Week 4 Sterile Technique Flashcards
state of being free from pathogenic microorganisms
two types of asepsis
medical, surgical
medical asepsis
“clean technique” practices used to reduce or prevent the spread of pathogens (hand washing, gloves, cough etiquette)
surgical aspesis
“sterile technique” practices used to eliminate all microogranisms from an object or area (seen in invasive procedures)
10 principles of sterile technique
if in doubt, assume not sterile
all items in sterile field must be sterile
a one inch border surrounding the sterile field is considered non-sterile
anything below the waist is considered non-sterile (keep hands above the waist)
never turn back on sterile field
never reach over a sterile field
sterile objects can become non-sterile by prolonged expose to air
moisture contaminates the sterile field
the skin is always considered non-sterile
assure sterility of packages
steps to follow before the start of a sterile procedure
- verify the procedure requires a sterile field
- wash hands
- identify the patient and assure comfory
- assemble equipment
- prepare equipment at bedside