8 Flashcards
What aspects of sleep are associated with Depression
1) more rapid onset of REM
2) Decrease percentage of slow wave sleep
3) Increased percentage of REM sleep
Structural equation modeling
A multivariate technique used to evaluate the causal (predictive) influences or test causal hypotheses about the relationships among a set of factors.
Central limit theorem
The shape of a sampling distribution of means approaches normality as sample size increases
What does the slope of the curve indicate on an item response curve
It’s ability to discriminate between high and low scorers
Role of GABA
Regulates the levels of dopamine in the brain through an inhibitory process
What is the striatum responsible for
Producing GABA
Survival analysis
Used to assess the length of time to the occurrence of a critical event
Mahler’s concept of individuation
When the child develops an inner representation of the mother, an ability to test reality, a sense of time, and an awareness of the existence of others as distinct from him or herself.
Confounding variable
A variable in research study which is not of interest to the researcher, but exerts systematic effect on the DV
Four horsemen of the apocalypse
1) Criticism
2) Defensiveness
3) Contempt
4) Stonewalling
Associated with early divorce (first 7 years)
Secondary preventions
Involved early detection and intervention for a problem in order to reduce its duration and keep it from getting worse.
Examples include crisis intervention, suicide hotlines, and screening tests
Dropout rate and ethnicity
Highest - African Americans
Lowest - Asian Americans
What does the y intercept indicate on an item response curve
The probability of answering the question correctly by guessing
Criterion contamination
When a rater’s knowledge of an employee’s performance on a predictor biases how the employee is rated on a criterion
What is contained in the striatum and where is it located
The caudate and the putamen
It is in the basal ganglia
Elaboration likelihood model
A cognitive model of attitude change that predicts that persuasion can occur in one of two ways - through a central and a peripheral route
Gender stability
Develops by 4 years of age
An understanding that one’s gender doesn’t change over time
Fusion in family therapy
Used by Bowen
An inability to separate intellectual from emotional functioning, or an inability to separate one’s own thoughts and feelings from those of other family members
James Lange theory of emotion
An event causes physiological arousal first, then interpretation
Q-technique factor analysis
Determines how many types of people a sample of people represents
95% probability that a person’s true score lies within
2 standard errors of measurement of the obtained score
Solomon four-group design
A true experimental design used to evaluate the effects of pretesting since some groups are pretested and others are not.
Effect of prenatal malnutrition in the third trimester
Negative effects on the central nervous system, specifically the brain
Criterion deficiency
What is missed or deficient in the criterion uses.
I.e. using a typing test as the sole criterion for a secretary when job is more than that
Coalition in family therapy
An alliance of two family members against a third
Cannon-Bard theory of emotion
Physiological and emotional arousal are experienced at the same time
Mahler’s concept of separation
When the child disengages and differentiates from the mother
Overall Somatoform disorders
Characterized by physical symptoms which have no known physical cause and are believed to be caused by psychological factors.
Differential validity
A test which has significantly different validity coefficients for different subgroups
Connection between crystallized and fluid intelligence
Crystallized intelligence develops through the use of fluid intelligence
Hemispheres and emotions
Left - governs positive emotions
Right - Governs negative emotions
What is predictive of later divorce
Suppression of affect, both positive and negative
Incremental validity is greatest when
1) The base rate is moderate
2) the validity coefficient is high
3) the selection ratio is low
What does the position of the curve (left or right) indicate on an item response curve
The items difficulty
How to obtain a measure of shared variability
Square the factor loading
What happens with Huntington’s disease
The death of striatum cells causes decreased amounts of GABA which leads to an overproduction of dopamine and results in chorea
Characteristics of a hypomanic episode
Persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood for at least 4 days with 3 or more of the following symptoms:
1) inflated self-esteem or grandiosity
2) Decreased need for sleep
3) Talkativeness
4) Racing thoughts
5) Distractibility
6) Excessive involvement in high risk pleasurable activities
7) increase in goal-directed activity
Symptoms are not severe enough to cause marked impairment in functioning
Moderator variable
Any variable that moderates, or influences, the relationship between two other variable
Effect of prenatal malnutrition in the first trimester
Congenital malformations and spontaneous abortions
Joining in family therapy
Technique described by Minuchin that involves adopting the family’s affective style
Item characteristic curves
Graphs that depict individual test items in terms of the percentage of individuals in different ability groups who answered the item correctly.
What model includes a decision tree
Vroom and Yetton
Lazarus’ theory of emotion
A thought must precede any emotion or physiological arousal
Mania according to psychoanalytic theory
Occurs as a defense against depression, due to an inability of the person to tolerate or admit to being depressed
Where do complex partial seizures originate
Temporal lobe
Gender constancy
Characterized by an understanding that gender stays the same despite changes in appearance
Achieved by 5 or 6
Which big 5 personality dimension has the highest correlation with job performance and training success
Schachter-Singer theory of emotion
An event causes physiological arousal first, then reasoning
What determines an individual’s response to stress
A person’s perception of control or ability to cope
A state of cognitive balance
Gender identity
The ability to characterize self and others as male and female
Develops as early as 9 months or as late as 3 years
Goals of Minuchin’s structural family therapy
Restructuring maladaptive family structures, including family subsystems and boundaries
Where do absence seizures originate
Three factors that influence the incremental validity of a test
1) The base rate (% of correct hires without test)
2) Test’s validity coefficient
3) Selection ration (ration of job openings to total applicants)