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NU FS 223
> Week 10: Indigenous Diets in Canada: Then and Now > Flashcards
Week 10: Indigenous Diets in Canada: Then and Now Flashcards
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NU FS 223
(36 decks)
Week 1 Biocultural Perspective of the Human Diet
Week 2 Gene-Culture Coevolution Lactase Persistance
Week 2 Vitamin D nutrition, skin colour and cultural practices
Week 3 Dietary Practices in Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism
Week 3 Religious Dietary Practices
Week 4 Religious Food Products
Week 4 Protestant Dietary Practices
Week 4 Christian Feasting and Fasting
Week 4 Health Outcomes of Religious Dietary Practices
Week 4 Dietary Practices of Sunni Islam
Week 4 Jewish Dietary Laws
Week 5: The Problem with Meat
Week 5: Alternatives to Agricultural Meat
Week 5: Cultured Meat
Week 6: Sustainable and Ethical Fisheries
Week 6: Sustainable and Ethical Fisheries: Shark Finning
Week 6: Planetary Health Diet
Week 8: Traditional Chinese Medicine
Week 8: Indigenous Medicine in Canada
Week 8: The Ayurvedic Diet
Week 8: Biomedicine, Alternative Medicine and Integrative Medicine
Week 9: Global Eating
Week 9: The Columbian Exchange
Week 10: Corn-based Diets
Week 10: Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, and Cassava
Week 10: Indigenous Diets in Canada: Then and Now
Week 11: Culinary Spices and Herbs
Week 11: South Asian Spices
Week 11: Monosodium Glutamate
Week 11: Spicy, Piquant, and Pungent Foods: Biocultural Perspective
Week 12: African Diet
Week 12: Legumes in South Asian Cooking
Week 12: Soybeans
Week 12: African Diet Swap Study
Week 13 Wheat and legumes
Week 13 Olives and olive oil