Learning goal 7 - determinants of health Flashcards
What are the determinants of health?
- genetics
- behavior
- environmental
- physical influences
- medical care
- social factors
What is Global Health?
With justice and human rights as its foundation. Global Health is an area of study, research, and practice that places a priority on improving health and achieving health equity for all people around the world.
It sees the entire human population as one global community and seeks to work together to keep that community healthy.
What is international health?
It focuses on developing countries and foreign aid.
What is the (global) burden of disease?
it provides a tool to quantify health loss from hundreds of diseases, injuries, risk factors, and the relative harm it causes so that health systems can be improved and disparities can be eliminated.
What is a DALY?
Disability-Adjusted Life Years
It is a measure of overall disease burden, expressed as cumulative number of years lost due to ill health, disability of death.
DALY = Years lived with the disability + Years of Life Lost.
What is YLL?
Years of Life Lost
What is YLD?
Years Lived with Disability
How do you apply DALY?
- Calculate the YLL (Years of Life Lost).
YYL= Life expectancy - Age at Death
ex. YYL= 80-55=25 - Calculate the YLD (years Lived with Disability)
YLD= Disability weight x duration of the disease
ex. YLD= 0.30 (weight) x 7 (years) = 2.1 years - Calculate total DALY.
ex. DALY = 25 + 2.1 = 27.1 DALYs
meaning 27.1 ‘healthy’ life lost due to the disease and premature death.
What are the health indicators that describe the mortality of a country?
What is life expectancy?
What is a pandemic?
The common cause of epidemics are viruses, such as measles, influenza, and HIV. When these viruses go global we call them pandemics.
- Nowadays viruses can spread easily due to international flights.
What is an outbreak?
It is a sudden rise in the incidence of a disease and is confined to a localized area or a specific group of people.
What is a non-communicable disease?
It is a disease that is not transmissible directly from one person to another.
- strokes
- cancers
- ciabetes and obesity related illness
Why are non-communicable diseases increasing?
ageing population
poor lifestyle
Why should non-communicable diseases be controlled?
-NCD is responsible for almost 70% of all deaths worldwide.
-The epidemic of NCDs poses devastating health consequences for individuals, families and communities, and threatens to overwhelm health systems.
-The socioeconomic costs associated with NCDs make the prevention and control of these diseases a major development imperative for the 21st century.
What are behavioural risk factors?
- unhealthy diet
- psysical inactivity
- tobacco use and harmful use of alcohol
cancer risk factors
- physical carcinogens (ultraviolet and ionizing radiation)
- chemical carcinogens ( tobacco smoke, food contamination or water contamination)
- biological carcinogens (infections with viruses, bacteria, or parasites)
- carcinogenic infections
Where does S(ave) LIVES stand for?
S- speed management
L- leadership on road safety
I - Infrastructure design and improvement
V - Vehicle safety standards
E - Enforcement of traffic laws
S - Survival after a crash
What are the 4 different categories of infectious agents?
- bacteria
- viruses
- fungi
- parasites