3 Flashcards
When are low LPC leaders most effective
In very favorable and very unfavorable situations
Immersion-Emersion in Helm’s White and People of Color Racial Identity model
People embrace their whiteness without rejecting the members of minority groups and attempt to determine how they can feel proud of their own race without being racist.
Lateral fissure
Separates the temporal lobe from the frontal and parietal lobes
Two divisions of declarative memory
1) Episodic
2) Semantic
A family boundary problem in which each parent demands that the child side with him or her against the other parent.
The inability to perform complex, purposeful movements
Purpose of reframing
The increase the family’s compliance with treatment
Kluge-Bucy syndrome cause
Damage to the amygdala
Conjunctive tasks
Everyone must achieve a given goal in order for the task to be complete. As a result, task performance depends on the performance of the least competent group member.
Order for expectancy theory
Achievements of sensorimotor stage
1) Object permanence
2) Deferred imitation
Belief that effort will need to successful performance
Selective abstraction
Focusing solely on a detail that is taken out of context
2 SD above the mean in normal curve is what percent below that score
Compensatory tasks
The average performance of all group members represents the group’s product.
What areas of the brain are most associated with working memory?
Prefrontal cortex and cingulate cortex
Deferred imitation
The ability to imitate an observed act at a later point in time.
Most frequently used projective test
Big 5 personality traits and Antisocial PD
High -Neuroticism and Extroversion
Low - Agreeableness and Conscientiousness
Recency vs primacy in aggressive children
The recency effect is more pronounced
Function of the hippocampus
Memory consolidation or the transfer of information from short term to long term memory.
Two neurotransmitters associated with Alzheimer’s
Acetylcholine and L-glutamate
Brand name, type and use of Propranolol
To treat hypertension, migraines, and essential tremors
What kind of drug is sertaline
Relationship between validity and reliability
For a test to have high validity, it must be reliable. However, for a test to have high reliability, it does not necessary have to be valid.
Leader style for when an employees ability is high and willingness is low
Oculogyric crisis
Rapid eye movements
Benefit of traditional antipsychotics
Better for positive symptoms
Central sulcus
Divides the fronts and parietal lobes
Highest comorbidity with Somatization Disorder
61% have personality disorder
Pseudo-independence in Helm’s White and People of Color Racial Identity model
People become dissatisfied with reintegration and re-examine their beliefs about racial inequalities
Method of loci
Mnemonic device where you visualize names or objects to be remembered in familiar locations
Trend analysis requires:
A quantitative independent variable
Drug of choice for nocturnal endures is
An inability or unwillingness to recognize one’s own functional impairment
Career anchor
His or her self-concept consisting of self-perceived talents and abilities, basic values, motives, and needs as they pertain to the career.
Function of dysfunctional schemas according to Beck
Are not always present
They are activated by particular environmental events, often events that bear some resemblencte to events earlier in life that cause the schema to develop. Unless activated, these schema lie dormant
Lack of spontaneous speech
Value placed on outcomes of performance
Constant pacing or inability to sit still (common after 1 week on antipsychotics)
4 components of transformational leaders
1) idealized influence
2) inspirational motivation
3) intellectual stimulation
4) individualized consideration
Medications and REM sleep
Most drugs suppress REM sleep.
When REM sleep is suppressed, a sudden rebound effect occurs soon after the removal of the suppressing agent.
What are SSRI’s effective in treating
Anxiety, reducing binging and purging episodes, and some types of chronic pain
Damage to the hippocampus would most likely result in
Deficits in explicit memory, or the conscious recall of facts and events
Procedural memory
Memory of skilled responses and actions
Gardner’s theory of intelligence
Multiple intelligences with 8 different intelligences
Attributions for high achievers for failures
Attribute to lack of effort - internal, unstable, and controllable
Lack of goal-directed activities
Cross sequential research
Combination of cross sectional and longitudinal research
I.e. divided into age groups and then assessed repeatedly over time
Cattell and Horn’s theory of intelligence
Fluid, crystallized, and visual-spatial reasoning
Primary associated feature of Somatoform Disorders
Anxiety and depression
What kind of drug is fluvoxamine
Polythetic criteria
For a diagnosis to be made, a person may present with some but not all of the diagnostic criteria
Hierarchical classification
The ability to sort objects into classes and subclasses based on similarities and differences among groups.
Rates of improvement seen by Howard et al.
15% after between intake and 1 session
50% after 8 sessions
75% after 26 sessions
Operant conditional and depression
Due to being on an extinction schedule for an extended period of time with little to no access to reinforcement.
Ohio State leadership studies identified what as the 2 dimensions of leaders
1) Initiating structure
2) Consideration
What are tricyclic antidepressants effective in treating
Anxiety disorders, refractory pain syndromes, reducing binging and purging, and an alternative for ADHD
Achievements in Concrete Operational stage
1) Reversibility
2) Decentration
3) Transitivity
4) Hierarchical classification
Retroactive interference
Subsequent learning interferes with previous learning
Imperfect articulation of speech
Actor-observer effect
The tendency to overestimate situational factors and underestimate dispositional factors regarding one’s own behaviors and to underestimate situational factors and overestimate dispositional factors in other.
