Week 32 - shiaghtin daa-yeig as feed Flashcards
Kys t’ou gra ayns Gaelg:
Would you like to go to England in the summer?
By vie lhiat goll dys Sostyn sy tourey?
Kys tou gra ayns Gaelg:
Would / wouldn’t
By vie / Cha by vie
Kys tou gra ayns Gaelg:
This year
Kys tou gra ayns Gaelg:
Where would you like to go this year?
C’raad by vie lhiat goll mleeaney?
Kys tou gra ayns Gaelg:
Would anyone like to go to New York this year?
By vie lesh peiagh erbee
goll dys New York mleeaney?
Kys tou gra ayns Gaelg:
Who would like a drink?
Quoi by vie lesh jough?
Kys tou gra ayns Gaelg:
What would you like to do at the weekend?
Cre by vie lhiat jannoo ec y jerrey shiaghtin?
Kys tou gra ayns Gaelg:
You will
Nee oo
Kys tou gra ayns Gaelg:
What will you do?
Cre nee oo?
Kys tou gra ayns Gaelg:
What will you do at the weekend?
Cre nee oo ec y jerrey shiaghtin?
Kys tou gra ayns Gaelg:
I would like to meet a few people for a drink or two
By vie lhiam meeteil rish kuse dy ‘leih
son jough ny jees
Kys tou gra ayns Gaelg:
A few friends
Kuse dy chaarjyn
Kys tou gra ayns Gaelg:
I’ll go to Douglas for certain
Hem dys Doolish son shickyrys
Kys tou gra ayns Gaelg:
I’ll go to Douglas to do something exciting
Hem dys Doolish dy yannoo red ennagh greesee
Kys tou gra ayns Gaelg:
I’ll go to Douglas to meet a few friends
Hem dys Doolish dy veeiteil rish kuse dy chaarjyn
Kys tou gra ayns Gaelg:
I’m not certain what I’ll do a the weekend
Cha nel mee shickyr cre neeym ec y jerrey shiaghtin