Wed Flashcards
What does the coefficient of determination indicate
The proportion of variability shared by the two variables
Masters and Johnson how education about sexuality, training in communication skills, and technique known as sensate focus to be most effective in treating
Premature ejaculation
Catecholamine hypothesis attributes depression to
Low levels of norepinephrine
Construct validity
Degree to which the test is actually measuring the construct it is attempting to measure.
Prevalence rate by gender for Autism
4:1 or 5:1 boys to girls
Effect on correlations when ranges are restricted
They are weaker
Measure response inconsistency or random responding
Most common kind of dementia for people over 65
Dementia of Alzheimer’s type
Halo effect
Generalizing from one characteristic of a person (i.e. she is pretty) to other aspects (i.e. she performs well at work)
Similarity hypothesis
People similar to each other (i.e. similar age, race, religion) tend to form intimate relationships
Length of time to administered Halstead-Reitan Neuropsych test battery
4 to 5 hours
Person is actively struggling with exploring options and making a decision, but has not yet made a commitment
Crisis and absence of commitment
Effects of divorce by gender
Women find divorce less emotionally problematic than men
Apraxia involves damage to what areas
Frontal and/or parietal lobe, usually in the left hemisphere
Relationship between standard error of estimate with standard deviation and criterion-related validity
Indirect with validity - when validity is high, there should be little error, when validity is low, there should be a lot of error
Direct with SD - Larger the SD, the larger the error and vice versa
Another word for stimulus generalization
Mediated generalization
Symmetrical communication
When there is equity between the partners
Herzberg’s theory
2 factor theory addressing worker motivation and satisfaction
4 stages of separation-individuation
1) Differentiation - 5-10 months and includes stranger anxiety
2) Practicing - 10-16 months with includes separation anxiety
3) Rapprochement - 16-24 months
4) Consolidation and object constancy - 24-36 months
What disorders have equally common prevalence rates by gender
1) Schizophrenia
2) Bipolar I
3) OCD
Hawthorne effect
When subjects behave differently due to the fact that they are participating in research
Illnesses or complications that are caused in the course of receiving medical treatment (i.e. getting TB in the hospital)
Rosenthal effect
Cues or clues that leads the subject to conform to the experimenter’s expectations
I.e. telling teachers certain students were expected to blossom academically
Privilege with court ordered evaluations versus court ordered therapy
Evaluations - client has no privilege
Therapy - Client holds privilege
Aspects of a multiple regression
Can use categories or continuous data to measure the IV
Designed for use with one DV
Delinquency is linked to what parental characteristics
1) Lax supervision
2) Non-enforcement of rules
3) Non-involvement in the child’s life
Sensate focusing
Counterconditioning method
Person learns a new response (i.e. pleasurable feelings) that is incompatible with a problematic response (i.e. performance anxiety)
Paradoxical intention with behaviorism
Based on the assumption that a person avoids a certain behavior because of the anticipatory anxiety the behavior arouses.
When a person deliberately engages in the behavior, a condition of incompatibility is set up and this condition serves to eliminate the anticipatory anxiety.
Prevalence rate by gender for ADHD
6-9:1 boys to girls
F -scale on the MMPI-2
Measures infrequently endorsed items and can be used to assess overall distress, pathology, attempts to fake bad, or random responding
Conjunctive tasks
group is affected by the least effective member
Ages and first 4 stages for Freud and Erikson
1) 0-1 - Oral and Trust vs Mistrust
2) 1-3 - Anal and Autonomy vs Shame
3) 3-6 - Phallic and Initiative vs guilt
4) 6-12 - Latency and Industry vs inferiority
When something has an unknown cause
How odes the suprachiasmic nucleus work for sleep
Signals the pineal gland to produce melatonin, which causes a drop in body temperature and sleepiness
Barnum effect
When someone finds personal meaning in a statement that could apply to anyone
Right side hemiplegia affects
Effects the left side of the brain
Social facilitation
The presence of others on simple and familiar tasks tends to enhance performance
What is the master endocrine gland
Fundamental aspect of all defense mechanisms
Bem’s self-perception theory
When internal cues are weak or difficult to interpret, we rely on observations of our behaviors and/or circumstances in which this behavior occurs to interpret our attitudes, emotions,and other internal states.
Base our attitudes on our behaviors
What can cause the standard error of the mean to increase
When the SD of the population is increased and the sample size is decreased
General principles versus standards
General principles are aspirational
Standards are enforceable
Time frame for Tic disorders
More than 4 weeks but less than 1 year - Transient Tic
More than 1 year - Tourette’s or chronic motor or vocal tic
Gender and crowds
Men are generally more affected by crowding than women
Gertsmann’s syndrome
Due to lesions on the parietal lobe or stroke victims
1) Acalculia
2) Agraphia
3) Difficulty distinguishing right from left
4) Finger agnosia
Radiation in children can lead to
Learning problems and reduction of growth
Schachter’s two-factor theory
Emotions result from both internal information and external information.
