5 Flashcards
Oculogyric crisis
Rapid eye movements
3 stages of adult cognitive development
1) An understanding of the relativistic nature of knowledge
2) Acceptance of contradiction as part of reality
3) Integrative approach to thinking
Greater susceptibility to misinformation is associated with:
1) The passage of time (decreases detection)
2) Longer retention times (decreases memory performance)
3) timing of the reporting/testing (worse when misled right before testing)
4) Age (younger children and older adults do worse)
Self-verification theory
Individuals need and seek confirmation of their self-concept, whether the confirmation is positive or negative.
When is light therapy most effective
For the treatment of atypical symptoms like carb cravings and hypersomnia
The ability to understand that quantity or fundamental properties of an object are not necessarily related to the objects appearance.
How to determine criterion relate validity
Scores on a predictor test are correlated with an outside criteria with the criteria being what is being predicted
Whole body spasms
Lack of initiative or goals
Area of the brain associated with OCD
An overactive caudate nucleus
Main structures of the limbic system
1) Olfactory bulb
2) Hypothalamus
3) Pituitary gland
4) Hippocampus
Depression is associated with what sleep symptoms
1) Decreased slow-wave or non-REM sleep
2) early morning waking
3) Decreased sleep continuity
4) Earlier onset of REM sleep or decreased REM latency
A qualitative or quantitative variable that affects the direction and/or strength of the relation between an IV and a DV
Covert sensitization
A type of aversion therapy that uses counter conditioning in imagination in order to reduce or eliminate an undesirable behavior.
The individual imagines he/she is engaging in the target or undesirable behavior and then imagines an aversive consequence for doing so.
Schachter-Singer theory of emotion
An event causes physiological arousal first, then reasoning
Echolalia in speech development
Baby imitates speech sounds without understanding their meaning
Multiple correlation
Used when there are 2 or more predictor variables and a single criterion variable
Relationship between threats of retaliation and aggression
Threats are more likely to suppress aggression when the retaliatory is of high status or power.
Threats are more likely to increase aggression if the retaliatory has previously provoked the person.
When 2 CSs are presented simultaneously and followed by an UCS, the more salient CS is more strongly conditioned than the less salient.
Embryonic stage
2-8 weeks after fertilization. Is also when the embryo is most vulnerable to environmental influences and miscarriage
Locus of control and responsibility for marginalized individuals
External locus of control and internal locus of responsibility
Who is associated with personal construct therapy
Prevalence rate for Panic Disorder
1-2% in community samples
Measurement bias
The test measures a construct not relevant to it stated purpose, with the result of lower of scores for a given subgroup.
Being consistently reinforced for engaging in behaviors other than the undesirable behavior during a prespecified period of time
Medications for Bipolar d/o
Lithium and/or anti-seizure medication
Deductive reasoning
Reasoning from a general law to a particular case
Cannon-Bard theory of emotion
Physiological and emotional arousal are experienced at the same time
Assimilating new information into existing cognitive schemas
I.e. calling a zebra a horse when seeing it for the first time
Working backwards heuristic
A strategy that finds a solution by literally using the end point to suggest connections to the starting point
Brand and type: Carbamazepine
Tegretol, anti-seizure medication
Sleep bruxism
Grinding teeth while sleeping
Problem adolescent drug use is associated with
Alienation, impulsivity and subjective distress
Change blindness
Difficulty perceiving major changes to unattended-to parts of a visual image when the changes are introduced during brief interruptions in the presentation of the image
Triangulation in research
The attempt to increase reliability by reducing systematic or method error through a strategy in which the researcher employs multiple methods of measurement.
Order of gender concept development
1) Gender identity
2) Gender stability
3) Gender constancy
Backwards blocking
A conditioned response to the second stimulus is reduced. Two CSs are simultaneously paired with an UCS and then only one of those CSs continues to be paired with the UCS.
Founder of reality therapy
Predictive bias
Errors of prediction consistently occur for a particular subgroup
Berne’s ego states
parent, child, adult
Tiedemann and O’Hara’s theory of career development
A person develops a vocational identity through a process of many differentiations and reintegration throughout the lifespan.
