Sunday Flashcards
Job commitment is most highly correlated with
Absenteeism and turnover
Most effective type of modeling per Bandaranaike for phobic reactions
Participant modeling
Cognitive profile for depression per CBT
Cognitive triad of negative beliefs about oneself, the world, and the future
Avoidance conditioning
Occurs when a behavior increases because it permits avoidance of an undesirable consequence
Two factor learning
Ellis versus Beck regarding thoughts
Ellis - Irrational
Beck -Automatic
Self-efficacy beliefs
A person’s beliefs about his/her ability to perform a target behavior and are a contributor to motivation
Who is responsible for reciprocal inhibition
Ethnic matching is most beneficial for what groups
Asian and Hispanic Americans
A problem associated with multiple regression which occurs when two or more predictors are highly correlated with each other.
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
Reactions to an external event are mediated by his/her beliefs about the events
ABC Model
Consequences due to belief
Sensory register
Responsible for the storage of incoming sensory events, large in capacity but short in duration
Cause of experimental neurosis
Difficulty discriminating stimuli in Classical Conditioning
Stimulus control
Cues that a behavior will or will not be reinforced
Example of two-factor learning
- Classical conditioning associating cue with consequence
- Operant conditioning is the provision or non-provision of the reinforcement after target bx is performed
Cognitive profile for anxiety per CBT
Excessive form of normal survival mechanisms that’s expressed as unrealistic fears
Thorndike and research
Research with hungry cats in puzzle boxes led to his law of effect which predicts that behaviors followed by “satisfying consequences” are likely to be repeated
Concluded that learning is due to trial and error
Goal of REBT
To identify and replace irrational beliefs with more rational realistic ones
Elaborating rehearsal
Most effective memory strategy
Involves thinking about new information and relating it to information that’s already stored in long-term memory
Reciprocal determinism
The fact that a person’s characteristics, overt behaviors, and environment are in constant interaction
Discrimination training
Presenting stimuli similar to the CS without the US
Social Identity Theory
The social identity, the aspect of self-esteem based on group membership, is enhanced by believing ones own group is attractive and belittling the members of the other group
Covert sensitization
Aversion therapy in the imagination
What is a disadvantage of using percentile ranks
Tend to overestimate raw score differences in the middle of the score distribution and underestimate raw score differences at the end of the distribution
Strong evidence of a genetic component are seen in what personality disorders
Most effective treatment for migraines
Thermal biofeedback
Memory impairment differences in depression and dementia
Depression - Recall memory is affected, but not recognition memory
Dementia - Recall and recognition memory are impaired
Effects of aging on recall
Free recall is more affected by age than cued recall
Buckley Amendment
Parents have the right to not only inspect and review their children’s school records, but also to challenge the contents of the records
Reciprocal inhibition
A type of counterconditioning in which the undesirable response is anxiety or fear
5 steps of self-instructional training
1) Cognitive modeling - model performs while making statements aloud
2) Cognitive participant modeling - Client performs task while model verbalized instructions
3) Overt self instruction - Client performs task while instructing self aloud
4) Fading overt self-instruction - client whispers instructions
5) Covert self-instruction - performs task while saying instructions without a sound
Trace conditioning
Presenting and terminating the CS before presenting the US
Koehler’s insight learning
Based on work with chimps with problem solving tasks
Learning does not require reinforcement, but depends on the ability to apply and recombine previous experiences in novel ways to solve unfamiliar problems
Type of punishment in which the penalty for the undesirable behavior is performing more desirable alternative behaviors
2 phases
1) Restitution phase - Corrects consequences of behavior
2) Positive practice phase - Practice appropriate behaviors
What treatment is used for tension headaches
EMG biofeedback
Stimulus generalization
When stimuli similar to the original CS also elicit a CR
The strength of the CR diminishes as the similarity between the stimuli and the original CS decreases
Disorders with CBT
Each disorder has a unique cognitive profile that’s reflected in the person’s automatic thoughts, cognitive schemas, and cognitive distortions
Self instructional training
Originally used to help impulsive children
Assumption that self-statements mediate behavior and maladaptive behaviors can be replaced by more adaptive behaviors by modifying a person’s self statements
Techniques used in REBT
1) Disputing illogical beliefs
2) social skills training
3) Rational-emotive imagery
4) Role-playing
5) in Vito desensitization
Piaget’s ideas around children and lying
At around 7 or 8 children begin to intentionally communicate false statements. Prior to that Piaget believed children think their false statements are harmless and natural
Guttman scale
Items are arranged in an order so that an individual who agrees with a particular item also agrees with items of lower rank-order
Kinder-Richardson formula
Indicates test’s internal consistency reliability
Used to assess the inter-item consistency of tests that are dichotomously scored
Hopelessness theory of depression
Hopelessness is a proximal sufficient cause of depression
Proximal means that in a chain of causal factors, hopelessness occurs at the end of the chain, closest to the resulting symptoms of depression
Sufficient means that the presence of hopelessness is enough to cause depression
Aversion therapy
Uses counterconditioning to eliminate an undesirable self-reinforcing behavior such as drug use or a paraphilia.
