Week 9 Ab Flashcards
Measure dementia
Mini mental states dimension.
25+ is normal. Interesting measure
Dementia what is it?
Can hide own Easter eggs.
Loss of intellectuality ability (above what is expected noraml at an age. )
Loss memory, higher cortical issue .
Aphasia, apraxia motor coordination problem, adenosia, difficulty recognizing objects.
Not delirium,
Presumed organic factor.
Types of dementia
Vascular dementia,
HIV aids, hunting tons, substance abuse.
MANY DEMENTIAS that affect many disease states.
Alzheimer’s is
Most common form of dementia.
64% of dementia
Two types early and late onset.
Late onset more common.
Fate that awaits more and more people. Aging population
Alzheimer’s prevalence,
Few cases dev, before age of 50. Slightly more common in females.
Inhibiting factor for dev alz is ones level of cognitive functions, higher cognitive function less the likely hold of alz. So education now changing.
Alz course
Deficit onset, time, and s
On a continuum. Progression, small things to severe. 8-10 years.
Increased risk with mz, but not very heritable. 58%
early onset is quite heritable. Autosomal.
Autosonal alz
Early onset.
Chromosome 21 issues, about 1 in 29 cases.
Amyloid precursor gene (APE) effect buildup of amyloid, affects cholesterol transport. Leads to gobs of it in brain.
PlaQues and tangles ensue
Temporal recent memory effected first.
PlaQues and tangles ensue
Because of too much phosphorus,
Myth of aluminum,
Twisted fibres, also in down syn, tau protein involved in
Plaques build up of beta amyloid. Complex protein.
Debate if alz neurologically dif from the norm?
Etiology not understood,
Plaques tangl part of everyone’s brain, argument for simple matter of degree. Normal curve perhaps. Age shifts curve.
Apoe, phosphorous,
Only in 50% of alz
Also show insulin igg pathway, lack of insulin in. Brain
4 the type of diabetes ?
Genetic polymorphism, calhm
Mild cognitive deficits and later onset of alz.
Perhaps two distributions, normal brain and alz. Unsure.
Early cognitive deficits predicts later onset of alz.
Tau protein, more likely get alz.
Dsm V added new disorder
Mild neuro cognitive disroder.
Mild cog decline, produce decline modest impairment,
Still independant, not delirium or other mental disorder.
Highly dangerous category. Bill a lot of people. Inaccurate.
Ex. Plaques tangles, no good. Can still behave normally. Even if have seriously.
Culture related alz
Level of cog friending, predicts likely hood of developing alz.
Higher in western cultures. Control age and diet.
Lowest in Chinese,
It is not purely physical.
Alz not a disease, other things happen like
If alz once 130 all have.
Everton brain goes.
Myelination, continues into 50, decreases after 27-45% prefrontal cortex esp vulnerable.
Also cause plaques and tangles and also leads to cognitive decline,
Rowena poem, is an example
Tells of extreme pain, of caregivers for alz
Treatmentt for alz
All crap.
Drug, increase acetylcholine neurotransmitter.
Vitamin e, no effect. Trials, drugs to slow if anything.
Even a vaccine, worked with mice, but causese hydrocephalus.
No dif between drug and placebo, in number entering institutional care. Mental state score, no dif. For drug. Increasing acetylcholine does improve performance, but not in alz.
Caregivers. Alz
50% taken care of at home,
Mild dementia, likelihood of 16
Moderate 40% likelihood of depression.
Early indication of alz
Nun study Intersting,
Original letter of intent, girl wrote, when asked to get in to nunnery.
Mild cognitive deficit,
Simpler sentences more likely to get alz. Than those who wrote simpler. Abstract vs concrete,
Conscienciousness, higher means less likely to get alz.
Tangles and cognition connection. Wow.
Caveats about the brain.
Brain all important. Well..
- Hydrocephalics
Fluid brain, reduce brain size, in past. Lorbord study,
Guy with small brain was getting a masters.
Do well with little cortical tissue. Brain so split, well one area can do everything, how about localization, maybe it’s rubbish,
Sara, inter cerebral hemmorage. Breathing swallowing. Area.
Women, medically induced coma. Cool body, no effect on brain.
Flat EEG, she had, way to see if dead.
Detailed exactly what had gone on, during surgeon conversations
Waters, stress affect contagion
Moms react, externalized stress, can see it in dif in baby behaviour.
Stress neg, more than positive condition. Co variation stronge in neg condition, only
Annorexia, dbs study
Deep brain stimulation.
anorexia 6-11%
White matter bundle below c call osm, part of cingulate,
Adverse efct of seizure.
Bmi, all improved overall. Anxiety qol, pet induces glucose metab differ
Similarity to depression. Deep brain stimulation,
Parietal hypo metabolism reversed,
Latency of dbs
No control group
Walsh anorexia imp.
How can a habit be well entrenched.
Action outcome: learn behaviour. Pavlov ex.
