Final Countdown Flashcards
When a study involves 2 or more dependent variables, what tests are used?
Multiple one-way ANOVAs or a MANOVA
Peak onset for OCD based on gender
Males - 6 to 15
Females - 20 to 29
Tricyclics vs MAOIs for treatment of depression
Tricyclics more effective for vegetable symptoms
MAOIs more effective for atypical depression
Loss for words
Wernicke’s aphasia
Receptive aphasia. Affects comprehension which results in impairment in spoken and written language and anemia
Centralized communication network
Where all communication goes through one person
Comorbidity rates of Learning Disability and ADHD
Contingency theory
A leader’s effectiveness is determined by a combination of the leader’s style and the characteristics of the situation
Convergent validity requires:
That different ways of measuring the same trait yield the same result.
Confirmatory bias
Tendency to seek, interpret, and create information that verifies out existing beliefs.
Three factors of hypnosis
1) Absorption
2) Dissociation
3) Suggestibility
Brand name and type: Fluoxetine
Prozac, SSRI
Ages for Erikson’s industry versus inferiority
Expectancy theory
Motivation is a cognitive process involving expectancy, instrumentality, and valence.
Participating leader style in terms of task and relationship orientation
Low task, high relationship orientation
Area of the brain impacted by Huntington disease
Basal ganglia
The tendency for a group to make an irrational or impulsive decision in order to reach a consensus
Attributional theory of motivation
Attributions can be due to factors that are either:
1) Internal or external
2) Stable or unstable
3) Controllable or uncontrollable
4) intentional or unintentional
5) global or specific
Switching related words
Global job satisfaction rates
Increase with older age
Principles of equifinality
The idea that no matter where the system change occurs, the end result is the same
Personally mediated racism
Prejudice and discrimination at the individual level
Culture-bound values from Western perspectives
1) Focus on individualism versus collectivism
2) Cause and effect relationships for client problems
3) Emphasis on emotional/verbal expressiveness
4) active participation
5) separation of physical and mental well-being
Order of depth perception development
1) Kinetic
2) Binocular
3) Pictorial
Broca’s aphasia
Expressive aphasia. Difficulty with expressive language
Confounding variable
Variable in a study that is not of interest to the researcher, bu exerts systematic effect on the DV
Who is associated with attributional theory of motivation
Class-bound values from western perspective
1) valuing of time boundaries
2) An ambiguous and unstructured approach to problem solving
3) emphasis on long-range goals and solutions
Cycle of violence in DV
1) Tension building
2) Acute battering incident
3) loving contrition
Moderator variable
Any variable that influences the relationship between two other variables
Pictorial depth cues start at:
7 months
Another term for primary memory
Short term memory
Circular model of causality
Describes a symptom as both a cause and an effect of dysfunctional communication patterns
Fluent aphasia
Receptive aphasia. Poor comprehension. Words may lack meaning
Internalized racism
Acceptance of negative messages about the abilities and intrinsic worth by members of a stigmatized races
When the scatter is uneven at different points of a continuum. So it refers to differential levels of scatter, NOT high scatter.
The belief that performance will result in certain outcomes
Single continuous DV is compared to categorical IV AND a continuous IV
Who is associated with Contingency Theory
Criterion contamination
Artificial inflation of validity which can occur when raters subjectively score ratees on a criterion measure after they have been informed how the ratees scored on the predictor
Conduction aphasia
Due to damage to the nerve fibers connecting Broca’s to Wernicke’s and the most typical result is difficulty repeating what one has heard.
Kinetic depth cues
Based on movement of the object or body. Begin perceiving at 3 weeks
Implicit memory
An unconscious, non intentional form of memory
Bounded rationality (administrative) model of decision making
Decision makers are not always completely rational in making choices. Instead time and resources limit their consideration of alternatives so they tend to consider alternatives only until a satisfactory one is identified.
