Week 5 Flashcards
In operant conditioning, the ___________ is the consequence of our behaviours
___________ behaviours: actions influenced by their consequences
Operant conditioning
___________ conditioning involves the strengthening or weakening of a behaviour as a result of consequences
Operant conditioning
Behaviours are voluntary or goal directed in operant or classical conditioning?
Operant Conditioning
What was Thorndike’s law of effect?
Pleasant consequences will increase a behaviour and unpleasant will decrease a behaviour
Involuntary behaviours are called __________ behaviours according to Skinner
_____________ (voluntary) behaviours are controlled by consequence
____________: (Sr) Consequence following behaviour which increases the probability of the behaviour in the future
_____________: (Sp) Consequence following behaviour which decreases the probability of the behaviour in the future
___________ ____________ (Sd): Indicates that a response will be followed by a contingency (reinforcer or punisher)
Discriminative stimulus
The ______________ stimulus ‘sets the occasion for’ increases or decreases in probability of it happening again
discriminative behaviour
___________ : The stimulus signals the non-availability of a previously available reinforcer
____________ reinforcement: When behaviour is strengthened because it is followed by a reinforcing or rewarding stimulus
Positive reinforcement
_____________ Reinforcement: when behaviour is strengthened because it is following by the removal of an aversive stimulus
Negative reinforcement
R > Sr is __________ or _________ reinforcement
positive; Negative
_________ learning: Learning of a response that allows a subject to escape an aversive stimulus
escape learning
___________ learning: Learning of a response that allows a subject to avoid an aversive stimulus (e.g. learning that when a light comes on the shock is about to start and they must press the bar to prevent the shock)
Avoidance learning
_____________ refers to STRENGTHENING a behaviour
___________ refers to WEAKENING a tendency to make a response
______________ punishment: giving a punisher to reduce a behaviour
Positive punishment
_________ punishment: removing a pleasant stimuli to reduce a behaviour
Negative punishment
___________ reinforcers: unlearned, inherently reinforcing because they satisfy a biological need (food, water, warmth, sex)
Primary reinforcer
___________ reinforcer: (conditioned reinforcers) that are learnt or become reinforcers after being associated with primary reinforcers
Secondary reinforcers
________ reinforcer (enjoyment; satisfaction) ___________ reinforcer (food; money)
Intrinsic; Extrinsic
A _________ reinforcer is a reinforcer that is common in that particular reinforcer (like a paycheck from work)
A _________ reinforcer is a reinforcer that is not common in a particular environment (lollies for a child in a shop)
__________: The initial stage of learning - learning a pattern of responding or the association between behaviour a reinforcer
__________: the reinforcement of closer and closer approximations of the desired behaviour
___________: the gradual weakening and elimination of the response training
___________ reinforcement: every occurrence of an operant response is followed by a reinforcer
Continuous reinforcer
___________ reinforcement: only some occurrences of the operant response are followed by a reinforcer
__________ reinforcement is the most powerful type schedules of reinforcement
Intermittent reinforcement
______ ___________ schedulre: Reinforcement depends upon a fixed/predictable number of responses emitted since the last reinforcement (after every 5 etc.)
Fixed Ratio Schedule
FR1 and FR4. What do these mean?
Fixed ratio reinforcement after 1 response and 4 responses
__________ _________ schedule: Reinforcement depends upon a variable/unpredictable number of responses emitted since the last reinforcer
Variable Ratio Schedule
A V___________ R________ schedule has a high resistance to response extinction
Variable ratio schedule
A F_________ R________ schedule has a low resistance to response extinction
fixed ratio schedule
________ ____________ schedule (FI): A response is reinforced when a fixed/predictable period of time has elapsed since the last reinforcer
Fixed Interval Schedule
A F___________ I___________ schedule has a low resistance to extinction
Fixed Interval Schedule
________ _________ schedule (VI) A response is reinforced when a variable/unpredictable period of time has elapsed since the last reinforcer
Variable Interval Schedule
A V__________ I_________ has a high resistance to extinction
Variable Interval
_________ schedule: response has to be undertaken continuously for reinforcement to occur
___________ schedules: Two or more simple schedules need to be completed before the reinforcer is delivered
Conjunctive schedules
___________ schedules: Response requirement changes as a function of previous performance
_________ schedules: Sequence of simple schedules in a specific order
chained schedules
______ __________ theory: the event is reinforcing if it is associated with a reduction of physiological need
Drive reduction theory
__________ motivation: Motivation derived from a property of the reinforcer rather than an internal drive state
Incentive motivation
__________’s _______ : High probability behaviour can be used to reinforce a low probability behaviour
Behavioural ______ point approach: An organism that has free access to alternative activities will organise its behaviour to maximise its overall reinforcement
bliss point approach
___________ conditioning is a type of learning in which the future probability of a behaviour is affected by its consequences
An ________ __________ is a class of emitted responses that result in certain consequences, in turn, affect the future probability or strength of those responses
operant behaviour
Do we focus on the behaviour or person in operant conditioning?