Differentiation comes from the realization that a particular career does not “fit” with one’s personality, Integration involves identifying with a career.
Inability to sit, constantly pacing, restlessness
Transaction per Berne
Communication between ego states
Role of the hypothalamus
Regulates motivational behavior
Focus of solution-focused therapy
The here-and-now and identifying solutions to problems
A psychoanalytic therapist would attribute a depressive character to
A narcissistic injury in early life
Risk for suicide for mood disorders
Depressed and psychotic have 5x greater risk of suicide
Reversibility according to Piaget
Involves the ability to imagine that objects can be changed and then restored to their original states
Actor-observe effect
The tendency to attribute one’s own behavior to situational factors and the behavior of others to dispositional factors
Stages of speech development
1) Crying
2) Cooing and babbling
3) Echolalia and expressive jargon
4) Holophrastic speech
5) Telegraphic speech
6) Rapid growth of vocabulary
7) Use of grammatically correct sentences
8) Development of metalinguistic awareness
Order of setting up training
1) Needs assessment
2) Determine training objectives
3) Personnel audit
A psychoanalytic therapist would attribute a passive-aggressive character to
Denial of negative impulses
Total Quality Management
Focuses on maximizing customer service and satisfaction. Involves employees as all aspects of decision making.
Symbolic thought
Understanding that one thing can stand for another
Item analysis
The procedure used to determine what items will be retained for the final version of a test
What behavioral technique is often used for overeating
Stimulus control or reducing exposure to environmental cues that trigger eating
Cass’s process of homosexual identity
1) Identity awareness
2) Identity comparison
3) Identity tolerance
4) Identity acceptance
5) Identity pride
6) Synthesis
Most conclusive way to definitely confirm Dementia of Alzheimer’s
Brain autopsy after death
When a person is ready to take action, what is considered in the Health Belief Model
The cost versus benefits of action and won’t proceed until the benefits outweigh the costs
Structured interview
A series of job related questions with predetermined “correct” answers are used
Estimate of children with Tourette’s who also have ADHD
Highest divorce rates associated with what factors for women
1) marry at a younger age
2) have a lower level of education
3) had a child when she got married
4) have a lower income
5) No religious affiliation
Loftus’ Discrepancy Detection principle
Susceptibility to misinformation is inversely related to the ability to notice the discrepancies.
Warning individuals before they received post-event information that might be inaccurate or misleading increases vigilance and the likelihood that the discrepancies will be spotted.
Endogenous attention
Top down. Attentional effort is under control of the individual
Three steps of survey feedback
1) Collecting data
2) Providing feedback
3) Implementing or developing action plans
Personal construct therapy focuses on
The effect of the individual’s perspective on his/her experience of the world
Who is responsible for inoculation theory
Individuals who are first brought to the attention of the researcher.
Emotional investment in Berscheid’s Emotion-in-relationships model
Partners are most likely to underestimate their emotional investment when things are running smoothly as their are fewer emotions
What groups does the Mini Mental status exam overestimate cognitive deficits for?
1) African Americans
2) Lower SES
3) Lower levels of education
Tension headache
Constant, dull pain on both sides of head
Cognitive dissonance
A theorized drive individuals have to reduce discomfort caused by holding to conflicting cognitions
Berscheid’s Emotion-in-relationships model
Positive and negative emotions are most likely to occur in a relationship when the partner’s behavior interrupts the individual’s typical on-going behavior
Explicit memory
Created by doing something with your experiences such as thinking, talking, writing, or studying about them.
Social comparison theory
People self-evaluate by comparing themselves with similar others when objective information is not available
Individual’s immediate environment and includes parents, siblings, caregivers, classmates, and teachers
Role of the basal ganglia
Codes and relays information associated with the control of voluntary movement
Transformational versus transactional leaders
Transformational leaders are change-oriented and work towards the best interest of the organization
Transactional leaders motivate through appealing to the followers’ self interests and focus more on stability than change
Parkinson’s disease is associated with was neurotransmitter
Low levels of dopamine
Role of the pituitary gland
controls the timing and amount of hormone release
Characterized by a disturbance in cognition, impaired attention, and changes in cognition, due to a condition or other physiological cause such as substance intoxication.
