2 Flashcards
3 factors that influence incremental validity
1) Base rate
2) Validity coefficient
3) Selection ratio
Holland’s 6 personality types
1) Realistic
2) Investigative
3) Artistic
4) Social
5) Enterprising
6) Conventional
Incremental validity
The increase in decision making accuracy resulting from the use of a particular predictor
Prefrontal cortex is associated with what type of memory
Short term memory
Personal fable
The belief that one is unique and invulnerable
When can criterion contamination occur?
When ratings are used as the criterion measure in a predictive equation
Most important factors in higher functioning groups
Interpersonal learning and universality
Concordance rate for unrelated people living in a similar environment in terms of intelligence
Effect of criterion contamination
Increasing the validity coefficient of a job selection test
When does Stranger Anxiety develop
8-10 months and peaks at 18 months
Severing the corpus callosum would impact what?
Sensory systems
Will have trouble verbally identifying stimuli received by sensory systems on the left side because those signals were received by the right hemisphere and not “shared” with the let hemisphere
Magical thinking
Erroneous belief that one has control over objects or events
Most critical component of systematic desensitization
Repeated exposure to the CS without presence of the US
Classical extinction
Who is associated with adolescent egocentrism?
Impairment Index on the Halstead-Reitan
Calculated by adding the number of subtests on which the examinee scored below the cutoff and dividing the sum by the total number of subtests.
The higher the score, the greater the likelihood of brain damage
Changing or adapting to the environment by altering one’s own behaviors or responses
Paradoxical intention with behavior therapists
Engaging in the behavior is incompatible with the fear of that behavior and the fear is neutralized.
It helps to eliminate the anticipatory anxiety
Limitation of preoperational thought that leads a child to focus on one aspect of a situation and neglect others, often leading to illogical conclusions.
Interference theory of forgetting
Forgetting of a given piece of information is caused by interference from other information.
Symptoms during acute phase of Hypoglycemia
Panic and anxiety
Lesion on the occipital lobe result in:
Loss of depth perception and visual agnosia
Introspection in Gestalt therapy
Represent a disturbance in the boundary between self and others.
Involves absorbing the values or behaviors of others, including the larger socially, without really understanding or assimilating those values or behaviors.
Prevalence rates for mental disorders in people 65 or older
Lower than any other age group
The smallest unit of language which carries meaning
I.e. reading is 2 morphemes - read and ing
Timothy Crow’s 2 types of Schizophrenia
Type I - more likely due to neurotransmitter irregularities
Type II - poorer prognosis, majority of symptoms start in adolescence, doesn’t respond to most antipsychotics, most likely due to brain structure abnormalities
Delinquency has been linked to what parental characteristics:
1) Lax supervision
2) Nonenforcement of rules
3) Noninvolvement in the child’s life
Neurotransmitter involved in Alzheimer’s
Order effects
Aka carryover effects
In repeated measures designs or in studies in which the same subjects are exposed to more than one treatment.
Berne’s transaction
The term for communication between ego states
Larry P. V. Riles case
Defined the relationship between standard intelligence assessments and placement in Mental Retardation classes
It banned the use of IQ tests in the placement of minority children in special education classes.
Two types of construct validity
Convergent and divergent validity
Type I error
Null hypothesis is wrongly rejected
Type II errors
When the null hypothesis is not rejected when it is in fact false.
Theme interference with mental health consultation
When a worker displaces past or present personal problems onto a task situation at work.
AVPU Scale
Primarily used after injury occurs or as pre-hospital information.
Rates if someone is alert, responds to voice, responds to pain or is unresponsive.
Superior colliculus
Part of the tectum and mediates vision
Changing or adapting to the environment by effecting change in the environment.
Most common type of dementia over age 65
Alzheimer’s type
When is multiple regression not appropriate
When the characteristics measured by the different predictors are non compensatory
Disability Rating Scale
For gauging general level of disability from non to extreme vegetative state
Where is the postcentral gyrus
In the parietal lobe
Forced-choice method
Pairs of statements about job performance that both appear equally favorable or unfavorable, but the statements in each pair actually differentiate between good and poor performing individuals
Four regions of the spinal cord
1) Cervical
2) Thoracic
3) Lumbar
4) Sacral
Early signs of Huntington’s disease
Changes in affect
What does Berne call a person’s life plan
A script
What is a percentile rank
Compares one examinee’s scores with all other examinee’s scores
What is Holland’s theory of career choices a reflection of
Behavioral styles based on hemisphere damage
Left - slow and cautious behavioral style
Right - Quick impulsive style
Coefficient of determination
Calculated by squaring a correlation coefficient
Indicates the proportion of variability shared by the 2 variables or the proportion of variability in one variable that can be accounted for by variability in the other.
Results of withdrawing drug after experiencing tardrive dyskinesia
May initially exacerbate symptoms but eventually results in a decrease in symptoms
Right side hemiplegia impacts what part of the brain
Left side
Twin rates for schizophrenia
Identical - 46%
Fraternal - 17%
Better prognosis for schizophrenia include what factors:
1) Female
2) Later age of onset
3) positive symptoms
Inability to interpret sensations and recognize things
Lesion on the temporal lobe result in:
Hallucination, delusions, and mood disturbances
Onset of vascular dementia
Three most important factors in group process
1) Interpersonal learning
2) Catharsis
3) Cohesiveness
Item difficulty (p) index is what kind of scale
Ordinal bc it does not necessarily indicate equivalent differences in difficulty
Who is associated with the 5 bases of social power
French and Raven
Social learning theory when applied to family and marital therapy
Emphasis is on behavioral methodology as well as communication and problem solving.
