Week 11 Flashcards
Dynamic vs behaviour method, compare
See chart in slides.
Behavioural models
All from conditioning theory q
Classical Pavlov dogs, salivate.
Exposure idea, not 1:1
Watson, little Algert
Basic model, fear love hate.
All phobias develop through chance association.
Not true. Never actually experience negative experience.
Some experience negative and do not get phobia too.
Presently more sophisticated models of phobias exist.
Operant cond.
Cat puzzle box.
positive reinforcement,
For more use, approach oriented!
Response followed by reinforcement,
Not like classical
Stimulus contingent on a response diagram. Review.
Graph 1964
Kids were all over the place.
Token system
Rewarded for positive behaviour.
Positive reinforcement.
Showed could control behaviour of raging kid.
Aside about mice and art.
Tantrum, extinction, not a good tool.
Hard to using completly
Often relapse.
Factors effecting strength of reinforcer.
Motivational state.
Deprivation: issue in psych where humans not as easy to deprive.
Think basic, hunger thirst sex. More imp. SOCAIL CONTACT. touch maternal touch esp. Young infants. Know chemicals.
Delay of reinforcement.
Impulsivity, learn to respond to, leads to addiction perhaps.
Flooded ward with magazines. Scarcity then creates want.
Social rejection, brain area for pain lights up.
Delay of reinforcement.
Fixed vs variable ration schedule of reinforcement
Variable of 10 min, means mean is ten.
Variable rate is highly resistant to extinction
Most of socail learning is negative reinforcement! Variable learning!
Get new behavior shaping. Lie in personality.
Successive approximations.
Factors: who, what does, what happens.
Teach new behaviours, disinhibition behaviours.
Peer pressure, group conformity.
Often learn without consciously experience something.
Seems chance.
Not child mother correlation of fears!
Doesn’t matter what happens to you. It’s what you think about that matters to you.
Phenomenological ish.
Thoughts feeling behaviour interactive.
Situation consequence mediated by
Positive self talk, internal external. Rationalizationa.
Used fail ram eg.
But can lead to vicious circle. Self fulfilling prophecy.
Bad, worse, to downright abismal.
Two different stories at same time. Test.
Neutral stories. Aggressive stories. In conditions.
Depressed people hear crap in non dominant ear. CANNOT STAY FOCUSED on dominant ear.
Thereby it maintains depression,
Gender stress and health.
Are women sicker than men?
Women receive 70% of drugs mess
Not sicker according to death rates though. Women do much better.
At birth more males are born.
After 1 year, more camel babies alive.
5:1 for people over 100 female to male.
Estrogen protects heart.
Lifestyle probably accounts for all of this.
Males homocide, suicide 4:1 and 2:1
Lung cancer more causes of death than breast cancer. More female species live longer. Testosterone not good for long term survival.
Castrated males live 15 years longer. Ahhh dopamine agonist increase testosterone, lol.
Could also be workload. More children more work.
Unemployed women have
Greater stress, unhappiness and psych problems.
Explainable by social status,
Quit smoking gain average of 13 pounds a yer. Lose self control I wonder? Turn to food for oral sensation. Ohh so many possibilities. Interesting, higher social status better immune syste, .
Inflammation high for lower dominance rank in animals. Interesting.
What is stressful to women,
Marital conflict. Most imp to women,
Not living alone, or working,
Women continual stress, but. Ales shutdown, on average!
Karen, advancing ideas on cardiovascular disease.
Literary review.
Leading cause of death. Stem from complications of heart and circulTion. CBD and chd, atherosclerosis.
Type A behaviour connection to CBD.
Feedback mechanism to control environment. Hostility and
Modern approaches
Cardiovascular distress.
Work stress rela. To CBD
Genetic and enviro.
Life span approach.
Play could happen in adolescence.
Negative and challenging circumstances links d to inflammation and higher possibility of CBD, as well as low ses.
Fair conditioning and avoidant behaviour
Pavlovian component, not instrumental.
Reduction or outcome omission.
Fear conditioning.
Avoidant tendencies due to Pavlovian
Resistant to change.
Does help, change lighting, change context.
Fast to approach Cs-
Suggs automatic tendency.
Reemergence of fear concept.
Early life exposure stress impair cognition
Developmental psychopathology.
How this title is true.
Evolutionary developmental model! Behaviours adopted to context.
Objectives, early stress efct on cognition.
Large individual differences. Type , timing, amount etc. all contribute to severity.
Damage specialized.
Brain, or perception. One, the othe or both. Models.
Emotion perception. Children specific to anger, not for fear. A used are faster. More severe are faster. Suggests specialized systems. Perception.
Hyper attention to threat in children a used, memory, threat specific. Modulated by orence of mother.
Learning and memory, level of care and dange leRning. Adaptation. Faster danger learn. Also shown in. Infants.
Ag used, better detection leRning,
Trauma dissociation model.