Stimulus response learning,
Different brain areas.
Usually starts in adolescence. Cortical dev. Ventral striatum. More activated.
Child adversity, might promote annorexial
Load and control of stress
Allo steric load, keep stable, nuts
Allostatic , eu stress ok most stress is neg. Aging and ses disparity. I’d biological mech of stress,
Adaptive calibration model.
Evolutionary perspective, history impact. Broadly examine body,
Change in life conditions can be helpful.
Think of them. As two level. Alm proximal, immediate.
Acm,global past.
Understanding and biological emphasis and survival advantage.
Role of stress shape behaviour biological trade offs, increase risk of metabolic problems.
Acme think beef it possible only.
Cause: hpa axis programming, vs evolution
Disease cause: cumulative damage, miscalabratin of evolution and current situation.
Psychoanalysis 101- Freud lives
It has evolved.
And continues to.
Came from observations of other patients other psychiatrists were seeing.
Ex. Anna o. Hysteric, paralysis, anesthesia,
Breuer patient, 1/xday
Used CATHARSIS, aspect of all psychotherapy. Express relief in accepting manner,
HYPNOSIS. Recall things normally could not. Unconscious expe
Unconscious concept evolved,
Expressions. > unconsciousness > emotion > hysteria
Comment very little. Relaxed on couch, pay attention to what was not said, or when they hesitate. Pushed into unconscious lead to>
Transference, led to sexual basis.
Real or fanticized.
Structures of personality (for Freud)
.Id, all Limbic hedonic,
ego (evolves out of Id according to reality principle. Uses defense mechanisms.
and superego. Folic stages it comes. Internalize society through parents. Demands and restrictions, disagree with Id
Closed system. Ego squeezed lead to symptoms.
Anna o
Sex with father, close proximity, symptoms had secondary gain,
Defense mechanisms
.Sublimation, and others
Stages of development
,Oral gratification
Use mouth,
Oral incorporating, oral sadistic,
OCD people argued.
Oedipal or Electra complex.
Latency and genital stages
Explain every. But!
How do you test it?
Methods of study of psychoanalysis
Dream analysis
Projective testing.
To interpret dreams need book of symbols. For Freud all is sexual.
Pointed is male, in sleep I’d expressed easily aso ego suppressed.
But cannot easily measure these,
Freud can’t ask person, must ireadfast be logical, but you can be right or wrong for right or wrong reasons, consistent with theory is just a circular argument.
Pragmatically, it works but how
All circular
So much for insight.
Repressed memories.
Areas of brain lights up study.
Connection to validation of Freud?
Frontal love inhibit things, but is just interesting funding. Nothing to do with Freud.
Expressing problem onto someone else (therapist)
Freud theory parts (4)
Levels of consciousness, some access ile some note
Personality dynamic energy system
Psychosexual development problem arise points.
Defense mechanisms
Levels of consciousness,
Conscious, pre conscious
Unconscious (what Freud deals with)
Subliminal activation experiments
Use probe, stimulus presentation below absolute threshold. Less than 50% of time.
If don’t see it access subconscious,
Present something increase or decrese pathology,
Scz eg.
Oral stage, ego test reality.
Carnivore eating personl
Picture mother holding child, get better.
Problem is rutls are mixed, 50% show effects.
All from same places.
Other ways to validate.
MRI study, word pairs, repress thoughts. See other card
Benefits of psychoanalys
Jump satraps psychology, emphSized psychotherapeutic approaches, stages of developement,
Question normal behaviour,
all very new at the time.
Hysteria is wandering womb.
Criticism of psychotherapy.
Over emphasis on sex.
Theory is self fulfilling prophecy.
Long costly. and effectiveness questionable. Far inferior to other techniques though study criticized.
Really though cannot test Freud, lack of falsifiBility,
Repressed memories, Melanie 39 specialist
Appropriate zeitgeist + closet s Freudians = rampant stupidity.
False memory system
Freud followers are still, out there,
Indicators of sexual abuse as child
Sex disfunction 50% figured meant chood abuse, Americans,
Poor rela. 1:3 of British
Availability heuristic is an issue with Freud as we see here.
Zeitgeist, creates bandwagon effect.
Large fall out, and then of course problem of implanting memories,
Repressed vs false issue,
So many conseq. Of hysteria,
Can really screw up life, due to false memories,,more hospital, bad marriage, no work.
False memories.
Can be implanted.
We remember traumatic memories, much better than positive memories, esp. Visual Sensory components
Interesting aside on data innocence
Eye witness bad.
Wear blue, means stability.
Mother infant study
Long study, sum SAISE mothers stress is sympathized by baby even I’d beby does not experience. Long procure to explain had 9 parts in total., well designed with limits in mothers touch, affect, vs reactivity and difference in contact once reunited. Children males boy no big dif. Not much else to report 3 conditions. Talks about pups too. Interesting.