Gertsmann’s syndrome
Attributed to lesions of the parietal lobe and in some stroke victims
Symptoms include acalculia, agraphia, difficulty distinguishing right from left, and finger agnosia
Two basic factors identified from factors analyses of leadership qualities
1) Task orientation (instrumentality)
2) Consideration
Lack of initiative or goals
Misperception of a real stimulus
4 types of influences on Krumboltz’s social learning theory of career decision making
1) Genetic characteristics and special abilities
2) Environmental conditions and events
3) Learning experiences
4) Performance standards and values
Lower thoracic region is responsible for what
The trunk
Incremental validity is greatest when
1) The base rate is moderate
2) The validity coefficient is high
3) selection ratio is low
C8 is responsible for what
Ring and little fingers
Who is associated with the Need for Achievement theory
Primary prevention
Aims to prevent problems before they occur
Elaborate rehearsal
Thinking about how new information relates to existing memory
Raven’s Progressive Matrices
A non-verbal assessment of abstract reasoning and a fairly good predictor of general cognitive functioning.
Hawthorne Effect
When subjects behave differently because they are participating in research
A whole word, which when combined with gestures and intonation can express an entire thought.
What is in the tegmentum?
Substantia nigra
Test’s validity and reliability coefficients
A test’s validity coefficient can never be higher than the square root of the its reliability coefficient
Exposing a person to a weak argument against one’s position reduces the likelihood that they will change their minds with a persuasive message
5 bases of social power
1) Legitimate
2) Expert
3) Referent
4) Coercive
5) Reward
Substantia nigra
In the tegmentum and is part of the brain’s sensorimotor system
Smallest unit of language
Can distinguish meaning of different words, but by itself, does not carry meaning
I.e. “b” and “m” distinguish between bet and met
Conclusion of Smith and Glass’’ meta analysis
Individuals who received psychotherapy were better off than 80% of controls
Kluver-Bucy Syndrome
Associated with lesions on the amygdala and characterized by reduced fear and aggression, increased acquiescence, and hyper sexuality.
What is in the tectum?
Inferior colliculus and the superior colliculus
What are conditions that may permit the use of a selection or other employment procedure that results in an adverse impact?
Business necessity and job relatedness
Consultee-centered case consultation is most like
Technical supervision
Leniency bias
Tendency of a rather to give all ratees positive ratings
Secondary prevention
Early detection and treatment of problems before they develop into full-blown illness with long-term consequences.
Bem’s self-perception theory
When internal cues are weak or difficult to interpret, we rely on observations of our behavior and/or circumstances in which this behavior occurs to interpret our attitudes, emotions, and other internal states.
We base out attitudes on our behaviors
Who is associated with Social Learning Theory of Career Decision Making?
Characteristics of Sleep Terror Disorder
1) Repeated occurrence of sleep terrors
2) Begins between 4 and 12
3) Resolves spontaneously in adolescence
4) Frequency varies over time
5) More common in males than female in childhood
What is in the postcentral gyrus
Somatosensory cortex
Three needs underlying motivation in McClelland’s Need for Achievement theory
1) Need for achievement
2) Need for power
3) Need for affiliation
Glasgow Coma Scale
Standardized test that rates 3 categories of patient responses:
- Eye opening
- Best motor response
- Best verbal response
Primary versus recency effect in terms of time
Within the first few seconds after presentation, recency effect is more powerful.
For longer intervals, primacy effect has been shown to be stronger.
What type of theory is Super’s theory
Developmental or stage theory
Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery looks at what:
Attention Language Memory Abstract thinking Motor speed Spatial reasoning
Clearly model of test fairness: when is a test considered unfair
When the slope and/or the y intercept of the regression line is different for one subgroup than for another
What has been deemphasized in Alloy, Abramson, and Metalky’s learned helplessness model of depression?
Attributions - They are now only important at when they contribute to the feelings of hopelessness
Lumbar region is responsible for what
Hip, thigh, and leg
Medial temporal lobe is associated with what type of memory
Long term
Tertiary Prevention
After an illness or problem has been treated and is designed to prevent recurrence of the problem
Inferior colliculus
Part of the tectum and involve in audition
Impact of damage to the temporal lobe on memory
Produces deficits in declarative memory with episodic memory being affected more than semantic memory
Where is the hypothalamus
In the diencephalon
Rancho Los Amigo Scale
Evaluation of 8 levels of cognitive functioning administered in acute rehab settings following release from ICU
Cass’ process of homosexual identity development
1) Identity awareness (conscious of being different)
2) Identity comparison (believes may be homosexual, acts heterosexual)
3) Identity intolerance (realizes is homosexual)
4) Identity acceptance (begins to explore gay community)
5) Identity pride (active in community)
6) Synthesis (fully accepts self and others)
Purpose of the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery
To provide an overall assessment of brain functioning
What has the greatest impact on self-esteem in children?
Androgyny is associated with the highest levels of self esteem
Gender-role identity has a greater impact than biological sex
Onset of pseudodementia
Gradual but consistent
Symptoms during chronic phase of Hypoglycemia
Depression, psychosis, and/or personality changes
Berne’s script
Reflects the persons characteristic pattern or giving and receiving strokes
Most important factor in lower functioning client groups
Instillation of hope
What is most effective per goal-setting theory
When goals are at least moderately difficult and specific feedback regarding progress is provided
Lesion on the parietal lobe result in:
Impaired spatial orientation
Troiden’s age-graded model
1) Sensitization
2) Identity confusion
3) Identity assumption
4) Commitment
T1 is responsible for what
The hand and arm