LD Weekend Flashcards
Describe group approaches
Right-left confusion is characteristic of damage to the
Parietal lobe
During the latter part of their first year, children’s language learning ability changes in that they
Become less able to perceive sound distinctions not made in their own language
Concept of restriction of range
Correlations, reliability, and validity are always lower when the range is restricted for one or both variables
I.e. higher correlations between IQ and academic performance with elementary and high school student than college b/c we all go to elementary and HS
Attempting to teach a new behavior through the use of aversive techniques is difficult because
Punishment merely suppresses unwanted behavior
In Piaget’s stages of moral development, heteronomous morality is characterized by
Rules being seen as unchanging and unchangeable
When the spread of scores increases, the variance
The Standards for Education and Psychological Testing provides
Criteria by which tests and manuals should be judged, and which tests should strive to meet
According to the results of meta-analyses, what is true regarding gender and leadership style
Women tend to use more of a democratic or participatory leadership style, while men tend to use more of an autocratic style
Best treatment for OCD
Law of Parsimony
Known as Occam’s razor, developed by William Ockham
Suggests that the best explanation for a phenomenon is the one that is simplest and request the fewest assumptions.
Density and negative moods by gender
Men - in high density situations
Women - in low density situations
MANOVA is better than multiple one way ANOVAs because
It usually offers greater protection against a Type 1 error
Physiologically based drives such as rage and fear reactions are regulated by the
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
States that the language people use actually shapes how they think
I.e. English speakers think about snow differently from eskimos since they have fewer words for it
The primary impact of the Hawthorne experiments in the Western Electric Company was showing the effect on work performance of
Interpersonal and social factors
In Piaget’s stages of moral development, incipient cooperation is characterized by
Games become more clearly social with formal rules as to right and wrong
Successful negotiation of intimacy versus isolation leads to
When one uses a time-series design to evaluate a program, fluctuations in the outcome slope can be accounted for by various alternative hypotheses. According to Campbell and Stanley, the most probable alternative is that
A simultaneous event produced the fluctuation
Adult attachment inventory categories and their infant’s categories
1) Secure adults - secure infants
2) Dismissing adults - avoidant infants
3) Preoccupied adults - ambivalent/anxious infants
Average effect size found in psychotherapy outcome research
Learning disabilities are defined by discrepancies between
Achievement and aptitude
When is the median the best measure to use
When there are either some very extreme score or a substantially percentage of maximum scores (25%)
Shape of distribution of percentile ranks
Flat or rectangular
Ipsative data
Results from a forced choice format
At what age do children notice differences base on racial or ethnic background
Tiedeman and O’Hara theory of career development
Focuses on process of differentiation and integration
Differentiation is making distinctions about the different aspects of oneself and the environment
Integration is unifying these aspects
Most likely outcome for a child with a reading disorder is
Continued problems with reading as an adult
When subjected to moderate punishment, an instrumental response of moderate strength will
Be suppressed
The technique that is most likely to produce an immediate improvement in the behavior of a chid who hits others and rips up schoolbooks is
A combination of reinforcement for appropriate behaviors and mild punishment for inappropriate behaviors
The use of a MANOVA is preferable to a serrated ANOVA on each dependent measure in order to reduce the
Number of Type I Errors
Research on the effects of maternal employment on children’s development indicates that
In families of lower SES level, both sons and daughters of working mothers perform better on measures of cognitive development than do those of non working mothers.
Adult Attachment Interview categories
1) Secure/autonomous - highly coherence and consistency
2) Insecure/dismissing - contradictions and lapses in memory
3) Insecure/preoccupied - confused, incoherent
What disease produces blindness and muscle degeneration prior to death
Tay-Sacks Disease
Differential reinforcement for other behaviors
Criterion deficiency
When the criterion is lacking or deficient
Source amnesia
An episodic memory disorder where source or contextual information surrounding facts are severely distorted and/or unable to be recalled
What is the small part of the brain above the pons that arouses the brain, integrates sensory information, and relays it upward
The kind of deafness that occurs from damage to the cochlea, hair cells, or auditory neurons is known as
Sensorineural deafness
How does Lewin’s field theory explain behavior
Behavior is a function of the relationship between a person and his or her environment
Ellen Berscheid’s research into relationships focuses on
How features of a relationship’s exterior influences relationship satisfaction
The ideal outcome of racial/cultural identity development is
Recognizing that all cultures have acceptable and unacceptable aspects
What does the medulla control
Breathing, heart rate, and reflexes
Humanistic and existential therapists view ulcers, hypertension, and tension headaches as
Symptoms of a loss of contact with personal values
Who is associated with differentiation
Bowenian family systems therapists
When a person perceived the recovery of information from memory as being an original idea of their own
When an individual is said to be experiencing REM during his sleep, it is characterized by
Rapid eye movements, high levels of brain activity, a deep relaxation of the muscles, and dreaming. Pulse rate and breathing become irregular
Kochanska states that the development of conscious in young children is related to
Early temperament and parenting styles
Positive correlated with high inhibitory control and low impulsivity in early childhood
In terms of parenting styles, linked to mutual positive affect between mother and child, low power assertion by the mother,and maternal empathy
Professional psychologist
Anyone with a doctorate
Involves giving an educated guess based on prior experiences that narrow down the possible solutions for a problem.
