Week 4 Visual Acuity Testing Flashcards
what three questions should you ask prior to giving a visual acuity exam?
- do you wear corrective lenses (do exam with lenses on and off)
- do you have any other viision issues that may alter results
- do you wear reading glasses; cant be used on exam
bob has 20/200 vision, what does that mean?
he can read at 20 feet what most people can read at 200 feet
what is an occluder?
used to cover the eye that is not going to be used for the exam
what is your role during the visual acuity test? 3
keep focus ON patient (make sure they are remaining at 20 feet and have occluder over eye), calm nerves, ENCOURAGE dont ASSESS
what is the chart called that is used during eye exams?
snellen chart
what is visual acuity?
sharpness of vision
how far does a person have to be from the snellen chart?
20 feet
where do you look when giving a visual acuity test?
at the patient, do not point to lines or symbols
what are the steps to giving a visual acuity test?
- 20 feet from snellen chart
- have patient completely occlude one eye (note)
- ask patient to read letters beginning at mid chart (line 4 or 5)
- if misses 1 or zero read next line down, if misses 2 or more move up a line
- work down chart to last line the pt reads with 75% accuracy
- repeat for other eye then both eyes
- record
the visual accuity exam is not complete until…
what three conditions do you evaluate in pediatric eye testing?
strabismus (crossed eye), ambylopia (lazy eye), refractive errors (near sighted/far sighted)
in infants
red reflex, eye alignment, eye movement
what tests for visual acuity can you use for children 3-5?
allen chart (familiar pics), tumbling E chart
what tests for visual acuity can you use for children >5? (2)
HOTV chart, snellen chart
a child 3-4 yo should not have eyesight worse than
4-school age should not have sight worse than
school age kids should have what sight?
what are the two main eye issues in elderly?
cataracts, macular degeneration
what test is used to screen for macular degernation?
pinhole test w/ Amsler grid
what test is used to screen for vision loss associated with retina?
what is Glaucoma? how is it treated?
too much pressure/fluid in eye that damages ocular nerve and causes blindness