Lack of common creases in the palm can indicate?
What are the anatomic snuffbox boundaries?
extensor pollicis longus tendon, abductor pollicis longus tendon, extensor pollicis brevis tendon
How do you get snuffbox?
Make a hitchhikers thumb
What is found in anatomical snuffbox?
Radial artery, superficial branch of radial n, scaphoid bone, trapezium, 1st metacarpal
What are the 4 bones that mark the corners of carpal tunnel?
Trapezium, scaphoid, pisiform, hook of hamate (transverse carpel ligament)
What is the ligament spanning the carpal tunnel?
Transverse carpel ligament
Should be able to feel the pisiform on what side of hand?
What is the protuberance you see on medial posterior side of wrist?
Head of ulna
What wrist bone directly articulates with radius?
Why is the interosseous membrane important?
Because the radius is in direct contact with the wrist but the ulna is not. So this membrane prevents excess strain on radius by moving some of the force over to the ulna
The bulk of the hand is innervated by?
Ulnar nerve
Thenar compartment of hand is innervated by?
Recurrent branch of median nerve
Adductor compartment of hand is innervated by?
Ulnar nerve
Hypothenar compartment of hand is innervated by?
Ulnar nerve
Central compartment of hand is innervated by?
Median and ulnar nerve
Interosseous compartment of hand is innervated by?
Ulnar nerve
What is the most distal phalanx joint?
What is the middle phalanx joint?
What is the more proximal phalanx joint (nearest wrist)?
Why is the transverse carpal ligament important?
Anchors down all tendons, acts as a point of tension
What does the transverse carpal ligament encase?
Carpal tunnel
Tendon of palmaris longus is located?
Superficial the transverse carpal ligament on palmar side of hand (and then splits up between digits 2-5)
Abduction of thumb?
Looks like a Crab… ABC= ABduction-Crab
Are all hand muscles longus or brevis?
The ENTIRE thenar compartment is innervated by?
Recurrent branch of median nerve
What are the two muscles innervated by ulnar nerve even though they act on thumb?
Adductor pollicis transverse hear (across) and adductor pollicis oblique head (diagonal)
What muscle created the bulge on the pinky side of your hand when you make a fist?
Palmaris brevis
PAD is a way to remember?
Palmer adduct
DAB is a way to remember?
Dab dorsal interossei abduct
MEATLOAF is a way to remember?
Innervation! ME=median; L=Lumbricals 1&2; OAF=opponins, abductor, flexor (thenor compartment)
HAIL is a way to remember?
Innervation of hypothenar compartment with Ulnar nerve. H=hypothenar muscle; A=adductor pollicis; I= interossei, L= lumbrical 3&4
Lumbricals do what?
Flex MCP joint
FDS does what?
Same as lumbricals, but ALSO flexes the middle phalanges (2-5) at PIP joint
Same as FDS, but ALSO flex DIP joints (curling fingers into fist; FLEXES ALL JOINTS)
Synovial Sheets
Is an additional tendon to act as a pulley to enclose OTHER tendons that act on a joint, reduce friction and are very fluid
Synovial Cysts
Created when synovial sheets become inflamed
Superficial palmar arch
Artery in palm, mainly with ulnar and some radial
Deep palmar arch
Artery; mainly with radial artery but some ulnar
Where are proper palmar digital arteries?
On either side of each phalange
Recurrent branch of the median nerve?
Supplies innervation to the thumb (thenar compartment)
Median nerve is inside or outside the carpal tunnel?
Inside (passes through carpal tunnel)
Ulnar nerve is inside or outside the carpal tunnel?
Outside (passes OVER carpal tunnel)
What is carpal tunnel syndrome?
Inflammation of synovial sheaths surrounding carpal tunnel
What is affected by carpal tunnel syndrome?
Lateral 3.5 digits, NOT the palm (progressive weakness in thumb, atrophy)
What nerve is affected with carpal tunnel syndrome?
Median nerve bc its inside carpal tunnel (does NOT affect ulnar nerve)
When you extend your fingers, what are the tendons you see pop up on the back of your hand?
tendons of the extensor digitorum
When you look at your palm, you see two large muscle buldgees (one under thumb, other under pinky), what are their surface anatomy names?
thenar eminance
hypothenar eminance
Palmar aponeurosis
Tendonus covering of tendons on palmer side of hand