Week five - shiaghtin queig Flashcards
Kys t’ou gra ayns Gaelg:
Where do you prefer in Mannin:
the north or the south?
C’raad share lhiat ayns Mannin:
yn twoaie ny yn jiass?
Kys t’ou gra ayns Gaelg:
Where do you prefer shopping in Mannin:
Shoprite or Tesco?
C’raad share lhiat shappal ayns Mannin:
Shoprite ny Tesco?
Kys t’ou gra ayns Gaelg:
Where do you prefer going walking:
Cregneash or Peel?
C’raad share lhiat goll shooyl:
Creneash ny Purt ny h-Inshey?
Kys t’ou gra ayns Gaelg:
**What do you prefer for breakfast:
Porridge or toast? **
Cre share lhiat son anjeeal:
Poddash ny arran-greddan?
Kys t’ou gra ayns Gaelg:
What do you prefer doing on a Saturday:
Nothing or shopping?
Cre share lhiat jannoo Jesarn:
Veg ny shappal?
Kys t’ou gra ayns Gaelg:
**I have to **
**Shegin dou **
Kys t’ou gra ayns Gaelg:
I have to go to Douglas this afternoon
Shegin dou goll dys Doolish fastyr jiu
Kys t’ou gra ayns Gaelg:
You have to
Shegin dhyt
Kys t’ou gra ayns Gaelg:
**What do you have to do this morning? **
**Cre shegin dhyt jannoo moghrey jiu? **
Kys t’ou gra ayns Gaelg:
**What do you have to do tonight? **
**Cre shegin dhyt jannoo noght? **
Kys t’ou gra ayns Gaelg:
**Where do you have to go now? **
**C’raad shegin dhyt goll nish? **
Kys t’ou gra ayns Gaelg:
**Trying **
Kys t’ou gra ayns Gaelg:
**Each day **
**Dagh laa **
Kys t’ou gra ayns Gaelg:
**Each morning **
**Dagh moghrey **
Kys t’ou gra ayns Gaelg:
**Later **
Ny s’anmey
Kys t’ou gra ayns Gaelg:
**After that **
Lurg shen
Kys t’ou gra ayns Gaelg:
**Initially / to start with **
Kys t’ou gra ayns Gaelg:
**Homewards **
**Dy valley / thie **
Kys t’ou gra ayns Gaelg:
First, this morning, I have to go to Douglas
**but after that I have to go home **
Hoshiaght, moghrey jiu, shegin dou goll dys Doolish
**agh lurg shen shegin dou goll dy valley **
Kys t’ou gra ayns Gaelg:
I like learning Manx and I have to
learn more Manx each day now
S’mie lhiam gynsagh Gaelg as shegin dou
**gynsagh tooilley Gaelg dagh laa nish **
Kys t’ou gra ayns Gaelg:
I have to try and learn more
**Manx each day **
Shegin dou prowal gynsagh
tooilley Gaelg dagh laa
Kys t’ou gra ayns Gaelg:
**Anyway **
Kys t’ou gra ayns Gaelg:
**at the **
**ec y **
Kys t’ou gra ayns Gaelg:
**Museum **
**Thie-tashtee **
Kys t’ou gra ayns Gaelg:
**I have to go to the museum Saturday morning **
**Shegin dou goll dys y thie-tashtee moghrey Jesarn **
Kys t’ou gra ayns Gaelg:
**I have to go home now **
**Shegin dou goll thie nish **