Ab Week 5 Flashcards
Good test and meSure must be
Reliable, = repeatable
But does not mean it is valid
Self eval vs actual ability
R is .29 moderate overall
Many limItiona to this meta analysis
Many moderators in domIn, specificity, time, terms and etc. between task and person. Over
Rally we are not too good at evaluating ourselves, for many reasons. Reminds me of social PSYC
Validity is
Measure is measuring what is it supposed to measured.
Face validity, looks like right
But doesn’t tell you anything.
Predictive (or criterial) validity
Iq is an ex of a
Pariah measure
Iq pariah
Cognitive ability
40-80% heritable.
Can be measured.
The prefrontal cortex
How to measure
Defines humans
Rost (random objects test)
Working memory measured.
Sim to iq highly predictive of academic success.
Remanded means
Made medical errors.
8th leading cause of death. 5 747 crashing each day every day equiv.
Criterion validity
Can make, prediction, with error bars, relates to correlation
Zero validity. But people still like it.
3 rd aspect of testing
Applicability, right person getting right measure,
Having predictive validity.
Have part of standard group
So need stratify random sampling to create norm.
Popular tts used by psychologists
Mm pi personality test.
Worshak test with abstract pictures.
Many of them are projective tests.
Others or objective.
Task, structured rigid
Type of test
Reporting, indefinite anything type of test,
anything say so, project yourself into the answer
Biological measures to differentiate patients
Can’t get any better in test validity than what you are trying to classify (way you seperate people)
Do something physical to the patient, assess reaction response
Challenge test,
Like lie detect,
DexMethasone depression test
Less cortisol, but only 60-70% severe depressed show it
Not specific, other patients also show it, like OCD
Alcohol challenge
Dopamine, mNipulTe with amino acids,
Low protein, add proteins, see effect?
Decrease dopamine of people whose heart rates increase when drunk, not as inclined to drink.
Ans autonomic nervous system response, reliant
Sympathetic fight flight reaction.
Rice, knife ex. In past.
Guilty knowledge test
You know things only you would know.
Color blouse, 5 options.
Relevant, irrevant. Benign, non benign, see spike.
Problems in mKing judgements about ppl
Polygraph, not very effective, best 85%
Type 1 error, false positive.
Other examples too.
Pas false positive, high risk no gain.