cheaper oil: Many winners, a few bad losers Flashcards
By the same token
heir [eər]
bolster [boʊlstər]1
By the same token, the 14-year rule of Vladimir Putin, heir to what remained, has been bolstered by a threefold rise in the oil price.
*같은 이유로[마찬가지로] for the same reasons
[NOUN] An heir is someone who has the right to inherit a person’s money, property, or title when that person dies.
[VERB] If someone tries to bolster their position in a situation, they try to strengthen it.
그것은 정체되어 있는 세계 경제에 도움이 되는 것이 될 것입니다.
That would be a shot in the arm for a stagnating world economy.
*a shot in the arm: a thing or an action that gives somebody/something new energy, help or encouragement or provides a quick solution to a problem 도움[격려]이 되는 것
오일 가격을 예상하는 것은 쓸데 없는 짓이다.
Predicting oil prices is a mug’s game.
*be a mug’s game: an activity which brings little or no benefit to you 쓸데 없는 짓.
see off
Saudi Arabia’s decision to boost output to protect its market share and hurt American shale producers and see off new developments in the Arctic was also a surprise.
*[VERB] [tr, adverb] to be present at the departure of (a person making a journey) ~를 배웅[전송]하다
Geopolitical shocks can surprise on the upside as well as the down.
post [poʊst]
swing [swɪŋ]
Saudi Arabia may well decide to resume its self-appointed post as swing producer.
[NOUN] [usu with supp, oft N of/as n] [FORMAL] A post in a company or organization is a job or official position in it, usually one that involves responsibility.
[NOUN] [usu with supp] A swing in people’s opinions, attitudes, or feelings is a change in them, especially a sudden or big change.
insurgency [ɪnsɜ:rdʒənsi] 2
With war stalking Iraq, Libya still fragile and Nigeria prey to insurgency , supply is vulnerable to chaotic forces.
[NOUN] [FORMAL] An insurgency is a violent attempt to oppose a country’s government carried out by citizens of that country. 반란(시도)
malaise [mæleɪz]2
weigh down
The economic malaise weighing down on demand is not about to lift, despite the tonic of cheaper oil.
[NOUN] [FORMAL] Malaise is a state in which there is something wrong with a society or group, for which there does not seem to be a quick or easy solution.
(특정 상황・집단 내에 존재하는 설명・규명하기 힘든) 문제들[불안감]
*(쉽게 움직일 수 없을 정도로) ~을 무겁게 누르다/to press (a person) down by or as if by weight
[NOUN] [oft adj N, N for n] A tonic is anything that makes you feel stronger, more cheerful, or more enthusiastic.기운을 돋구는 것.
ratchet [rætʃɪt] 1
Conservation, spurred by high prices and green regulation, is more like a ratchet than a piece of elastic.
[NOUN] [with supp] [mainly BRIT] If you describe a situation as a ratchet, you mean that it is bad and can only become worse. 래칫(한쪽 방향으로만 회전하게 되어 있는 톱니바퀴)
put a floor under
Analysts claim that a third of wells lose money below $80 a barrel, so shale-oil production will adjust, helping put a floor under the price.
*…에게 지지를 보내다; …을 안정시키다
But the floor will sag.
[VERB] When something sags, it hangs down loosely or sinks downwards in the middle. 가운데가 축 처지다.
손익 분기점
Break-even points are falling
confound [kənfaʊnd]2
In past price squeezes, oilmen confounded the experts by finding unimagined savings.
[VERB] If someone or something confounds you, they make you feel surprised or confused, often by showing you that your opinions or expectations of them were wrong.
hog [hɔ:g]
scandalous [skændələs]1
Fuel subsidies hog scandalous amounts of money in many developing countries.
[VERB] [INFORMAL] If you hog something, you take all of it in a greedy or impolite way.명사로는 돼지
[ADJ] [usu ADJ n] Scandalous behaviour or activity is considered immoral and shocking.
windfall [wɪndfɔ:l]1
For those governments that have used the windfall revenues from higher prices to run aggressive foreign policies, by contrast, things could get uncomfortable.
[NOUN] A windfall is a sum of money that you receive unexpectedly or by luck, for example if you win a lottery.