Reinforcers and punishers are formally ______ entirely by their effect on behaviour
A __________ ___________ is a signal that indicates that a response will be followed by a reinforcer
Discriminative stimulus
The more immediate the reinforcer, the (stronger/weaker) its effect on the behaviour
A ____________ reinforcer is a reinforcer that has been associated with several other reinforcers
generalised reinforcer
________ ____________: if working hard on a task has been consistently associated with reinforcement, then working hard might itself become a secondary reinforcer
Learned Industriousness
________ praise often increases intrinsic motivations
A ____________ of ____________ is the response requirement that must be met to obtain reinforcement
Schedule of Reinforcement
A ____________ reinforcement schedule is one in which each specified response is reinforced
An ___________ reinforcement schedule is one in which only some responses are reinforced
On a _______ ________ schedule, reinforcement is contingent upon a fixed, predictable number of responses
fixed ratio schedule
Higher ratio requirements produce longer post___________ pauses
“________ the _______” - going from a low ratio requirement (dense schedule) to a high ratio requirement (lean schedule) should be done gradually
Stretching the ratio
Ratio _______, a disruption in responding due to an overly demanding response requirement
Ratio strain is also known as ________
On a __________ _____ schedule; reinforcement is contingent upon a varying, unpredictable number of responses
variable ratio
ON a ______ _________ schedule, reinforcement is contingent upon the first response after a fixed predictable period of time
fixed interval
On a _________ _________ schedule, reinforcement is contingent upon the first response after a varying, unpredictable period of time
variable interval
______ schedules produce higher rates of response than do _______ scales
ratio; interval
On a ________ _________ schedule, the behaviour must be performed continuously for a fixed, predictable period of time
fixed duration schedule
On a ________ ________ schedule, the behaviour must be performed continuously for a varying, unpredictable period of time
variable duration
In __________ reinforcement for _____ rates, reinforcement is contingent upon emitting at least a certain number of responses in a certain period of time
differential; high rates;
In __________ reinforcement for _____ rates, a minimum amount of time must pass between each response before the reinforcer will be delivered
differential, low rates
In __________ reinforcement for _____ responding, reinforcement is contingent upon emitting a series of responses at a set rate
differential, paced responding
unconditional positive regard is an example of _____________ reinforcement
non contingent
A ________ schedule consists of a combination of two or more simple schedules
A _________ schedule is a type of schedule in which the requirements of two or more simple schedules must be met before a reinforcer is delivered
Motivation that is derived from some property of the reinforcer, as opposed to an internal drive state, is referred to as ________ _________
incentive motivation
Are operant behaviours voluntary or elicited?
In operant conditioning, the response _________ on the environment to produce a consequence
Process of operant conditioning:
1 A _________ produces the consequences
2 ___________ serve to increase or decrease probability of a further response
3 ___________ stimuli preceding the response signals the consequence is available
Response; Consequences: Discriminative stimuli
What are the three steps of operant conditioning?
1 A response produces the consequences
2 consequences serve to increase or decrease probability of a further response
3 Discriminative stimuli preceding the response signals the consequence is available
Operant behaviours are emitted by the ___________
organism; person
In operant conditioning, ________ _________ indicate that a response will be followed by a contingency (i.e. reinforcement or punishment)
discriminative stimulus
A __________ __________ for extinction signals the non-availability of a previously available reinforcer
discriminative stimulus
What are the two types of negative reinforcement?
Escape behaviour; avoidance behaviour
Extrinsic rewards are:
- Ex_______
- Ta________
- Simply given for performing the activity
Expected; Tangible,
Schedules of reinforcement in which the reinforcer is easy to obtain are known as _____ or rich
______ _______, a disruption in responding due to an overly demanding response requirement
ratio strain