Self understanding disorder. Multiple personalities.
Trauma model. Early
Fantasy model
Socail cognitive model.
Debunking dale burg.
Fm model, lacks time component.
8 Prediction
Distinguish between dissociative continuum and pharmacology.
Trauma strong idea, selective in eval of literature.
Stress is adaptive,
Too much too little, … not good.
Nonspecific response to an insult. Stress. Idea of this prof mentioned.
He shows us. Stress can be damaging. Stress -> physical SEE DIAGRAM.
We will focus on stress effecting disease status, but before. Notes
On stress being big fat word and need to cope with it.
Individuality in stress quite unknown,
Stress innoculation study. With monkeys.
Quick to explore, explored more, if inoculated. Deal with something new. Suggestive of overprotective parents leading to less able to cope with stress.
Think plan and do for all kids, unrealistic.
Measuring stress
Life stress scale.
Holmes and Ray.
Any change was considered stress. Made onto point scale.
Nature of events do not apply to everyone, mostly Middle Ages.
Also doesn’t ask about how person reacts to the event, or how event impacts health.
Boredom is also stressful. This scale only focus on change,
It is one of the first scales.
Up lifts vs hassles. BUFFERS FOR STRESS.
Up lifts for women are as negative as hassles.
Also not 100% coverage.
Mediators of stress
Social sit, **
Self efficacy and
Coping mechanism.
Socail sit.
Men heart attack, alone, die within 5 yrs.
men togethor no matter if rela good or bad. Mediates how rest to traumatic sit.
Even for women, 50% to 4
W are socail beings.
socail roles increases! decreases succeptibility of getting cold. Quite a bit.
Monkey social affiliation study too. All shows social aspect mediat stress and negative aspects of stress. Lack of socail support kills.
Coping with stress,
Positive reappraisle,
Self efficacy,
Belief in ability to cope.
Problem focused coping.
Rats shocks, ulcers. Piece of wood. Less likely to develop ulcers.
Outcome determined how immune system functions, not fighting.
With button able to turn off, what you think about sit. Is critical not was is happening! Autonomy support sense of self control so imp.
Review moderators of stress diagram!
All react to extreme environmental stress, like
Severe under nutiron.
-produce set of behViours in animals not unlike in humans, see slide. Also affect brain development. Then affects genes, presents negativity in subsequent offspring. Self fulfilling prophecy. Apathy, depression irritability. Behavioural syndrome related to lack of food,
Memory problems, concentration.
Vitamin deficiencies. Lead to behavioural problems.
Like scz due to niacin deficiency. Korsakov psychosis. Thiamin.
Reduced environmental stim.
Sensory deprivation tanks.
NOTE: lone sailors, hallucinate, deafness, has sensory deprivation.
Sit that threaten survival. Short term or long term.
Anx. Disaster, physiological, long term.
Doing nothing sickness, bura bura.
Combat, concentration camps.
PTSD, rage now. Was once called shell shock.
Dsm 5 PTSD definition.
Exposure to a traumatic stimulus: actual threatened serious injury or sexual violence.
Direct expereince
Witness in person
Learning event occured someone close to you. X
Repeated exposure to details! Watch too much cnn, that really bother you.
Symptoms. Recurrent involuntary of distressing memories of the event, Same for dreams Flashbacks. Dissociative. Physiological reaction to the cues.
Avoidance behaviours. Rela to event. Almost alwayss Negative alterations in cognition and mood. Alterations arousal (may)
So 5 categories
With various features in each.
4 factors, of PTSD
Intrusions, numbing, arousal and avoidance.
Diagnose and progronisis
Data re analyzed. . Poorly documented.
18 and 9 only 9 has PTSD at time. Really only 11% overall and 5% currently.
Lifetime prevalence of PTSD
Twice a likely in women than as in men.
Highest in individuals who were previously married (divorce equation)
Probablility of experiencing trauma?
For women fire, witness, 51% will have one these traumas
Men. Accidents, natural disasters with fire, turn out to be most significant, just for trauma,
For women, rape or molestation, the leading predictors of dev. PTSD. Sexual mole station in dsm 5
For men, combat and witnessing trauma. ,
Recovery, from PTSD and react to loss.
Typical response is resilience.
Or recovery, takes a year before start dropping down.
Chronic type, act severely always.
Delayed: increase in severity ofp ver time.
Differential brain activity note reaction to fearful or happy faces.
Right amygdala, frontal cortex, far less emotional control. For fearful faces.
Predict PTSD
Not good. R is low. .17
Dissociation is highest predicting,
Number of childhood adversities. Rough. Increased risk.
Cbt works best, through EXPOSURE Pavlov.
Increase performance of some areas, singular cortex,
Decree functioning of right amygdala.
How stress affects health.
A case study. c.D.
Charl, dRwyn.
Eg. Of psychosomatic illness.
PsychologicL conflict in writing led of
Socail panic disorder.