week 9 Flashcards
Branches of the Spinal nerve
Dorsal ramus is distributed to the muscles of the back, and the skin covering those muscles
* Ventral ramus is distributed to the muscles of the anterior and lateral trunk, and the corresponding skin
* Ventral rami are also distributed into the limbs to supply the muscles and skin there
femoral nerve (of the lumbar plexus) - root value, motor distribution and sensory distribution
RV: L234
motor dist: iliacus, pectineus, sartorius, quadriceps group
sensory dist: skin of anterior and medial thigh, knee and hip joints
saphenuor (femoral nerve) (of the lumbar plexus) sensory distribution
skin of the medial leg to base of great toe
obturator nerve (of the lumbar plexus) - root value, motor distribution and sensory distribution
RV: L234
motor dist: pectineus, adductor brevis, longus and half of magnus, obt ext, gracilis
sensory dist: skin of medial thigh and hip joint
lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (of the lumbar plexus) sensory distribution
skin of the lateral thigh
genitofemoral nerve (of the lumbar plexus) sensory distribution
skin of the medial thigh, skin of the external genitalia
muscular branches (of the lumbar plexus) motor dist and sensory dist
motor dist: iliacus and psoas major
sensory dist: Hip joint
Posterior femoral cutaneous (of the lumbosacral plexus) sensory dist
skin of posterior thigh and leg to mid calf
superior gluteal nerve (of the lumbosacral plexus) motor dist and sensory dist
motor dist: gluteus medius and minimus, tensor fascia lata
sensory dist: hip joint
inferior gluteal motor nerve (of the lumbosacral plexus) dist and sensory dist
motor dist: gluteus maximus
sensory dist: hip joint
muscular branch nerve (of the lumbosacral plexus) motor dist and sensory dist
motor dist: external rotators except obt ext
sensory dist: hip joint
sciatic nerve (of the lumbosacral plexus) root value, motor dist and sensory dist
RV: L45S123
motor dist: hamstrings and half of adductor magnus
sensory dist: hip and knee joints
tibial nerve (of the sciatic nerve) motor dist and sensory dist
motor dist- gastrocs, soleus, plantaris, popliteus, TP, FHL, FDL
sensory dist- knee and ankle joints
medial plantar nerve (of the sciatic nerve) of tibial nerve motor dist and sensory dist
motor dist- AbdHall, FDB, FHB, 1st lumbrical
sensory dist- skin of the medial 3 and 1⁄2 digits and corresponding sole and joints in the foot
lateral plantar nerve of tibial nerve (of the sciatic nerve) motor dist and sensory dist
motor dist- FDMB, AddHall, 2nd to 4th lumbricals, intertossei, AbDM, FA
sensory dist- skin of the lateral 1 and 1⁄2 digits and corresponding sole and joints in the foot
sural nerve of tibial nerve (of the sciatic nerve) and sensory dist
skin of the lateral and posterior leg, heel and skin of the lateral side of the sole
common perineal nerve (of the sciatic nerve) sensory dist
knee joint, skin of ant. post. and lat upper leg (adj. to knee)
superficial peroneal (of the sciatic nerve) nerve motor dist and sensory dist
motor dist- peroneus longus and brevis
sensory dist- skin of lat leg, dorsum of foot except skin between digits 1 and 2, and ankle joint
deep peroneal nerve (of the sciatic nerve) motor dist and sensory dist
motor dist- TA, EHL, EDL, PT, EDB
sensory dist- skin between digits 1 and 2, and ankle and foot joints
what are the most venerable sites of Damage to Peripheral Nerves
- Close to skin - penetrating injury
- Between skin and bony projection - crushing injury e.g. plaster applied to tightly
- Between retinacula and bone - squashing injury or small amount of swelling with no where to go
- On bone - from fracture
what are the common effects of nerve lesions
- Paralysis / paresis
- Loss of sensation
- Seen distal to lesion
Lesion Femoral Nerve- Inguinal Ligament motor loss sensory loss and functional.
motor loss:
* Quadriceps femoris
* Sartorius
* Pectineus
sensory loss: Loss of skin sensation on the medial and anterior thigh, medial leg and medial foot
Functional motor loss
A group of muscles supplied by one spinal nerve (via both its dorsal and ventral rami)
skin (cutaneous) sensory territory of a single spinal nerve
Lower Limb Myotomes HIP movements and myotome
movement flexion extension
myotome: L2L3, L4L5
Lower Limb Myotomes KNEE movements and myotome
movement: extension and flexion
myotome: L3L4, l5S1
Lower Limb Myotomes ANKLE movements and myotome
movement: dorsiflexion plantar flexion
myotome: L4L5, S1S2
Lower Limb Myotomes TOES movements and myotome
movement extension flexion
myotome: L5S1, S1S2