Age of stranger anxiety
Can first appear at 6 months, usually between 8-10 months, peaks at 18 months, and declines during the end of the 2nd year
Stenberg’s theory of intelligence
3 interacting components: componential, experimental, and practical
T score and standard deviations in normal curse
T score - 50
SD - 10
What kind of drug is imipramine
Tricyclic antidepressant
Duration for Brief Psychotic Disorder
Less than 1 month
The ability to mentally sort objects
Abstracting a general rule from one or two situations and then broadly applying it to other situations.
Beck’s theory on suicide risk
Heightened by a combination of hopelessness and poor problem-solving skills.
Children and the recognition of races
1) 3-4 - physical traits
2) 5-9 - objective cues and physical appearance
3) 7-12 - social perspectives including prejudice
4) 10-15 - immerse in their ethnic group
Perkins’ theory of intelligence
3 dimensions of intelligence: neural, experiential, and reflective
Authority in African American families is
Mixed research design
Has at least one between-subject independent variable and at least one repeated measures variable (or within subject variable).
Where is the somatosensory cortex located
Postcentral gyrus
Disjunctive tasks
The group must choose of many alternative way to do the task. Performance on the task depends on the performance of the most competent group member
Schachter’s research on obesity showed
That obese people rely more on external than internal cues in their eating behavior
Psychiatric disorders and immigrants develop when
Between the end of the first year and the third year after they immigrate
Appears to be slow moving, indifferent to stimuli, emotionally constricted
Bowen’s work is influenced by what theory
Self-serving bias
Tendency to attribute one’s successes to internal factors and one’s failures to external factors
Halo effect
When evaluations of one aspect of a person’s behavior influence evaluations of other aspects. The halo effect can be positive or negative.
Chronic alcoholism due to prolonged use have more issue in
Visuospatial skills than verbal
Beliefs that successful performance will result in certain outcomes
What kind of drug is paroxetine
Confirmatory bias
Tendency to seek, interpret, and create information that verifies out existing beliefs
Autonomy in Helm’s White and People of Color Racial Identity model
Whites internalize a nonracist white identity and seek out cross-racial interactions.
Cingulate cortex
Part of the limbic system and is believed to play an excitatory role in emotions and in motivating behaviors.
It is also known as the satisfaction center - mediating feelings of satisfaction following eating and sex.
Semantic memory
Memories of general knowledge
When is test-retest most appropriate
When evaluating a test that purports to measure a stable trait since it should not be significantly affected by the passage of time between administrations
Damage to the left side of the brain can lead to
1) Wernicke’s aphasia
2) left right disorientation
3) Finger agnosia
Leader style for when an employees ability is low and willingness is high
Whole body spasms
Preferred treatment for agoraphobia
in-Vito exposure with response prevention
Intellectual stimulation
Helps followers to question assumptions and to generate more creative solutions to problems.
Inspirational motivation
Provides followers with meaning and challenges for engaging in undertakings and shared goals
Re-integration in Helm’s White and People of Color Racial Identity model
People resolve their conflicts by adopting the position that whites are superior
Two types of long term memory
1) Declarative
2) Procedural
What causes Anosognosia
Occurs in people who have left-sided hemiplegia due to damage to the right parietal lobe
The development of antibodies to a particular antigen, or the conversion from seronegative to seropositive as the result of the presence of antibodies.
Point-biserial coefficient
Used when a dichotomous variable is correlated with a continuous variable
Biserial coefficient
Used to correlate an artificial dichotomy with a continuous variable
Holland’s approach to vocational guidance is based on what assumption
That behavior is a function of personality-environment congruence
Individual consideration
Treats each follower as an individual and provides coaching, mentoring, and growth opportunities
Attributing external events to oneself without evidence of a causal correlation
Greatest correlation with smoking cessation outcome is
Level of dependence
Correlational coefficient used for non-linear or curvilinear relationships
How to calculate a 95% confidence interval with a standard error of measurement
Add and subtract 2 standard errors to the obtained score
Additive tasks
Permit the addition of individual efforts so that the outcome is a combination of individual contributions.
Idealized influence
Characterized by high morals and ethical standards
6 family risk factors for child psychopathology
1) low socioeconomic status
2) severe marital discord
3) large family size
4) parental criminality
5) placement outside the home
6) maternal psychopathology
Identical elements
Training is best transferred over to situations which are similar to, or which have identical elements with, the training environment.
Side effects of Propranolol
Bradycardia, hypotension, fatigue, sexual dysfunction, and depression
Leader style for when an employees ability and willingness are both low
Best predictor of future violence is
Past violent behavior
Leader style for when an employees ability and willingness are both high
Ipsative scores
Report an examinee’s scores using the examinee him or herself as a frame of reference.
Indicate an examinee’s relative strengths and weaknesses in each domain measured.
Rutter’s focus in developmental psychopathology
Variations in social relationships that act as high risk or protective factors