Stimulus associated with the undesirable bx is paired with a stimulus that naturally elicits pain or other unpleasant reaction
Self-perception theory
When clear internal cues are absent, individual infer feelings and beliefs by observed behavior or external cues
Relationship between attitude and behaviors according to Cognitive Dissonance Theory
Our inner attitudes are adjusted to match our behaviors.
What is a method of determining the worth or value of a job in an organization
Job Evaluation
Encounter stage of Cross’s Black Racial Identity Development Model
Interest in developing an African American identity and a preference for a therapist of one’s own race
Differential reinforcement
Combines extinction with positive reinforcement for other behaviors
Immersion/Emersion stage of Cross’s Black Racial Identity Development Model
Struggle between old and emerging ideas about race. Initial idealization of African Americans and denigration of whites, but then becomes less emotionally immersed
Levels of processing model
Proposes that there’s a single memory system that consists of three levels of processing
1) physical level (what it looks like)
2) Acoustic level (sounds like)
3) Semantic level (its meaning)
Flextime has the greatest impact on
What theory is Levinson associated with
Seasons of a mans life
Pairing a stimulus that produces an undesirable response with a stimulus that produces an incompatible response to eliminate the undesirable response
Types of cognitions in CBT
1) automatic thoughts
2) cognitive schemas
3) cognitive distortions
Two types of declarative memory
Semantic and episodic
Pre-encounter stage of Cross’s Black Racial Identity Development Model
Whites seen as ideal and African Americans are denigrates
Onset of stuttering
Between 2 and 7 with a peak onset at age 5
98% of cases are before 10
Observations obtained close together in time from the same subjects ten to be highly correlated
Efficacy of aversion therapy
Good short term effects, but the relapse rates are high
Symptoms of nicotine withdrawal
1) Insomnia
2) Decreased heart rate
3) Increased appetite
4) Depressed or dysphoric mood
Tolman’s latent learning
Learning can occur without reinforcement
Support from rats in mazes - formed cognitive maps for maze even though weren’t rewarded
Stages of Cross’s Black Racial Identity Development Model
1) Pre-encounter
2) Encounter
3) Immersion/Emerson
4) Internalization/Commitment
Internalization/Commitment stage of Cross’s Black Racial Identity Development Model
Individual adopts an African-American world view
Gradual removal of a prompt
What theory is Neugarten associated with
Shift in perspective from time from birth to time from death
Escape conditioning
Occurs when a behavior increases because it permits escape from an undesirable consequence
Social comparison theory
People self-evaluate by comparing themselves with similar others when objective information is not available
Delay conditioning
Presenting the CS so that it precedes and overlaps presentation of the US
A phrase or rhyme that’s constructed from the first letter of each word that’s to be memorized
Impact of cocaine on neurotransmitters
Blocks the reuptake of dopamine