You experience physiological arousal than then look to the environment to help label the emotion
intervention with lower recidivism for spousal abuse
Arrest and imprisonment
What functions as the circadian clock
Suprachiasmic nucleus
Who developed the first non-pathologist go model of homosexual identity formation
Whose theory focuses on positive self statements
L -scale on the MMPI-2
Measures naive attempts to present favorably
Lesions in the prefrontal association cortex lead to
Issues with cognition and planning
Commits to a goal without exploring alternatives
Commitment and absence of crisis
Matching hypothesis
People of approximately equal physical attractiveness are likely to self each other
What is associated with impaired spatial orientation
Lesions to the parietal lobe
Reciprocity Hypothesis
People tend to like other who like them
Krumboltz’s Social Learning Theory of Career Decision Making
Four types of influences on making career decisions:
1) Genetic characteristics
2) Environmental conditions
3) Learning experiences
4) Performance standards and values
Identity diffusion per Marcia
Adolescent lacks direction and is not seriously considering options or trying to develop goals
Absence of crisis and commitment
Self-in-relation theory
Focused on women and that they develop their sense of self through relationships with others.
Criterion related validity
Indicates the strength of the relationship between a predictor test and criterion outcome (i.e. how well SAT score predict college GPA)
Cleary model
A test is considered unfair if the slope and/or the y-intercept of the regression line is different for one subgroup than for another
Range of standard error of measurement
From 0 to the SD of the test
Culturally encapsulated therapist
Someone who tends to make inappropriate generalizations about a particular group of clients based on race or culture
Best ways to correct for an examinee trying to fake good is
To use an empirically derived correction
Effect of damage to the temporal lobe on memory
Produces deficits in declarative memory with episodic memory being affected more than semantic memory.
Acute versus chronic phases of hypoglycemia
Acute - Panic and anxiety
Chronic - Depression, psychosis, and personality changes
Severing the corpus callosum leads to
Trouble verbally identifying stimuli received by sensory systems on the left side because those signals were received by the right hemisphere and not “shared with” the left hemisphere
Identity Achievement per Marcia
Person has struggled and explored options and developed goals and values
Resolved crisis and made commitment
Range of the standard error of estimate
0 to the SD of the criterion (SDy)
What neurotransmitter is involved in sleep and mood
Behavioral contract
When 2 behaviors are initially reinforced at equal levels and then one behavior stops being reinforced resulting in an increase in frequency for the behavior still being reinforced
Scoring on the Halstead-Reitan
Adding the number of subtests on which the examinee scored below the cutoff and dividing the sum by the total number of subtests
Short term memory is most associated with what part of the brain
Prefrontal cortex
Convergent and divergent validation are examples of what kind of validity
Construct validity
High failure rate in treating addictive behaviors is due to
They are self-reinforcing because the person does not depend on any external reinforcement
Steps of a program evaluation
1) Specify program goals and objectives
2) Define relevant parameters
3) Specify techniques and procedures to achieve goals
4) Collect data
Recency versus primacy effect and time
Within the first few seconds, recency effect is more powerful
For longer intervals, primacy effect is stronger
K-scale on the MMPI-2
Measures guardedness and defensiveness
Also serves as a moderator variable
Diagnoses that are highly comorbid with Enuresis
Sleepwalking Disorder
Sleep Terror Disorder
Concordance rate for identical twins with Bipolar
Among the most heavily genetically loaded disorders
Complementary communication
There is inequality with one member taking a dominant role and the other a subordinate role
AVPU scale
A - Alert
V - Responds to voice
P - Responds to pain
U - Unresponsive
Used after injury or as a pre-hospital info
Brain activation during motor imagination
Parietal lobe
Range of the validity coefficient
-1 to +1
Brain area influenced by Parkinson’s
Substantia nigra
Early signs of Huntington’s Diseas
Often involved changes in affect
Range of the reliability coefficient
0 to 1
Psychotherapy outcomes are most influenced by
Client factors
The function of the correction for attenuation is to
Estimate the correlation between 2 variables if one or both could be measured without error
What treatments are used for chronic pain
1) Hypnotherapy
2) CBT interventions like activity-rest scheduling
Prevalence rate by gender for MDD
2:1 females to males
Opposite of placebo
Something that should be ineffective but causes symptoms of ill health
Response generalization
Individual displaying responses similar to those that have been reinforced
I.e. a dog is reinforced with attention when he rolls on his back in a cute way. The dog then displays other “cute” behavior in an attempt to get more reinforcement
Hawthorne effect
Being observed is associated with a change in behavior
I.e. productivity increasing in all instances because of being observed by the researchers