Fundamental attribution bias
The general tendency to overly attribute the behaviors of others to dispositional (personality based) factors, as opposed to contextual or situationally based factors
Difference in major depressive episodes between adults and children
Children are more likely to have somatic complaints, irritability, and social withdrawal
Adults are more likely to have psychomotor retardation, hypersomnia, and delusions
Process of changing internal cognitive structures to increase their consistency with external reality.
A psychoanalytic therapist would attribute psychosis to
Primitive fantasies of aggression
Troiden’s age grade model of homosexual identity
1) Sensitization
2) Identity confusion
3) Identity assumption
4) Commitment
Self perception theory
When clear internal cues are absent, individuals infer feelings and beliefs by observed behavior or external cues.
Reticular formation
A group of nerve fibers located inside the brain stem which controls sleep, arousal, and attention
Weakness on one side of the body
What is Tiedeman and O’Hara’s career development model based on
Erikson’s psychosocial theory of ego identity development
Kohlberg’s stages of moral development
Stage 1- avoiding punishment
Stage 2 - Self-interest (if it feels good, do it)
Stage 3 - Conventional starts; Good boy attitude (motivated by the approval of others)
Stage 4 - Law & order (do your duty)
Stage 5 - Start post conventional, Motivation by the morality of social contract
Stage 6 - Morality transcends legal standards
James-Lange theory of emotion
An event causes physiological arousal first, then interpretation
Behavioral explanation for depression
Too little reinforcement and too much punishment
Brand and type: methylphenidate
Ritalin, stimulant
Holophrastic speech
Baby says his or her first words and uses single words to express sentences or phrases
Tetrachoric correlation
Technique used to estimate the magnitude of the relationship between 2 continuous variables that have been dichotomized
Where is short term memory associated with
Prefrontal cortex
Sophie’s coming out process
1) awareness
2) testing and exploration
3) Identity acceptance
4) Commitment
Locus of control and responsibility for minority groups
Internal locus of control and external locus of responsibility
Lazarus’ theory of emotion
A thought must precede any emotion or physiological arousal
Exogenous attention
The automatic attraction of attention due to the sudden appearance of a stimulus.
Is a bottom up process controlled by external stimulus presentation
First non-pathologizing model of homosexual identity
Significant predictors of HIV progression and prognosis associated with more rapid progression
1) Older age
2) lower IQ
3) presence of somatic symptoms of depression
The correlation between measurements of the DV when the DV is repeatedly administered to the same subjects
Privileged communication
The legal term which refers to a patient’s right to refuse to have information, disclosed in psychotherapy, released in legal proceedings
Item Discrimination
The degree to which items discriminate among examinee’s
Lewin’s model of organization change includes what stages
1) Unfreezing
2) Changing
3) Refreezing
Cue deflation
When the extinction of a response to one cue leads to an increased reaction to the other conditional stimulus
Appears to be slow moving, indifferent to stimuli, emotionally constricted
Comprised of the thalamus and hypothalamus. Located between the 2 hemispheres of the brain.
Contains important connections and relays for sensory, motor, and limbic pathways
Extrapyramidal syndrome
1) Parkinsonism
2) Acute dystonia
3) Dyskinesia
4) Akathisia
Brand and type: phenelzine
Nardil, MAOI
Basal ganglia contains:
1) Caudate nucleus
2) Putamen
3) globus pallidus
Availability heuristic
Uses information easily remembered or observed and solutions are based on the most recent information that can be brought to mind.
Percentage of people who Panic disorder who also have agoraphobia
1/3 to 1/2
Brand and type: atomexetine
Strattera, non stimulant NRI
Representativeness heuristic
Making judgments only on the obvious characteristics of the problem and not requiring any additional information to solve the problem based on the initial facts
Beck’s cognitive theory around the origin and maintenance of depression
- Dysfunctional schemas are activated by particular environmental events. They will lie dormant if not activated.
