bend forward and downwards because you are very frightened.
ensue [ɪnsu:] 2
My grandfather’s yelling and the ensuing long talk my mother had with me about the dangers of fire made an impression.
[VERB] If something ensues, it happens immediately after another event, usually as a result of it.
volition [voʊlɪʃən] 2
But so, too, did the memory of those licking tongues of flame, the way they took on a life of their own, growing so quickly, seemingly of their own volition.
[NOUN] [FORMAL] Your volition is the power you have to decide something for yourself.
pyromania |paɪrəʊ|meɪnɪə] 13
The constraints of attentive parents kept my pyromania to a minimum for the next few years.
[NOUN] [Medic:Psychiatry] the uncontrollable impulse and practice of setting things on fire방화벽
twinge [twɪndʒ]1
I’d feel a twinge of guilt.
[NOUN] [with supp, usu N of n] A twinge is a sudden sharp feeling or emotion, usually an unpleasant one.짜릿한 통증, (불쾌한) 찌르는 느낌
conflagration [kɒnfləgreɪʃən] 1 3
she wouldn’t have laughed if she knew it wasn’t just a one-time incident, how I yearned for more ambitious conflagrations.
[NOUN] [FORMAL] A conflagration is a fire that burns over a large area and destroys property.
deem [di:m]
In sixth grade, I was deemed old enough to make the short walk home from school with my best friend and then stay at home unsupervised for an hour or so.
[VERB] [FORMAL] If something is deemed to have a particular quality or to do a particular thing, it is considered to have that quality or do that thing.