Sleep talking and walking occur during what stage of sleep
Stage 4
What neurotransmitter is involved in memory and learning
Comparison of an individual’s score with an inappropriate norm group does not affect
The reliability of the score
Source misattribution
Occurs when individuals misremember the time, place, person, or circumstances involved with a memory
According to the theory of cognitive dissonance, greater change of belief will occur in forced compliance situations
When compliance is accompanied by a small reward
Studies on persuasion have shown that when a communicator is credible, the degree to which the receiver’s initial position will change is
Greater when there is a larger discrepancy between the communicator’s position and the receiver’s initial position
The primary advantage of the forced-choice distribution of rated attributes in performance appraisal is that it
Enhances the reliability of ratings
Factors that correlate most highly with turnover
1) Satisfaction
2) Length of time on the job
3) Expressed interest to stay
Criterion-related validity
The degree of correlation between the predictor and the criterion
Catharsis according to behaviorism
Catharsis works to reduce anxiety by a process of classical extinction
Seen as akin to flooding with response prevention
According to classical test theory, the variance of the obtained test scores is equal to the
Sum of the true score variance and the error variance
Formal concept
Defined by specific rules and features
The largest proportion of variation in therapy outcome is accounted for by
Therapeutic technique variable, such as the ability to be directive and still keep the patient in therapy
Griggs vs Duke Power
Broad, general testing can’t be used to make decision about hiring and promotion. Must use tests that measure specific skills required by a particular job.
Circular model of causality
A symptom is a cause and an effect in dysfunctional communication patterns
A widely used procedure for matching client aptitude’s to job requirements is the
Multiple cut off techniques
The most valid way for psychotherapists to monitor the quality fo their own services is to
Check in an objective manner their clients’ ability to cope with their problems
Confidence intervals and standard error of measurements
68% - 1 SEM each side
95% - 2 SEM each side
98% - 3 SEM each side
Bare minimum recommended hours for sleeping
Primary circular reactions
Early in sensorimotor state when child’s own actions stimulates the child to perform that action more
I.e. sucking thumb feels good which makes them suck more
Most common reason for suicide in the the elderly
Physical illness
According to the Standards for Education and Psychological Testing, when interpreting and reporting test results, one should
focus attention on the confidence interval of a score rather than on the obtains score itself
Criterion relevance
The extent to which the actual criterion (i.e. church attendance) truly measures the conceptual criterion (i.e. morality)
The greater the criterion deficiency, the less criterion relevance
When a predictor test is developed and tested on one sample, but when administered to a second sample the validity coefficient shrinks due to chance factors in the first group
Indifference and apathy are the likely consequences of lesions in the
Right hemisphere of the cerebral cortex
The idea behind the acquisition of ultimate intelligence is based on the formula of
Brain + Heart + Soul
Multiple relationships are allowed
When they would not reasonably be expected to cause impairment or risk exploitation or harm
A motivational theory predicting that an increase of incentives may serve to reduce work output is
Intrinsic motivation theory
Studies of persons in their 70s, 80s, and 90s indicate that intellectual functioning is more closely related to
Health status
What does Beck’s cognitive theory posit about negative thinking in depressed people
Negative thinking occurs automatically and sometimes without awareness
What stimulant is considered the most dangerous and addictive drug in use
Stimulant nicotine
With respect to the relationship between achievement and anxiety in schoolchildren, it appears that
Mildly anxious children are better achievers than more anxious ones
Research on noise in the workplace
- Its the perception of control over the noise that is important
- When people perceive they have control, they are not bothered by noise
- Continuous noise is less disruptive than intermittent noise
- Noise is generally less disruptive with simple, repetitive tasks
Who is associated with prescribing the symptom
Strategic therapists
Lesions to what are have been associated with outbursts of rage and aggressive behavior
Medial hypothalamus
False Fame Effect
Where subjects remembered the names but could not recall where they had encountered the names so they concluded that the individuals were famous
Functional fixed ness
A block to problem solving that comes from thinking about objects in terms of only their typical functions
Stages of groups per yalom
1) First stage - hesitant participation and dependency
2) Second stage - conflicts, efforts for dominance, and rebellion against leader
3) Third stage - cohesiveness
The most likely use of an “in basket” technique in personnel selection would be with which type of employee
Successful negotiation of trust vs mistrust leads to
Reduction in pain reported by patients after they have undergone hypnosis is known as
Hypnotic analgesia
Numerous factor-analysis studies have been performed on tests of motor function. In general these studies have revealed that
Most motor functions are highly specific
A correct statement about the early babbling of infants from different language communities is that it
Contains the full range of phonemes that comprise all languages
The correlation between two sets of test scores indicates that
Proportion of variance in one test associated with the variance in the other test
Describes single subject approaches
Successful negotiation of industry vs inferiority leads to
First degree relatives of schizophrenics are more likely to be diagnosed as
Schizotypal PD appears to aggregate familiarly and is more prevalent among the first degree biological relatives of individuals with Schizophrenia than among the general public
Superordinate concept
Represents a class or category of objects, events, or activities
Shape of Z-score distribution
Identical to the shape of the raw score distribution
Quasi-experimental designs are distinguished from true experimental designs on the basis of where there is
Random assignment of participants to groups
In the research on leadership of children’s groups, a major finding concerning group behavior was
Autocratic and democratic groups were quantitatively and qualitatively more productive than liaises-fairy groups
What is the bridge between the spinal cord and the brain
The pons
Electrical stimulation of the brain for the treatment of chronic pain
May produce its effects by promoting the release o endogenous opiates
When using factor analysis, a major concern of personality theorists has been specifying the
Number of dimensions necessary to describe personality
Connection between happiness and marriage
Happiness beliefs brought into marriage influence how satisfied they will be as the marriage develops
Rate of sperm decline with age
Declines by 30%
What part of the nervous system controls voluntary activities
Somatic nervous system
What medication is used for Bipolar disorder after Lithium
I.e. Tegretol (carbamazepine), Depakote (divalproex), and Depakene (valproic acid)
Brain infarcts
Small strokes occurring in the brain that, over time, contribute to the development of vascular dementia