- Early childhood experiences place a role in the development of depression
Rational-economic model versus administrative model of decision making
Rational-economic model deals with how decisions SHOULD be made
Administrative model deals with how decisions ARE ACTUALLY made
Gender differences for OCD
Earlier peak for males
Males - Peak onset is 6-15
Females - Peak onset is 20-29
In adulthood, the incidence rate is the same for both genders
Relationship between reliability and validity
For a test to have high validity, it must be reliable
For a test to have high reliability, it does not necessarily have to be valid
Best initial strategy for teaching motor skill that requires speed and accuracy
Initially emphasize speed of performance
How do you calculate a measure of shared variability with factor loading
the factor loading is squared
What is the hippocampus responsible for in terms of memory
Memory consolidation
Readiness to take action according to the Health Belief Model depends on:
The degree to which the person feels vulnerable
Severity and scores for Beck Depression Inventory
0-13 - Minimal
14-19 - Mild
20-28 - Moderate
29+ - Severe
What is the focus of reality therapy
An individual’s present issues and problems
The attempt to increase reliability by increasing homogeneity of ratings through feedback to the rater, when multiple racers are used
When the salient CS enhances the conditioning of a less salient CS
When is goal attainment maximized for Locke’s goal setting theory
When goals are specific, moderately difficult, and when frequent feedback about progress if provided
Cluster headache
Severe pain usually behind one eye and typically last for a few minutes to several hours and reoccur the same time each day for several weeks
Cognitive triad of depressive cognitions
Negative beliefs about the self, future, and the world
Changing or adapting to the environment by effecting changes in the environment
Scoring high on the “belief in a just world” scale indicates
They tend to blame the victim for crimes, out of a need to believe that bad crimes should not occur to good people.
Test unfairness defined as either:
Measurement bias or predictive bias
Means-end analysis
Divides a problem into a series of subproblems, with solutions to subproblems then leading to a solution to the entire problem.
Brand and type: pemoline
Cylert, stimulant
Changing or adapting the environment by altering one’s own behaviors or responses
To take action according to the Health Belief Model what is necessary
A cue to take action, such as a symptom or environmental occurrence that brings information about the condition to the person’s attention
Steps of stress inoculation training
1) Education
2) Rehearsal
3) Real-life application
Total paralysis of the leg, arm, and trunk on the same side of the body
Estimate of children with ADHD who also have tics or Tourette’s
Brand and type: Divalproex
Depakote, anti seizure medication
Brain areas associated with declarative memory
1) Hippocampus
2) temporal cortex
3) Diencephalon
4) Peripheral cortex
5) Amygdala
6) Neocortex
Imperfect articulation of speech
Brand and type: amphetamine
Adderall, stimulant
Confirmation bias
Tendency to seek and interpret information the confirms one’s preconceptions and avoid information that does not confirm them.
Canonical correlation
When there are 2 or more predictor variables and two or more criterion variables
Predictive factor for outcome amongst adult substance abusers
1) Severity of substance abuse problems
2) Motivation
3) Coping skills at baseline
Terminal drop
In the month’s before death, a substantial drop in all facets of intelligence occurs.
Prenatal stages
1) Germinal
2) Embyonic
3) Fetal
Germinal stage
Takes place in the first 2 weeks following conception
What does the striatum control
Various muscular activities such as walking and balance.
What tests are used to measure blood flow in the brain using radioactive isotopes
2) PET
Inductive reasoning
Reasoning from a particular fact to a general rule
Social identity in social identity theory
The aspects of self esteem based on group memberships
Is enhanced by believing one’s own group is attractive and belittling the members of the other group.
expressive jargon
Baby vocalizes sounds that resemble sentences but have no meaning
Telegraphic speech
Baby uses at least 2 worlds to form a sentence
Berne’s script
A person’s life plan
What does the limbic system control
Motivated and emotional behaviors such as eating, drinking,sexual behavior, and aggression
Brand and type: Valproic acid
Depakene, anti-seizure medication
Central limit theorem
The shape of a sampling distribution of means approaches normality as sample size increases
Sleep walking
A shortage of glucose in the brain, usually due to hypoglycemia, which affects brain functioning and behavior and can cause permanent brain damage if prolonged
Tectum (inferior and superior colliculus)
Tegmentum (substantia nigra)
Brand and type: dextroamphetamine
Dexedrine, stimulant
Locke’s goal setting theory
Goals server 2 purposes
1) basis of motivation
2) direct behavior