W4 - Technologies Flashcards
Welke verschillende soorten technologie worden gebruikt bij huidtherapie?
- Chemische technologie
- Compressie/druk technologie
- Licht therapie
- Overig
Wat kan er worden gebruikt bij chemische technologie?
Bij chemische technologie wordt de huid gecontroleerd beschadigd, zodat de huid zichzelf gaat herstellen met betere eigenschappen.
- Creme
- Lysing
- Chemische peeling
- Cryotherapie
Welke technologieën kunnen er worden gebruikt bij compressie- of druk therapie?
Wordt gebruikt om vocht uit benen/armen te houden, of verbetering doorbloeding.
- Zwachtels, TEK, drukkleding, tape,
- siliconenpleisters
Welke technologieën kunnen er gebruikt worden bij licht therapie?
- Laser
Welke overige technologieën kunnen er gebruikt worden binnen een huidtherapeutsiche praktijk?
- Microneedling
- Electrisch ontharen
- Endermologie
- RadioFrequentie
Welke vragen kun je stellen om klinisch te redeneren?
- Welke zorg heeft de patiënt nodig en waarom?
- Wat kunnen we het beste doen en waarom?
- Hoe doen we dit het beste en waarom?
- Is het uitgevoerde goed gegaan en waarom?
Waarop baseer je welke technologie je gaat gebruiken voor een behandeling?
- Indicatie
Welke huidlaag en wat kun je bereiken? - Huid
Conditie, huidtyepe, fitzpatrick, contra-indicaties - Patient
Wat is de verwachting en hulpvraag? Downtime, kosten
Name 3 good reasons for purchasing a new technology
Which questions can you ask when you start researching for buying new technology?
- What are the costs of servicing and spare parts?
- How much is the price to replace handpieces?
- Is there a price list that has the prices of all the spare parts?
- What is the life year of the equipment?
What do you do with Patient Review forums on skin treatment & technologies?
- keep in mind that some people get paid to make content or give reviews
- look at complaints and adverse events from patients and use them for your research.
Why is it important to know something of international law when you want to buy new technologies?
- international law can help you or you have to keep it into mind.
- even if a certain laser isn’t being made anymore, by international law, they are obliged to supply parts for several years after that.
- Warranty is done by international law.
Which type of questions can you ask the distributor about their responsibility about the technologies?
- how will you still support me when you stop making this certain product?
- how long has the distributor been in business?
- what is the warranty of their machine and/or handpieces?
- Do they offer a guarantee? (written)
- How do they service a breakdown?
- How do they service after the warranty has expired?
- How often does the device need servicing/checkups?
- What would labour and travel costs be for servicing?
- How do they provide service to a clinic that does not have a service contract? (for after the warranty ends)
Which questions can you ask yourself to check if you need new equipment?
- Based on requests from clients
- Is there a viable reason to purchase new technology?
- The technology has proven efficacy.
- The technology is highly recommended by the Skin Therapy Society.
- Are there treatment gaps in the clinic?
- How will new equipment improve my business?
- Could I make better use of the equipment I already own?
- Do I have the room in the premises for more equipment?
- Do I have the clientele for new equipment?
Which questions can you ask yourself to know your financial situation to buying new equipment?
- are the finance books up to date?
- Is there cash-flow to support the lease?
- Will finance add a burden to the cash flow?
- Research other financial institutions?
- What are the interest rate and terms?
- Is there a long-term plan to pay the loan?
- Is there a plan to market the technology? (needs to be done months in advanced)
- What is the insurance for the technology and staff?
Which factors make up the actual costs of new equipment?
Which costs are there to take into account for calculating the costs of your equipment per treatment to make a profitable service fee?
Lease + Consumables + service + wages = cost of equipment.
- how much is the rent for the room per hour?
- how much does my staff need to get paid?
- how much does my machine cost for that hour?
Which questions related to staff training and customer relations are important when buying new equipment?
When do we say ‘yes’ to a new technology?
- the business is prepared to buy technology
- the business requires technology to provide better services
- the distributor is established and supportive
- the lease payments will not burden the business
- finance is approved
- the staff are confident and qualified to perform the treatment.
What should you do after purchasing a technology?
- set training days for staff
- study the manual of the technology.
- adverse events protocols (what to do when something goes wrong)
- advertise (social media or marketing campaign prepared)
- established profitable margin
- treatment protocols (knowing what to do and in the same manner)
What is your job as a dermal therapist?
- diagnose the skin and prescribe the right treatment
- manage patients’ expectations
- adhere to contra-indications
- pre- and post-treatment care
How do you handle when an adverse event takes place? (incident)
- insist that the patient comes back into the clinic for assessment and let the patient immediately send a picture.
- calm and correct the skin in the safest method possible
- take progressive photos and care for the patient until the event is remedied.
What is the difference between a warranty and a guarantee?
Warranty - International law of 1 year. You can negotiate for a higher warranty.
- It is a promise from one party to the other that certain conditions will be met. If it doesn’t meet the conditions it can be returned, repaired or replaced.
Guarantee - this is from the distributor, to make the deal better.
If it breaks down earlier than X they can offer a replacement or a discount.
When can you say a technology is defective?
- It is incomplete
- It is damaged
- It breaks easily or doesn’t work properly
- Works differently than when described on sale
- It lasts shorter than could be expected
- Doesn’t meet reasonable expectations.
When do you need to say ‘No’ to a new technology?
- when the technology is not registerd. No C E mark
- The distributor does not provide sufficient support
- The lease repayments will burden the business.
- There is an oversupply in the area.
- There is a new technology released in the next 12 months.