Non-fluent aphasia
Expressive aphasia. Good comprehension. Difficulty finding words
Minority Identity Development model stages
1) Conformity
2) Dissonance
3) Resistance and immersion
4) Introspection
5) Synergetic articulation
Problems recalling words
Who described the cycle of violence in DV
Lenore Walker
Delegating leader style in terms of task and relationship orientation
Low task, low relationship orientation
Telling leadership style in terms of task and relationship orientation
High task, low relationship orientation
Herzberg’s 2 factor theory
Views satisfaction and dissatisfaction as separate phenomena.
Dissatisfaction is related to hygiene factors. Satisfaction is related to motivator factors
Side effects with SSRIs vs Tricyclics
Fewer side effects with SSRIs
Tricyclics are associated with cognitive impairments, especially in the elderly
Continuous IV
Vygotsky versus Piaget
Vygotsky stressed the importance of social and cultural impact on the developing child more than Piaget
Cognitive Dissonance theory
A person is motivated to reduce negative, aversive state that results when his or her cognitions conflict with each other
Model linked to Herbert Simon
Bounded rationality (administrative) model of decision making
1 way ANOVA vs 2 way ANOVA
1 way looks at 1 factors, 2 way looks at 2 or more factors
Report function of communication in family therapy
Contains the content or informational aspect of communication
The belief that effort will lead to success
Confluence model
Each succeeding child has less of the family’s resources available to them.
The value placed on the outcomes of performance
When do DV relationships tend to remain stable?
When the costs of the abuse and the benefits of the relationship are fairly similar
Fundamental attribution bias
Tendency to overestimate dispositional factors (personality) and underestimate situational factors in explaining behavior
Selling leader style in terms of task and relationship orientation
High task, high relationship orientation
Multiple cut off
Examinees usually take all the predictors and the predictors are not necessarily administered in the same order.
Semantic paralexia
Producing a response that is similar in meaning to the target word
Low LPC leaders
Task and achievement oriented
Secondary impotence
Diagnosed when a man persistently or recurrently fails to attain or maintain an erection even though in the past he has successfully achieved an erection.
Intoxication delirium can be caused by the following:
1) Hallucinogens
2) Cocaine
3) Cannabis
4) Alcohol
5) Amphetamines
6) Inhalants
7) Opioids
8) PCP
9) Sedatives
Rational-emotive therapy’s primary tenant
A belief determines behavior
Common causes of secondary impotence
1) Medication use
2) Alcohol use
3) Diabetes mellitus
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
Must sort 64 cards using different strategies (i.e. color, shape, etc)
Used to assess perseveration and abstract reasoning
Self-serving bias
Tendency to attribute success to internal factors and failures to external factors
Command function of communication in family therapy
Conveyed non verbally and exemplifies the relationship between the communicators
Who is associated with the 2 factor theory in I/o?
Brand name and type: Clomipramine
Anafranil, Tricyclic anti-depressant
Paradoxical strategies
Prescribing the symptom and relabeling or changing the label a family attaches to a problem in order to change the meaning
2 or more continuous DVs with categorical IV
Compares continuous IV with a continuous DV
Multiple hurdle
Predictors are administered in a successive order. If an applicant fails on any predictor, they no longer complete the subsequent ones
Binocular depth perception begins:
Begins at 2-3 months
Primary Progressive Aphasia
Form of dementia with language loss being the first symptom
Job redesigns based on job characteristics model lead to improvement in:
1) Satisfaction
2) Absenteeism
3) Turnover
4) Motivation
What mediates the effects of parental discipline with toddlers?
The toddler’s level of fearfulness
Difference between white and African American suicide rates
Higher for whites
High LPC leaders
Relationship oriented
Best predictors of treatment outcome for substance abusers
1) psychiatric severity
2) problem severity
3) motivation
4) coping skills at baseline
Tests 3 or more groups (IV Categories) with a continuous DV
Interpersonal therapy model
Believes issues are caused and maintained by disturbances in early life, however they focus on the connection between the presenting problem and the client’s current relationships.
Rebound effect with benzodiazepines
When they are discontinued and wear off, the symptoms come back stronger and initial symptoms are magnified
Most consistent predictors of adolescent suicide
1) depression
2) use of drugs or alcohol
3) antisocial behaviors