Weight Gain Flashcards
______ of the Australian population
are overweight or obese and only 2–4%
______ gives a higher cardiovascular
risk at any weight
Abdominal obesity
T or F
Even small weight losses are effective in preventing
diabetes and improving the cardiovascular risk
It is important not to misdiagnose ___________ which may result in hyperphagia and obesity.
The endocrine disorders that cause obesity include
Cushing syndrome, hypothyroidism, insulinsecreting
tumours and hypogonadism
An_____________ is a very rare adenoma of the B cells of the islets of Langerhans. The main features are symptoms of hypoglycaemia and obesity
insulin-secreting tumour (insulinoma)
The rare congenital disorders that cause obesity,
such as ____ and _______, should be easy to recognise in children
Prader–Willi and Laurence–Moon–Biedl
Some girls with_________
may be short and overweight
Turner syndrome (XO karyotype)
Drugs that can cause obesity
tricyclic antidepressants, mirtazapine, corticosteroids,
pizotifen, thioridazine, haloperidol, Depo-Provera
and the contraceptive pill.
An extensive working up of the CNS is not
indicated in obesity without the presence of
suspicious symptoms such as __________
visual difficulties
Impt investigations for obesity
- Cholesterol/triglycerides
- Glucose (fasting)
- Liver function tests
- Electrolytes and urea
What is the waste circumference suggestive of obesity with inc comorbidities
— in men _________
— in women______
> 94 cm (>102—high risk)
> 80 cm (>88—high risk)
How to measure waist circumference
Measure waist halfway between inferior margin
of last rib and crest of ilium in mid-axillary line over
bare skin.
waist–hip circumference ratio (W/H ratio):
healthy range <0.9—a better predictor of
________ than BMI
cardiovascular risk
4 skinfold thickness______,_______, ______ and ______—for
calculation of percentage body fat
(sum of suprailiac,
subscapular, triceps and biceps skinfolds)
________ which is defined as a
W/H ratio of >0.85 in women and >0.95 in men,
is a more accurate indicator of the complications of
Abdominal fatness,
What are the limitations for BMI
The BMI has limitations. It doesn’t distinguish
between men and women or between body types and
it doesn’t work for children
Various studies have found that approximately _____
of prepubertal and _____ of adolescent age groups are
Obesity in children is a BMI for age______
percentile while overweight is_______percentile
> 95th
The characteristic features are bizarre eating habits
(e.g. binge eating), obesity, hypotonia, hypogonadism,
intellectual disability, small hands and feet and a characteristic facial appearance (narrow bifrontal
diameter, ‘almond-shaped’ eyes and a ‘tented’ upper
Prader–Willi syndrome
Characteristics include excessive growth, macrosomia,
macroglossia, umbilical hernia and neonatal
hypoglycaemia. Children appear obese as they are
above the 95th percentile by 18 months of age
Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome
_______ is the term used to describe
the chemical features of increased free circulating
Cushing syndrome
MCC of Cushing syndrome
The most common cause is
iatrogenic with the prescribing of synthetic corticosteroids.
Why are pts with Cushings syndrome called ‘lemon with
Large trunk and thin limbs: the ‘lemon with
matchsticks’ sign
Dx evaluation of Cushing
plasma cortisol and overnight
dexamethasone suppression tests
Cause of premature death from Cushing
with premature death from myocardial infarction, cardiac failure and infection
Tx of obesity is based on the ff pillars
1 reduction in energy intake
2 change in diet composition
3 increased physical activity
4 behavioural therapy
Surgery is the most effective treatment for obesity
but is associated with risks such as _______
In those with morbid obesity (about 2% of the
population) unresponsive to behaviour modification
therapy and a course of pharmacological agents
for 3 months or so, __________ has a place
gastric banding
The site of generalised oedema is largely determined
by _______
The causes of edema can be generally divided into two groups—
oedema associated with a decreased plasma volume
and oedema associated with an increased plasma
Examples of edema from Decreased plasma volume
Hypoalbuminaemia (e.g. nephrotic syndrome, chronic
liver disease, malnutrition
Examples of edema from Inc plasma volume
Congestive cardiac failure
Chronic kidney failure
Drugs (e.g. corticosteroids, NSAIDs, certain
antihypertensives, oestrogens, lithium, others
_________, also known as cyclical or periodic
oedema, is a common problem and the diagnosis is
made on a characteristic history
Idiopathic oedema
Initial Mx Idiopathic oedema
Treatment of this condition is difficult. Most
diuretics can aggravate the problem. Supportive
stockings and a nutritious diet (with restricted
sodium intake) is recommended as first-line
________’ refers to a characteristic form of dimpling
seen in the subcutaneous tissues of hips, buttocks
and thighs of females