Ab Week 6 Flashcards
The polygraph q
Ans (autonomic nervous system) use in assessing behaviour
Pay attention to false positives
Truth is we all lie, not good at detecting, hit rate of 54%
With training, best at lie detection using facial expressions (best are secret service)
Abused children and left hemisphere strokes (language affected) are good at it too though. Pay attention to small changes.
Blush of deception after lying, eyes change!
Brain image changes assess lying, also light up when making decisions. So do not cut it.
Really hard reading dealing with abnormal PSYC gene research in 9 disorders
Alzheimer’s, partly genetic,
Bip scz, many relatedgenevariance, partly due to calcium brain issues.
Asd needs larger pop. For common analysis, rare analysis pints to loci, but as gwas studies and discussion notes, these findings are speculative.
Nothing for mdd
To conclude, need rigor to avoid false positive.
Structural common, rare and de novo (wth?) variants and what about the polygenic locilocuspathwaydistinctions. Such a mindfull study.
Steady state tests
Biochemical products,
Alcohol, liver metabolites.
Problem is get far away from brain, when looking at blood and urine,
Spinal fluid, hair,
Hair study, ppm
Cadmium, lead high.
Problem, intellectually disBled also showed high levels, and in murderers, so biological finding interesting, related to brain functioning but NONSPECIFIC
Steady state drug screenings
Urine sample, job, (but no PSYC test)
Drug users 16x more absence, likely 4x health problems, 5x other
Lack of specificity, all come down to cost. False positive, high error range, 25% some 66%
Horrible labeling results. All cuz of lack of sensitivity,
Cold decongestant, test positive for cocoa ine, or meth.
Invasion of privacy!
Electrophysiology, EEG as diagnostic tool
Brain RousL of teens,
LOw arousal, and low ans, more criminal history.
Brain imagery ways
Car scan, 2d
MRI 3d
Magnetic field, causes hydrogen atoms align,
Schiz large ventricular, smLler thalamus.
Discrete difference relative to how ppl score on personality tests.
E, frontal cortex, processing rewards stimuli.
Hi c, in area in planning and voluntary control.
Hi n, differences in prefrontal and lambic system.
Measuring blood oxygenation,
Pet scan
Inject substance, -> radioactive, binds effects neurotransmitters, what brain dis is measured
Ecstasy reduces sere tonic, (monkey to humans) confirmed
Imaging bandwagon or breakthrough. Looking at neural activation is really
Looking at blood flow or blood oxygenation, assuming it equals behaviour.
Generalize from groups to individuals.
Ex. Scz smaller thalamus, but that is only on average.
Not clear if measuring things like lying or decision making.
Neural abnormalities, activation, not a steady state. Many things influence it, not all result or are related to a disease.
Lots of changes of brain activity as function of psychotherapies, dif.
Affect brain activity measured by imaging, by behavioural psych interventions, in head is what’s in day. May not be disease in brain.
But only corr I think.
Animal models
In studying abnormal behaviour.
Done for ethics and convenience,
Knock out genes. 10000 strains of mice. Knock outs.
Find motivated subjects, hard, animals. Food reinforce much easier,
Ethics are ephemeral, change with time.
History of autopsy ex.
Problems with animals
Intersperse generality, -analog error.
Apes now almost illegal.
3 reasons replace rats with lawyers
- More lawyers than there are a rats.
- Psychologists get close to rats
- Just some things rats won’t do.
Analog error
What you make out of these studies. Using animals.
Self mutilation, for parental attention, but really, hit pressure points releasing endorphins, block this and solve probl